Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.datasketches.tuple.arrayofdoubles
This package is for a concrete implementation of the Tuple sketch for an array of double values.
Classes in org.apache.datasketches.tuple.arrayofdoubles used by org.apache.datasketches.tuple.arrayofdoublesClassDescriptionComputes a set difference of two tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoublesCombines two arrays of double values for use with ArrayOfDoubles tuple sketchesTop level compact tuple sketch of type ArrayOfDoubles.Computes the intersection of two or more tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoubles.Builds set operations object for tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoubles.The base class for the tuple sketch of type ArrayOfDoubles, where an array of double values is associated with each key.Interface for iterating over tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoublesThe base class for unions of tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoubles.The top level for updatable tuple sketches of type ArrayOfDoubles.For building a new ArrayOfDoublesUpdatableSketch