Package org.apache.datasketches.sampling
This package is dedicated to streaming algorithms that enable fixed size, uniform sampling of
weighted and unweighted items from a stream.
These sketches are mergeable and can be serialized and deserialized to/from a compact form.
Class Summary Class Description EbppsItemsSketch<T> An implementation of an Exact and Bounded Sampling Proportional to Size sketch.ReservoirItemsSketch<T> This sketch provides a reservoir sample over an input stream of items.ReservoirItemsUnion<T> Class to union reservoir samples of generic items.ReservoirLongsSketch This sketch provides a reservoir sample over an input stream oflong
s.ReservoirLongsUnion Class to union reservoir samples of longs.SampleSubsetSummary A simple object o capture the results of a subset sum query on a sampling sketch.VarOptItemsSamples<T> This class provides access to the samples contained in a VarOptItemsSketch.VarOptItemsSketch<T> This sketch provides a variance optimal sample over an input stream of weighted items.VarOptItemsUnion<T> Provides a unioning operation over varopt sketches.