Class QuickMergingValidation

  • public class QuickMergingValidation
    extends Object
    This code is used both by unit tests, for short running tests, and by the characterization repository for longer running, more exhaustive testing. To be accessible for both, this code is part of the main hierarchy. It is not used during normal production runtime.

    This test of merging is the equal K case and is less exhaustive than TestAlltest but is more practical for large values of K.

    Lee Rhodes, Kevin Lang
    • Constructor Detail

      • QuickMergingValidation

        public QuickMergingValidation​(int lgMinK,
                                      int lgMaxK,
                                      int incLgK,
                                      PrintStream ps,
                                      PrintWriter pw)
        lgMinK - lgMinK
        lgMaxK - lgMaxK
        incLgK - incLgK
        ps - ps
        pw - pw
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()