Class ArrayOfDoublesIntersection

  • public abstract class ArrayOfDoublesIntersection
    extends Object
    Computes the intersection of two or more tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoubles. A new instance represents the Universal Set. Every update() computes an intersection with the internal set and can only reduce the internal set.
    • Method Detail

      • intersect

        public void intersect​(ArrayOfDoublesSketch tupleSketch,
                              ArrayOfDoublesCombiner combiner)
        Performs a stateful intersection of the internal set with the given tupleSketch. The given tupleSketch and the internal state must have the same numValues.
        tupleSketch - Input sketch to intersect with the internal set.
        combiner - Method of combining two arrays of double values
      • getResult

        public ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch getResult()
        Gets the internal set as an on-heap compact sketch.
        Result of the intersections so far as a compact sketch.
      • getResult

        public ArrayOfDoublesCompactSketch getResult​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dstMem)
        Gets the result of stateful intersections so far.
        dstMem - Memory for the compact sketch (can be null).
        Result of the intersections so far as a compact sketch.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets the internal set to the initial state, which represents the Universal Set
      • createSketch

        protected abstract org.apache.datasketches.tuple.arrayofdoubles.ArrayOfDoublesQuickSelectSketch createSketch​(int nomEntries,
                                                                                                                     int numValues,
                                                                                                                     long seed)