Uses of Enum Class
This package is for a generic implementation of the Tuple sketch for single Integer value.
Uses of IntegerSummary.Mode in org.apache.datasketches.tuple.aninteger
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic IntegerSummary.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.static IntegerSummary.Mode[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.ModifierConstructorDescriptionIntegerSketch
(int lgK, int lgResizeFactor, float samplingProbability, IntegerSummary.Mode mode) Creates this sketch with the following parameters:IntegerSketch
(int lgK, IntegerSummary.Mode mode) Constructs this sketch with given lgK.IntegerSketch
(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory mem, IntegerSummary.Mode mode) Deprecated.As of 3.0.0, heapifying an UpdatableSketch is deprecated.Creates an instance of IntegerSummary with a given mode.IntegerSummaryFactory
(IntegerSummary.Mode summaryMode) Creates an instance of IntegerSummaryFactory with a given modeIntegerSummarySetOperations
(IntegerSummary.Mode unionSummaryMode, IntegerSummary.Mode intersectionSummaryMode) Creates a new instance with two modes