Quick Start =========== This tutorial assumes you are starting from fresh and have no existing BookKeeper or ZooKeeper data. Step 1: Download the binary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :doc:`Download <../download>` the stable version of `DistributedLog` and un-zip it. :: // Download the binary `distributedlog-all-${gitsha}.zip` > unzip distributedlog-all-${gitsha}.zip Step 2: Start ZooKeeper & BookKeeper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DistributedLog uses `ZooKeeper` as the metadata store and `BookKeeper` as the log segment store. So you need to first start a zookeeper server and a few bookies if you don't already have one. You can use the `dlog` script in `distributedlog-service` package to get a standalone bookkeeper sandbox. It starts a zookeeper server and `N` bookies (N is 3 by default). :: // Start the local sandbox instance at port `7000` > ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog local 7000 DistributedLog Sandbox is running now. You could access distributedlog:// Step 3: Create a DistributedLog namespace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before using distributedlog, you need to create a distributedlog namespace to store your own list of streams. The zkServer for the local sandbox is `` and the bookkeeper's ledgers path is `/ledgers`. You could create a namespace pointing to the corresponding bookkeeper cluster. :: > ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog admin bind -l /ledgers -s -c distributedlog:// No bookkeeper is bound to distributedlog:// Created binding on distributedlog:// If you don't want to create a separated namespace, you could use the default namespace `distributedlog://`. Step 4: Create some log streams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's create 5 log streams, prefixed with `messaging-test-`. :: > ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog tool create -u distributedlog:// -r messaging-stream- -e 1-5 We can now see the streams if we run the `list` command from the tool. :: > ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog tool list -u distributedlog:// Streams under distributedlog:// : -------------------------------- messaging-stream-1 messaging-stream-3 messaging-stream-2 messaging-stream-4 messaging-stream-5 -------------------------------- Step 5: Start a write proxy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, lets start a write proxy server that serves writes to distributedlog namespace `distributedlog://`. The server listens on 8000 to accept fan-in write requests. :: > ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog-daemon.sh start writeproxy -p 8000 --shard-id 1 -sp 8001 -u distributedlog:// -mx -c `pwd`/distributedlog-service/conf/distributedlog_proxy.conf Step 6: Tail reading records ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The distributedlog tutorial has a multi-streams reader that will dump out received records to standard output. :: > ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run com.twitter.distributedlog.basic.MultiReader distributedlog:// messaging-stream-1,messaging-stream-2,messaging-stream-3,messaging-stream-4,messaging-stream-5 Step 7: Write some records ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The distributedlog tutorial also has a multi-streams writer that will take input from a console and write it out as records to the distributedlog write proxy. Each line will be sent as a separate record. Run the writer and type a few lines into the console to send to the server. :: > ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run com.twitter.distributedlog.basic.ConsoleProxyMultiWriter 'inet!' messaging-stream-1,messaging-stream-2,messaging-stream-3,messaging-stream-4,messaging-stream-5 If you have each of the above commands running in a different terminal then you should now be able to type messages into the writer terminal and see them appear in the reader terminal.