Class ArrayOfDoublesAnotB

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class ArrayOfDoublesAnotB
    extends Object
    Computes a set difference of two tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoubles
    • Method Detail

      • update

        public abstract void update​(ArrayOfDoublesSketch a,
                                    ArrayOfDoublesSketch b)
        Perform A-and-not-B set operation on the two given sketches. A null sketch is interpreted as an empty sketch. This is not an accumulating update. Calling update() more than once without calling getResult() will discard the result of previous update(). Both input sketches must have the same numValues.
        a - The incoming sketch for the first argument
        b - The incoming sketch for the second argument
      • getResult

        public abstract ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch getResult()
        Gets the result of this operation in the form of a ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch
        compact sketch representing the result of the operation
      • getResult

        public abstract ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch getResult​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory mem)
        Gets the result of this operation in the form of a ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch
        mem - memory for the result (can be null)
        compact sketch representing the result of the operation (off-heap if memory is provided)