Class SerializerDeserializer

  • public final class SerializerDeserializer
    extends Object
    Multipurpose serializer-deserializer for a collection of sketches defined by the enum.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SerializerDeserializer

        public SerializerDeserializer()
    • Method Detail

      • validateFamily

        public static void validateFamily​(byte familyId,
                                          byte preambleLongs)
        Validates the preamble-Longs value given the family ID
        familyId - the given family ID
        preambleLongs - the given preambleLongs value
      • validateType

        public static void validateType​(byte sketchTypeByte,
                                        SerializerDeserializer.SketchType expectedType)
        Validates the sketch type byte versus the expected value
        sketchTypeByte - the given sketch type byte
        expectedType - the expected value
      • getSketchType

        public static SerializerDeserializer.SketchType getSketchType​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory mem)
        Gets the sketch type byte from the given Memory image
        mem - the given Memory image
        the SketchType