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update_tuple_sketch< Summary, Update, Policy, Allocator >::builder Member List

This is the complete list of members for update_tuple_sketch< Summary, Update, Policy, Allocator >::builder, including all inherited members.

build() constupdate_tuple_sketch< Summary, Update, Policy, Allocator >::builder
builder(const P &policy=P(), const A &allocator=A())update_tuple_sketch< Summary, Update, Policy, Allocator >::builder
set_lg_k(uint8_t lg_k)theta_base_builder< Derived, Allocator >
set_p(float p)theta_base_builder< Derived, Allocator >
set_resize_factor(resize_factor rf)theta_base_builder< Derived, Allocator >
set_seed(uint64_t seed)theta_base_builder< Derived, Allocator >
theta_base_builder(const Allocator &allocator)theta_base_builder< Derived, Allocator >