Tuple Policy

A Tuple Policy is needed when using a tuple_sketch in order to specify how the summary values should be created, updated, combined, or intersected. A summary can consist of any python object.

Each implementation must extend the abstract base class TuplePolicy.

class TuplePolicy(*args, **kwargs)

An abstract base class for Tuple Policy objects. All custom policies must extend this class.

create_summary(self) object

Creates a new Summary object


a Summary object

Return type:


update_summary(self, summary: object, update: object) object

Applies the relevant policy to update the provided summary with the data in update.

  • summary (object) – An existing Summary

  • update (object) – An update to apply to the Summary


The updated Summary

Return type:


__call__(self, summary: object, update: object) object

Similar to update_summary but allows a different implementation for set operations (union and intersection)

  • summary (object) – An existing Summary

  • update (object) – An update to apply to the Summary


The updated Summary

Return type:


class AccumulatorPolicy

Bases: TuplePolicy

Implements an accumulatory summary policy, where new values are added to the existing value.

class MinIntPolicy

Bases: TuplePolicy

Implements a MIN rule, where the smallest integer value is always kept.

class MaxIntPolicy

Bases: TuplePolicy

Implements a MAX rule, where the largest integer value is always kept.