Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.datasketches.tuple
Frequent Distinct Tuples Sketch
This package contains common tools and methods for the theta,
tuple, tuple/* and fdt packages.
The tuple package contains a number of sketches based on the same
fundamental algorithms of the Theta Sketch Framework and extend these
concepts for whole new families of sketches.
This package is for a generic implementation of the Tuple sketch for single Double value.
This package is for a generic implementation of the Tuple sketch for single Integer value.
This package is for a generic implementation of the Tuple sketch for single String value.
Classes in org.apache.datasketches.tuple used by org.apache.datasketches.fdtClassDescriptionThis is an equivalent to org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch with addition of a user-defined Summary object associated with every unique entry in the sketch.An extension of QuickSelectSketch<S>, which can be updated with many types of keys.
Classes in org.apache.datasketches.tuple used by org.apache.datasketches.thetacommon
Classes in org.apache.datasketches.tuple used by org.apache.datasketches.tupleClassDescriptionCompactSketches are never created directly.Returns an object and its size in bytes as a result of a deserialize operationDefines the sketch classes that this SerializerDeserializer can handle.This is an equivalent to org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch with addition of a user-defined Summary object associated with every unique entry in the sketch.Interface for user-defined Summary, which is associated with every hash in a tuple sketchInterface for deserializing user-defined SummaryInterface for user-defined SummaryFactoryThis is to provide methods of producing unions and intersections of two Summary objects.Iterator over a generic tuple sketchAn extension of QuickSelectSketch<S>, which can be updated with many types of keys.For building a new generic tuple UpdatableSketchInterface for updating user-defined Summary
Classes in org.apache.datasketches.tuple used by org.apache.datasketches.tuple.adoubleClassDescriptionReturns an object and its size in bytes as a result of a deserialize operationThis is an equivalent to org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch with addition of a user-defined Summary object associated with every unique entry in the sketch.Interface for user-defined Summary, which is associated with every hash in a tuple sketchInterface for deserializing user-defined SummaryInterface for user-defined SummaryFactoryThis is to provide methods of producing unions and intersections of two Summary objects.An extension of QuickSelectSketch<S>, which can be updated with many types of keys.Interface for updating user-defined Summary
Classes in org.apache.datasketches.tuple used by org.apache.datasketches.tuple.anintegerClassDescriptionReturns an object and its size in bytes as a result of a deserialize operationThis is an equivalent to org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch with addition of a user-defined Summary object associated with every unique entry in the sketch.Interface for user-defined Summary, which is associated with every hash in a tuple sketchInterface for deserializing user-defined SummaryInterface for user-defined SummaryFactoryThis is to provide methods of producing unions and intersections of two Summary objects.An extension of QuickSelectSketch<S>, which can be updated with many types of keys.Interface for updating user-defined Summary
Classes in org.apache.datasketches.tuple used by org.apache.datasketches.tuple.stringsClassDescriptionReturns an object and its size in bytes as a result of a deserialize operationThis is an equivalent to org.apache.datasketches.theta.Sketch with addition of a user-defined Summary object associated with every unique entry in the sketch.Interface for user-defined Summary, which is associated with every hash in a tuple sketchInterface for deserializing user-defined SummaryInterface for user-defined SummaryFactoryThis is to provide methods of producing unions and intersections of two Summary objects.An extension of QuickSelectSketch<S>, which can be updated with many types of keys.Interface for updating user-defined Summary