Interface ReqDebug

public interface ReqDebug
The signaling interface that allows comprehensive analysis of the ReqSketch and ReqCompactor while eliminating code clutter in the main classes. The implementation of this interface can be found in the test tree.
Lee Rhodes
  • Method Details

    • emitStart

      void emitStart(ReqSketch sk)
      Emit the start signal
      sk - the sketch
    • emitStartCompress

      void emitStartCompress()
      Emit Start Compress
    • emitCompressDone

      void emitCompressDone()
      Emit compress done.
    • emitAllHorizList

      void emitAllHorizList()
      Emit all horizontal lists
    • emitMustAddCompactor

      void emitMustAddCompactor()
      Emit Must add compactor
    • emitCompactingStart

      void emitCompactingStart(byte lgWeight)
      Emit Compaction Start.
      lgWeight - compactor lgWeight or height
    • emitNewCompactor

      void emitNewCompactor(byte lgWeight)
      Emit new compactor configuration
      lgWeight - the log weight
    • emitAdjSecSizeNumSec

      void emitAdjSecSizeNumSec(byte lgWeight)
      Emit adjusting section size and number of sections.
      lgWeight - the log weight
    • emitCompactionDetail

      void emitCompactionDetail(int compactionStart, int compactionEnd, int secsToCompact, int promoteLen, boolean coin)
      Emit Compaction details.
      compactionStart - the offset of compaction start
      compactionEnd - the offset of compaction end
      secsToCompact - the number of sections to compact
      promoteLen - the length of the promotion field
      coin - the state of the random coin.
    • emitCompactionDone

      void emitCompactionDone(byte lgWeight)
      Emit compaction done and number of compactions so far.
      lgWeight - the log weight