The ORC team is excited to announce the release of ORC v1.2.2.
- Released: 1 December 2016
- Source code: orc-1.2.2.tar.gz
- GPG Signature signed by Owen O’Malley (3D0C92B9)
- Git tag: rel/release-1.2.2
- Maven Central: ORC 1.2.2
- SHA 256: 6aa87390f0f03c43…
- Fixed issues: ORC-1.2.2
The new features of ORC 1.2:
- ORC-54 Evolve schemas based on field name rather than index
- ORC-84 Create a separate java tool module.
- ORC-77 and ORC-81 Implement LZO and LZ4 compression codecs.
- ORC-92 Add support for nested column id selection in C++
- ORC-69 Add batch option support in orc-scan tools.
Important fixes:
- HIVE-14214 ORC schema evolution and predicate push down do not work together.
Known issues:
CVE-2018-8015 ORC files with malformed types cause stack overflow.
ORC-135 Predicate push down is incorrect on timestamps when moved between timezones
ORC-285 Empty vector batches of floats or doubles cause EOFException