Interface QuantilesLongsAPI

    • Method Detail

      • getCDF

        default double[] getCDF​(long[] splitPoints)
        This is equivalent to getCDF(splitPoints, INCLUSIVE)
        splitPoints - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing items.
        a discrete CDF array of m+1 double ranks (or cumulative probabilities) on the interval [0.0, 1.0].
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getCDF

        double[] getCDF​(long[] splitPoints,
                        QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Returns an approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the input stream as a monotonically increasing array of double ranks (or cumulative probabilities) on the interval [0.0, 1.0], given a set of splitPoints.

        The resulting approximations have a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the getNormalizedRankError(false) function.

        splitPoints - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing items (of the same type as the input items) that divide the item input domain into m+1 overlapping intervals.

        The start of each interval is below the lowest item retained by the sketch corresponding to a zero rank or zero probability, and the end of the interval is the rank or cumulative probability corresponding to the split point.

        The (m+1)th interval represents 100% of the distribution represented by the sketch and consistent with the definition of a cumulative probability distribution, thus the (m+1)th rank or probability in the returned array is always 1.0.

        If a split point exactly equals a retained item of the sketch and the search criterion is:

        • INCLUSIVE, the resulting cumulative probability will include that item.
        • EXCLUSIVE, the resulting cumulative probability will not include the weight of that split point.

        It is not recommended to include either the minimum or maximum items of the input stream.

        searchCrit - the desired search criteria.
        a discrete CDF array of m+1 double ranks (or cumulative probabilities) on the interval [0.0, 1.0].
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getMaxItem

        long getMaxItem()
        Returns the maximum item of the stream. This is provided for convenience and may be different from the item returned by getQuantile(1.0).
        the maximum item of the stream
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getMinItem

        long getMinItem()
        Returns the minimum item of the stream. This is provided for convenience and may be different from the item returned by getQuantile(0.0).
        the minimum item of the stream
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getPMF

        default double[] getPMF​(long[] splitPoints)
        This is equivalent to getPMF(splitPoints, INCLUSIVE)
        splitPoints - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing items.
        a PMF array of m+1 probability masses as doubles on the interval [0.0, 1.0].
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getPMF

        double[] getPMF​(long[] splitPoints,
                        QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Returns an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream as an array of probability masses as doubles on the interval [0.0, 1.0], given a set of splitPoints.

        The resulting approximations have a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the getNormalizedRankError(true) function.

        splitPoints - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing items (of the same type as the input items) that divide the item input domain into m+1 consecutive, non-overlapping intervals.

        Each interval except for the end intervals starts with a split point and ends with the next split point in sequence.

        The first interval starts below the lowest item retained by the sketch corresponding to a zero rank or zero probability, and ends with the first split point

        The last (m+1)th interval starts with the last split point and ends after the last item retained by the sketch corresponding to a rank or probability of 1.0.

        The sum of the probability masses of all (m+1) intervals is 1.0.

        If the search criterion is:

        • INCLUSIVE, and the upper split point of an interval equals an item retained by the sketch, the interval will include that item. If the lower split point equals an item retained by the sketch, the interval will exclude that item.
        • EXCLUSIVE, and the upper split point of an interval equals an item retained by the sketch, the interval will exclude that item. If the lower split point equals an item retained by the sketch, the interval will include that item.

        It is not recommended to include either the minimum or maximum items of the input stream.

        searchCrit - the desired search criteria.
        a PMF array of m+1 probability masses as doubles on the interval [0.0, 1.0].
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getQuantile

        default long getQuantile​(double rank)
        This is equivalent to getQuantile(rank, INCLUSIVE)
        rank - the given normalized rank, a double in the range [0.0, 1.0].
        the approximate quantile given the normalized rank.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getQuantile

        long getQuantile​(double rank,
                         QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Gets the approximate quantile of the given normalized rank and the given search criterion.
        rank - the given normalized rank, a double in the range [0.0, 1.0].
        searchCrit - If INCLUSIVE, the given rank includes all quantiles ≤ the quantile directly corresponding to the given rank. If EXCLUSIVE, he given rank includes all quantiles < the quantile directly corresponding to the given rank.
        the approximate quantile given the normalized rank.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
        See Also:
      • getQuantileLowerBound

        long getQuantileLowerBound​(double rank)
        Gets the lower bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the quantile of the given rank exists.

        Although it is possible to estimate the probability that the true quantile exists within the quantile confidence interval specified by the upper and lower quantile bounds, it is not possible to guarantee the width of the quantile confidence interval as an additive or multiplicative percent of the true quantile.

        rank - the given normalized rank
        the lower bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the quantile of the given rank exists.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getQuantileUpperBound

        long getQuantileUpperBound​(double rank)
        Gets the upper bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the true quantile of the given rank exists.

        Although it is possible to estimate the probability that the true quantile exists within the quantile confidence interval specified by the upper and lower quantile bounds, it is not possible to guarantee the width of the quantile interval as an additive or multiplicative percent of the true quantile.

        rank - the given normalized rank
        the upper bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the true quantile of the given rank exists.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getQuantiles

        default long[] getQuantiles​(double[] ranks)
        This is equivalent to getQuantiles(ranks, INCLUSIVE)
        ranks - the given array of normalized ranks, each of which must be in the interval [0.0,1.0].
        an array of quantiles corresponding to the given array of normalized ranks.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getQuantiles

        long[] getQuantiles​(double[] ranks,
                            QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Gets an array of quantiles from the given array of normalized ranks.
        ranks - the given array of normalized ranks, each of which must be in the interval [0.0,1.0].
        searchCrit - if INCLUSIVE, the given ranks include all quantiles ≤ the quantile directly corresponding to each rank.
        an array of quantiles corresponding to the given array of normalized ranks.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
        See Also:
      • getRank

        default double getRank​(long quantile)
        This is equivalent to getRank(quantile, INCLUSIVE)
        quantile - the given quantile
        the normalized rank corresponding to the given quantile
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getRank

        double getRank​(long quantile,
                       QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Gets the normalized rank corresponding to the given a quantile.
        quantile - the given quantile
        searchCrit - if INCLUSIVE the given quantile is included into the rank.
        the normalized rank corresponding to the given quantile
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
        See Also:
      • getRanks

        default double[] getRanks​(long[] quantiles)
        This is equivalent to getRanks(quantiles, INCLUSIVE)
        quantiles - the given array of quantiles
        an array of normalized ranks corresponding to the given array of quantiles.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
      • getRanks

        double[] getRanks​(long[] quantiles,
                          QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Gets an array of normalized ranks corresponding to the given array of quantiles and the given search criterion.
        quantiles - the given array of quantiles
        searchCrit - if INCLUSIVE, the given quantiles include the rank directly corresponding to each quantile.
        an array of normalized ranks corresponding to the given array of quantiles.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sketch is empty.
        See Also:
      • getSerializedSizeBytes

        int getSerializedSizeBytes()
        Returns the current number of bytes this Sketch would require if serialized.
        the number of bytes this sketch would require if serialized.
      • getSortedView

        LongsSortedView getSortedView()
        Gets the sorted view of this sketch
        the sorted view of this sketch
      • iterator

        QuantilesLongsSketchIterator iterator()
        Gets the iterator for this sketch, which is not sorted.
        the iterator for this sketch
      • toByteArray

        byte[] toByteArray()
        Returns a byte array representation of this sketch.
        a byte array representation of this sketch.
      • update

        void update​(long item)
        Updates this sketch with the given item.
        item - from a stream of items. NaNs are ignored.