Class DoubleSummaryDeserializer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DoubleSummaryDeserializer extends Object implements SummaryDeserializer<DoubleSummary>
Lee Rhodes
  • Constructor Details

    • DoubleSummaryDeserializer

      public DoubleSummaryDeserializer()
  • Method Details

    • heapifySummary

      public DeserializeResult<DoubleSummary> heapifySummary(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory mem)
      Description copied from interface: SummaryDeserializer
      This is to create an instance of a Summary given a serialized representation. The user may assume that the start of the given Memory is the correct place to start deserializing. However, the user must be able to determine the number of bytes required to deserialize the summary as the capacity of the given Memory may include multiple such summaries and may be much larger than required for a single summary.
      Specified by:
      heapifySummary in interface SummaryDeserializer<DoubleSummary>
      mem - Memory object with serialized representation of a Summary
      DeserializedResult object, which contains a Summary object and number of bytes read from the Memory