Uses of Class
Packages that use UpdateSketchBuilder
The theta package contains the basic sketch classes that are members of the
Theta Sketch Framework.
Uses of UpdateSketchBuilder in org.apache.datasketches.theta
Methods in org.apache.datasketches.theta that return UpdateSketchBuilderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic final UpdateSketchBuilder
Returns a new builderSet the Family.UpdateSketchBuilder.setLocalLogNominalEntries
(int lgNomEntries) Alternative method of setting the Nominal Entries for a local concurrent sketch from the log_base2 value.UpdateSketchBuilder.setLocalNominalEntries
(int nomEntries) Sets the Nominal Entries for the concurrent local sketch.UpdateSketchBuilder.setLogNominalEntries
(int lgNomEntries) Alternative method of setting the Nominal Entries for this sketch from the log_base2 value.UpdateSketchBuilder.setMemoryRequestServer
(org.apache.datasketches.memory.MemoryRequestServer memReqSvr) Set the MemoryRequestServerUpdateSketchBuilder.setNominalEntries
(int nomEntries) Sets the Nominal Entries for this sketch.UpdateSketchBuilder.setP
(float p) Sets the upfront uniform sampling probability, pUpdateSketchBuilder.setPropagateOrderedCompact
(boolean prop) Sets the Propagate Ordered Compact flag to the given value.UpdateSketchBuilder.setResizeFactor
(ResizeFactor rf) Sets the cache Resize Factor.UpdateSketchBuilder.setSeed
(long seed) Sets the long seed value that is required by the hashing function.static UpdateSketchBuilder