CountMin Sketch --------------- The CountMin sketch, as described in Cormode and Muthukrishnan in, is used for approximate Frequency Estimation. For an item :math:`x` with frequency :math:`f_x`, the sketch provides an estimate, :math:`\hat{f_x}`, such that :math:`f_x \approx \hat{f_x}.` The sketch guarantees that :math:`f_x \le \hat{f_x}` and provides a probabilistic upper bound which is dependent on the size parameters. The sketch provides an estimate of the occurrence frequency for any queried item but, in contrast to the Frequent Items Sketch, this sketch does not provide a list of heavy hitters. .. currentmodule:: _datasketches .. autoclass:: count_min_sketch :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: deserialize, suggest_num_buckets, suggest_num_hashes .. rubric:: Static Methods: .. automethod:: deserialize .. automethod:: suggest_num_buckets .. automethod:: suggest_num_hashes .. rubric:: Non-static Methods: