Class Util


public final class Util extends Object
Common utility functions.
Lee Rhodes
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final double
    The inverse golden ratio as a fraction.
    static final long
    The inverse golden ratio as an unsigned long.
    static final double
    The natural logarithm of 2.0.
    static final double
    Long.MAX_VALUE as a double.
    static final String
    The java line separator character as a String.
    static final char
    The tab character
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    bitAt(long number, int bitPos)
    Returns a one if the bit at bitPos is a one, otherwise zero.
    static int
    bytesToInt(byte[] arr)
    Returns an int extracted from a Little-Endian byte array.
    static long
    bytesToLong(byte[] arr)
    Returns a long extracted from a Little-Endian byte array.
    static String
    bytesToString(byte[] arr, boolean signed, boolean littleEndian, String sep)
    Returns a string view of a byte array
    static double
    ceilingPowerBaseOfDouble(double base, double n)
    Returns the ceiling of a given n given a base, where the ceiling is an integral power of the base.
    static int
    Computes the int ceiling power of 2 within the range [1, 2^30].
    static long
    Computes the long ceiling power of 2 within the range [1, 2^62].
    static String
    characterPad(String s, int fieldLength, char padChar, boolean postpend)
    Prepend or postpend the given string with the given character to fill the given field length.
    static void
    checkBounds(long reqOff, long reqLen, long allocSize)
    Check the requested offset and length against the allocated size.
    static void
    checkIfMultipleOf8AndGT0(long v, String argName)
    Checks if parameter v is a multiple of 8 and greater than zero.
    static void
    checkIfPowerOf2(long n, String argName)
    Checks the given long argument if it is a positive integer power of 2.
    static void
    checkProbability(double p, String argName)
    Checks the given parameter to make sure it is positive and between 0.0 inclusive and 1.0 inclusive.
    static int
    exactLog2OfInt(int powerOf2)
    Returns the log2 of the given int value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero.
    static int
    exactLog2OfInt(int powerOf2, String argName)
    Returns the log2 of the given int value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero.
    static int
    exactLog2OfLong(long powerOf2)
    Returns the log2 of the given long value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero.
    static int
    exactLog2OfLong(long powerOf2, String argName)
    Returns the log2 of the given long value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero.
    static double
    floorPowerBaseOfDouble(double base, double n)
    Computes the floor of a given n given base, where the floor is an integral power of the base.
    static int
    Computes the floor power of 2 given n is in the range [1, 2^31-1].
    static long
    floorPowerOf2(long n)
    Computes the floor power of 2 given n is in the range [1, 2^63-1].
    static byte[]
    intToBytes(int v, byte[] arr)
    Returns a Little-Endian byte array extracted from the given int.
    static double
    invPow2(int e)
    Computes the inverse integer power of 2: 1/(2^e) = 2^(-e).
    static boolean
    isEven(long n)
    Returns true if given n is even.
    static boolean
    isLessThanUnsigned(long n1, long n2)
    Unsigned compare with longs.
    static boolean
    Returns true if v is a multiple of 8 and greater than zero
    static boolean
    isOdd(long n)
    Returns true if given n is odd.
    static boolean
    isPowerOf2(long n)
    Returns true if given long argument is exactly a positive power of 2.
    static <T> boolean
    le(Object item1, Object item2, Comparator<? super T> c)
    Is item1 Less-Than-Or-Equal-To item2
    static double
    log2(double value)
    The log2(value)
    static double
    logBaseOfX(double base, double x)
    Returns the logbase(x).
    static byte[]
    longToBytes(long v, byte[] arr)
    Returns a Little-Endian byte array extracted from the given long.
    static String
    longToFixedLengthString(long number, int length)
    Converts the given number to a string prepended with spaces, if necessary, to match the given length.
    static String
    Returns a string of spaced hex bytes in Big-Endian order.
    static <T> boolean
    lt(Object item1, Object item2, Comparator<? super T> c)
    Is item1 Less-Than item2
    static <T> Object
    maxT(Object item1, Object item2, Comparator<? super T> c)
    Finds the maximum of two generic items
    static String
    Returns the given time in milliseconds formatted as Hours:Min:Sec.mSec
    static <T> Object
    minT(Object item1, Object item2, Comparator<? super T> c)
    Finds the minimum of two generic items
    static String
    nanoSecToString(long nS)
    Returns the given time in nanoseconds formatted as Sec.mSec_uSec_nSec
    static int
    Returns the number of one bits preceding the highest-order ("leftmost") zero-bit in the two's complement binary representation of the specified long value, or 64 if the value is equal to minus one.
    static int
    Returns the number of one bits following the lowest-order ("rightmost") zero-bit in the two's complement binary representation of the specified long value, or 64 if the value is equal to minus one.
    static int
    numDigits(long n)
    Computes the number of decimal digits of the number n
    static double
    powerSeriesNextDouble(int ppb, double curPoint, boolean roundToLong, double logBase)
    Computes the next larger double in the power series point = logBase( i / ppb ) given the current point in the series.
    static long
    pwr2SeriesNext(int ppo, long curPoint)
    Computes the next larger integer point in the power series point = 2( i / ppo ) given the current point in the series.
    static int
    pwr2SeriesPrev(int ppo, int curPoint)
    Computes the previous, smaller integer point in the power series point = 2( i / ppo ) given the current point in the series.
    static String
    zeroPad(String s, int fieldLength)
    Prepend the given string with zeros.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • LS

      public static final String LS
      The java line separator character as a String.
    • TAB

      public static final char TAB
      The tab character
      See Also:
    • LOG2

      public static final double LOG2
      The natural logarithm of 2.0.

      public static final long INVERSE_GOLDEN_U64
      The inverse golden ratio as an unsigned long.
      See Also:

      public static final double INVERSE_GOLDEN
      The inverse golden ratio as a fraction. This has more precision than using the formula: (Math.sqrt(5.0) - 1.0) / 2.0.
      See Also:

      public static final double LONG_MAX_VALUE_AS_DOUBLE
      Long.MAX_VALUE as a double.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • bytesToInt

      public static int bytesToInt(byte[] arr)
      Returns an int extracted from a Little-Endian byte array.
      arr - the given byte array
      an int extracted from a Little-Endian byte array.
    • bytesToLong

      public static long bytesToLong(byte[] arr)
      Returns a long extracted from a Little-Endian byte array.
      arr - the given byte array
      a long extracted from a Little-Endian byte array.
    • intToBytes

      public static byte[] intToBytes(int v, byte[] arr)
      Returns a Little-Endian byte array extracted from the given int.
      v - the given int
      arr - a given array of 4 bytes that will be returned with the data
      a Little-Endian byte array extracted from the given int.
    • longToBytes

      public static byte[] longToBytes(long v, byte[] arr)
      Returns a Little-Endian byte array extracted from the given long.
      v - the given long
      arr - a given array of 8 bytes that will be returned with the data
      a Little-Endian byte array extracted from the given long.
    • longToHexBytes

      public static String longToHexBytes(long v)
      Returns a string of spaced hex bytes in Big-Endian order.
      v - the given long
      string of spaced hex bytes in Big-Endian order.
    • bytesToString

      public static String bytesToString(byte[] arr, boolean signed, boolean littleEndian, String sep)
      Returns a string view of a byte array
      arr - the given byte array
      signed - set true if you want the byte values signed.
      littleEndian - set true if you want Little-Endian order
      sep - the separator string between bytes
      a string view of a byte array
    • nanoSecToString

      public static String nanoSecToString(long nS)
      Returns the given time in nanoseconds formatted as Sec.mSec_uSec_nSec
      nS - the given nanoseconds
      the given time in nanoseconds formatted as Sec.mSec_uSec_nSec
    • milliSecToString

      public static String milliSecToString(long mS)
      Returns the given time in milliseconds formatted as Hours:Min:Sec.mSec
      mS - the given milliseconds
      the given time in milliseconds formatted as Hours:Min:Sec.mSec
    • zeroPad

      public static String zeroPad(String s, int fieldLength)
      Prepend the given string with zeros. If the given string is equal or greater than the given field length, it will be returned without modification.
      s - the given string
      fieldLength - desired total field length including the given string
      the given string prepended with zeros.
    • characterPad

