EbppsItemsSketch |
An implementation of an Exact and Bounded Sampling Proportional to Size sketch.
ReservoirItemsSketch |
This sketch provides a reservoir sample over an input stream of items.
ReservoirItemsUnion |
Class to union reservoir samples of generic items.
ReservoirLongsSketch |
This sketch provides a reservoir sample over an input stream of long s.
ReservoirLongsUnion |
Class to union reservoir samples of longs.
SampleSubsetSummary |
A simple object o capture the results of a subset sum query on a sampling sketch.
VarOptItemsSamples |
This class provides access to the samples contained in a VarOptItemsSketch.
VarOptItemsSamples.WeightedSample |
A convenience class to allow easy iterator access to a VarOpt sample.
VarOptItemsSketch |
This sketch provides a variance optimal sample over an input stream of weighted items.
VarOptItemsUnion |
Provides a unioning operation over varopt sketches.