The ORC team is excited to announce the release of ORC v2.1.1.
- Released: 6 March 2025
- Source code: orc-2.1.1.tar.gz
- GPG Signature signed by Dongjoon Hyun (34F0FC5C)
- Git tag: rel/release-2.1.1
- Maven Central: ORC 2.1.1
- SHA 256: 15af8baeee322bab…
- Fixed issues: ORC-2.1.1
The improvements (tools):
- ORC-1848 PrintData tool add parameter description
The bug fixes:
- ORC-1833 [C++] Fix CMake script to be used inside another project
- ORC-1834 [C++] Fix undefined behavior
- ORC-1846 [C++] Fix imported libraries in the Conan build
The test changes:
- ORC-1835 [C++] Fix cpp-linter-action to build first
- ORC-1853 Rename class TesScanData to TestScanData
- ORC-1854 Remove ubuntu20 from os-list.txt
- ORC-1855 Add Amazon Linux 2023 and Corretto to docker tests and CI
The build and dependency changes:
- ORC-1836 Upgrade zstd-jni to 1.5.6-9
- ORC-1837 Remove commons-csv from parent pom.xml
- ORC-1843 Upgrade bcpkix-jdk18on to 1.80
- ORC-1847 Upgrade Hive to 4.0.1 in bench module
- ORC-1849 Upgrade byte-buddy to 1.17.0
- ORC-1850 Upgrade maven-surefire-plugin to 3.5.2
- ORC-1851 Upgrade zstd-jni to 1.5.6-10
- ORC-1852 Add –enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED to suppress Maven warnings
- ORC-1856 Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin to
- ORC-1859 Upgrade junit to 5.12.0
The tasks:
- ORC-1840 Add Matomo script to support