      public static String characterPad(String s, int fieldLength, char padChar, boolean postpend)
      Prepend or postpend the given string with the given character to fill the given field length. If the given string is equal to or greater than the given field length, it will be returned without modification.
      s - the given string
      fieldLength - the desired field length
      padChar - the desired pad character
      postpend - if true append the pacCharacters to the end of the string.
      prepended or postpended given string with the given character to fill the given field length.
    • checkIfMultipleOf8AndGT0

      public static void checkIfMultipleOf8AndGT0(long v, String argName)
      Checks if parameter v is a multiple of 8 and greater than zero.
      v - The parameter to check
      argName - This name will be part of the error message if the check fails.
    • isMultipleOf8AndGT0

      public static boolean isMultipleOf8AndGT0(long v)
      Returns true if v is a multiple of 8 and greater than zero
      v - The parameter to check
      true if v is a multiple of 8 and greater than zero
    • isPowerOf2

      public static boolean isPowerOf2(long n)
      Returns true if given long argument is exactly a positive power of 2.
      n - The input argument.
      true if argument is exactly a positive power of 2.
    • checkIfPowerOf2

      public static void checkIfPowerOf2(long n, String argName)
      Checks the given long argument if it is a positive integer power of 2. If not, it throws an exception with the user supplied local argument name, if not null.
      n - The input long argument must be a positive integer power of 2.
      argName - Used in the thrown exception. It may be null.
      SketchesArgumentException - if not a positive integer power of 2.
    • ceilingPowerOf2

      public static int ceilingPowerOf2(int n)
      Computes the int ceiling power of 2 within the range [1, 2^30]. This is the smallest positive power of 2 that is equal to or greater than the given n and a positive integer.


      • n ≤ 1: returns 1
      • 2^30 ≤ n ≤ 2^31 -1 : returns 2^30
      • n == an exact power of 2 : returns n
      • otherwise returns the smallest power of 2 ≥ n and equal to a positive integer
      n - The input int argument.
      the ceiling power of 2.
    • ceilingPowerOf2

      public static long ceilingPowerOf2(long n)
      Computes the long ceiling power of 2 within the range [1, 2^62]. This is the smallest positive power of 2 that is equal to or greater than the given n and a positive long.


      • n ≤ 1: returns 1
      • 2^62 ≤ n ≤ 2^63 -1 : returns 2^62
      • n == an exact power of 2 : returns n
      • otherwise returns the smallest power of 2 ≥ n and equal to a positive long
      n - The input long argument.
      the ceiling power of 2.
    • floorPowerOf2

      public static int floorPowerOf2(int n)
      Computes the floor power of 2 given n is in the range [1, 2^31-1]. This is the largest positive power of 2 that equal to or less than the given n and equal to a positive integer.


      • n ≤ 1: returns 1
      • 2^30 ≤ n ≤ 2^31 -1 : returns 2^30
      • n == a power of 2 : returns n
      • otherwise returns the largest power of 2 less than n and equal to a mathematical integer.
      n - The given int argument.
      the floor power of 2 as an int.
    • floorPowerOf2

      public static long floorPowerOf2(long n)
      Computes the floor power of 2 given n is in the range [1, 2^63-1]. This is the largest positive power of 2 that is equal to or less than the given n and equal to a positive integer.


      • n ≤ 1: returns 1
      • 2^62 ≤ n ≤ 2^63 -1 : returns 2^62
      • n == a power of 2 : returns n
      • otherwise returns the largest power of 2 less than n and equal to a mathematical integer.
      n - The given long argument.
      the floor power of 2 as a long
    • invPow2

      public static double invPow2(int e)
      Computes the inverse integer power of 2: 1/(2^e) = 2^(-e).
      e - a positive value between 0 and 1023 inclusive
      the inverse integer power of 2: 1/(2^e) = 2^(-e)
    • pwr2SeriesNext

      public static long pwr2SeriesNext(int ppo, long curPoint)
      Computes the next larger integer point in the power series point = 2( i / ppo ) given the current point in the series. For illustration, this can be used in a loop as follows:
           int maxP = 1024;
           int minP = 1;
           int ppo = 2;
           for (int p = minP; p <= maxP; p = pwr2LawNext(ppo, p)) {
             System.out.print(p + " ");
           //generates the following series:
           //1 2 3 4 6 8 11 16 23 32 45 64 91 128 181 256 362 512 724 1024
      ppo - Points-Per-Octave, or the number of points per integer powers of 2 in the series.
      curPoint - the current point of the series. Must be ≥ 1.
      the next point in the power series.
    • pwr2SeriesPrev

