Class Sort

  • public final class Sort
    extends Object
    Specialized sorting algorithm that can sort one array and permute another array the same way.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Sort

        public Sort()
    • Method Detail

      • stableSort

        public static void stableSort​(double[] keys,
                                      long[] values,
                                      int n)
        Stable sort two arrays. The first array is sorted while the second array is permuted the same way.
        keys - array to be sorted
        values - array to be permuted the same way
        n - number of elements to sort from the beginning of the arrays
      • reverse

        public static void reverse​(double[] values,
                                   int n)
        Reverse the first n elements of the given array.
        values - array to be reversed
        n - number of elements to reverse
      • reverse

        public static void reverse​(long[] values,
                                   int n)
        Reverse the first n elements of the given array.
        values - array to be reversed
        n - number of elements to reverse