Constant Field Values



  • org.apache.datasketches.cpc.CpcSketch 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int DEFAULT_LG_K 11
  • org.apache.datasketches.filters.bloomfilter.DirectBitArrayR 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final long DATA_OFFSET 16L
    protected static final long MAX_BITS 137438953408L
    protected static final long NUM_BITS_OFFSET 8L
  • org.apache.datasketches.hll.HllSketch 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int DEFAULT_LG_K 12
  • org.apache.datasketches.kll.KllSketch 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int DEFAULT_K 200
    public static final int MAX_K 65535
  • org.apache.datasketches.tdigest.TDigestDouble 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final short DEFAULT_K 200
  • org.apache.datasketches.tuple.Sketch<S extends Summary> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final byte PREAMBLE_LONGS 1