      public static int pwr2SeriesPrev(int ppo, int curPoint)
      Computes the previous, smaller integer point in the power series point = 2( i / ppo ) given the current point in the series. For illustration, this can be used in a loop as follows:
           int maxP = 1024;
           int minP = 1;
           int ppo = 2;
           for (int p = maxP; p >= minP; p = pwr2LawPrev(ppo, p)) {
             System.out.print(p + " ");
           //generates the following series:
           //1024 724 512 362 256 181 128 91 64 45 32 23 16 11 8 6 4 3 2 1
      ppo - Points-Per-Octave, or the number of points per integer powers of 2 in the series.
      curPoint - the current point of the series. Must be ≥ 1.
      the previous, smaller point in the power series. A returned value of zero terminates the series.
    • powerSeriesNextDouble

      public static double powerSeriesNextDouble(int ppb, double curPoint, boolean roundToLong, double logBase)
      Computes the next larger double in the power series point = logBase( i / ppb ) given the current point in the series. For illustration, this can be used in a loop as follows:
           double maxP = 1024.0;
           double minP = 1.0;
           int ppb = 2;
           double logBase = 2.0;
           for (double p = minP; p <= maxP; p = powerSeriesNextDouble(ppb, p, true, logBase)) {
             System.out.print(p + " ");
           //generates the following series:
           //1 2 3 4 6 8 11 16 23 32 45 64 91 128 181 256 362 512 724 1024
      ppb - Points-Per-Base, or the number of points per integer powers of base in the series.
      curPoint - the current point of the series. Must be ≥ 1.0.
      roundToLong - if true the output will be rounded to the nearest long.
      logBase - the desired base of the logarithms
      the next point in the power series.
    • ceilingPowerBaseOfDouble

      public static double ceilingPowerBaseOfDouble(double base, double n)
      Returns the ceiling of a given n given a base, where the ceiling is an integral power of the base. This is the smallest positive power of base that is equal to or greater than the given n and equal to a mathematical integer. The result of this function is consistent with ceilingPowerOf2(int) for values less than one. I.e., if n < 1, the result is 1.

      The formula is: baseceiling(logbase(x))

      base - The number in the expression ⌈basen⌉.
      n - The input argument.
      the ceiling power of base as a double and equal to a mathematical integer.
    • floorPowerBaseOfDouble

      public static double floorPowerBaseOfDouble(double base, double n)
      Computes the floor of a given n given base, where the floor is an integral power of the base. This is the largest positive power of base that is equal to or less than the given n and equal to a mathematical integer. The result of this function is consistent with floorPowerOf2(int) for values less than one. I.e., if n < 1, the result is 1.

      The formula is: basefloor(logbase(x))

      base - The number in the expression ⌊basen⌋.
      n - The input argument.
      the floor power of 2 and equal to a mathematical integer.
    • log2

      public static double log2(double value)
      The log2(value)
      value - the given value
    • logBaseOfX

      public static double logBaseOfX(double base, double x)
      Returns the logbase(x). Example, if base = 2.0: logB(2.0, x) = log(x) / log(2.0).
      base - The number in the expression log(x) / log(base).
      x - the given value
      the logbase(x)
    • numberOfTrailingOnes

      public static int numberOfTrailingOnes(long v)
      Returns the number of one bits following the lowest-order ("rightmost") zero-bit in the two's complement binary representation of the specified long value, or 64 if the value is equal to minus one.
      v - the value whose number of trailing ones is to be computed.
      the number of one bits following the lowest-order ("rightmost") zero-bit in the two's complement binary representation of the specified long value, or 64 if the value is equal to minus one.
    • numberOfLeadingOnes

      public static int numberOfLeadingOnes(long v)
      Returns the number of one bits preceding the highest-order ("leftmost") zero-bit in the two's complement binary representation of the specified long value, or 64 if the value is equal to minus one.
      v - the value whose number of leading ones is to be computed.
      the number of one bits preceding the lowest-order ("rightmost") zero-bit in the two's complement binary representation of the specified long value, or 64 if the value is equal to minus one.
    • exactLog2OfInt

