Class KolmogorovSmirnov

    • Constructor Detail

      • KolmogorovSmirnov

        public KolmogorovSmirnov()
    • Method Detail

      • computeKSDelta

        public static double computeKSDelta​(QuantilesDoublesAPI sketch1,
                                            QuantilesDoublesAPI sketch2)
        Computes the raw delta between two QuantilesDoublesAPI sketches for the kolmogorovSmirnovTest(...) method.
        sketch1 - first Input QuantilesDoublesAPI
        sketch2 - second Input QuantilesDoublesAPI
        the raw delta area between two QuantilesDoublesAPI sketches
      • computeKSDelta

        public static double computeKSDelta​(QuantilesFloatsAPI sketch1,
                                            QuantilesFloatsAPI sketch2)
        Computes the raw delta between two QuantilesFloatsAPI sketches for the kolmogorovSmirnovTest(...) method. method.
        sketch1 - first Input QuantilesFloatsAPI sketch
        sketch2 - second Input QuantilesFloatsAPI sketch
        the raw delta area between two QuantilesFloatsAPI sketches
      • computeKSThreshold

        public static double computeKSThreshold​(QuantilesAPI sketch1,
                                                QuantilesAPI sketch2,
                                                double tgtPvalue)
        Computes the adjusted delta height threshold for the kolmogorovSmirnovTest(...) method. This adjusts the computed threshold by the error epsilons of the two given sketches. The two sketches must be of the same primitive type, double or float. This will not work with the REQ sketch.
        sketch1 - first Input QuantilesAPI sketch
        sketch2 - second Input QuantilesAPI sketch
        tgtPvalue - Target p-value. Typically .001 to .1, e.g., .05.
        the adjusted threshold to be compared with the raw delta area.
      • kolmogorovSmirnovTest

        public static boolean kolmogorovSmirnovTest​(QuantilesAPI sketch1,
                                                    QuantilesAPI sketch2,
                                                    double tgtPvalue)
        Performs the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test between two QuantilesAPI sketches. Note: if the given sketches have insufficient data or if the sketch sizes are too small, this will return false. The two sketches must be of the same primitive type, double or float. This will not work with the REQ sketch.
        sketch1 - first Input QuantilesAPI
        sketch2 - second Input QuantilesAPI
        tgtPvalue - Target p-value. Typically .001 to .1, e.g., .05.
        Boolean indicating whether we can reject the null hypothesis (that the sketches reflect the same underlying distribution) using the provided tgtPValue.