      public static int exactLog2OfInt(int powerOf2, String argName)
      Returns the log2 of the given int value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero. If not, it throws an exception with the user supplied local argument name.
      powerOf2 - must be a power of 2 and greater than zero.
      argName - the argument name used in the exception if thrown.
      the log2 of the given value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero.
      SketchesArgumentException - if not a power of 2 nor greater than zero.
    • exactLog2OfLong

      public static int exactLog2OfLong(long powerOf2, String argName)
      Returns the log2 of the given long value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero. If not, it throws an exception with the user supplied local argument name.
      powerOf2 - must be a power of 2 and greater than zero.
      argName - the argument name used in the exception if thrown.
      the log2 of the given value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero.
      SketchesArgumentException - if not a power of 2 nor greater than zero.
    • exactLog2OfInt

      public static int exactLog2OfInt(int powerOf2)
      Returns the log2 of the given int value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero. If not, it throws an exception.
      powerOf2 - must be a power of 2 and greater than zero.
      the log2 of the given int value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero.
    • exactLog2OfLong

      public static int exactLog2OfLong(long powerOf2)
      Returns the log2 of the given long value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero. If not, it throws an exception.
      powerOf2 - must be a power of 2 and greater than zero.
      the log2 of the given long value if it is an exact power of 2 and greater than zero.
    • checkBounds

      public static void checkBounds(long reqOff, long reqLen, long allocSize)
      Check the requested offset and length against the allocated size. The invariants equation is: 0 <= reqOff <= reqLen <= reqOff + reqLen <= allocSize. If this equation is violated an SketchesArgumentException will be thrown.
      reqOff - the requested offset
      reqLen - the requested length
      allocSize - the allocated size.
    • checkProbability

      public static void checkProbability(double p, String argName)
      Checks the given parameter to make sure it is positive and between 0.0 inclusive and 1.0 inclusive.
      p - See Sampling Probability, p
      argName - Used in the thrown exception.
    • isLessThanUnsigned

      public static boolean isLessThanUnsigned(long n1, long n2)
      Unsigned compare with longs.
      n1 - A long to be treated as if unsigned.
      n2 - A long to be treated as if unsigned.
      true if n1 > n2.
    • isEven

      public static boolean isEven(long n)
      Returns true if given n is even.
      n - the given n
      true if given n is even.
    • isOdd

      public static boolean isOdd(long n)
      Returns true if given n is odd.
      n - the given n
      true if given n is odd.
    • bitAt

      public static final int bitAt(long number, int bitPos)
      Returns a one if the bit at bitPos is a one, otherwise zero.
      number - the number to examine
      bitPos - the given zero-based bit position, where the least significant bit is at position zero.
      a one if the bit at bitPos is a one, otherwise zero.
    • numDigits

      public static int numDigits(long n)
      Computes the number of decimal digits of the number n
      n - the given number
      the number of decimal digits of the number n
    • longToFixedLengthString

      public static String longToFixedLengthString(long number, int length)
      Converts the given number to a string prepended with spaces, if necessary, to match the given length.

      For example, assume a sequence of integers from 1 to 1000. The largest value has four decimal digits. Convert the entire sequence of strings to the form " 1" to "1000". When these strings are sorted they will be in numerical sequence: " 1", " 2", ... "1000".

      number - the given number
      length - the desired string length.
      the given number to a string prepended with spaces
    • minT

      public static <T> Object minT(Object item1, Object item2, Comparator<? super T> c)
      Finds the minimum of two generic items
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type
      item1 - item one
      item2 - item two
      c - the given comparator
      the minimum value
    • maxT

      public static <T> Object maxT(Object item1, Object item2, Comparator<? super T> c)
      Finds the maximum of two generic items
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type
      item1 - item one
      item2 - item two
      c - the given comparator
      the maximum value
    • lt

      public static <T> boolean lt(Object item1, Object item2, Comparator<? super T> c)
      Is item1 Less-Than item2
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type
      item1 - item one
      item2 - item two
      c - the given comparator
      true if item1 Less-Than item2
    • le

      public static <T> boolean le(Object item1, Object item2, Comparator<? super T> c)
      Is item1 Less-Than-Or-Equal-To item2
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type
      item1 - item one
      item2 - item two
      c - the given comparator
      true if item1 Less-Than-Or-Equal-To item2