Server log.
2020-11-19T20:30:26.070+0800 ERROR filter_impl/generic_service_filter.go:98 [Generic Service Filter] method:GetUserTimeout invocation arguments number was wrong
If this case happens, pixiu will return nil because dubbo server return nil. You can see dubbo log follow when log format is debug.
2020-11-19T20:30:26.072+0800 DEBUG pixiu/pixiu.go:172 [makeDubboCallPixiu] result: 0xc0001aeeb0, err: <nil>
2020-11-19T20:30:26.072+0800 DEBUG dubbo/dubbo.go:152 [dubbo-go-pixiu] dubbo client resp:<nil>
2020-11-19T20:30:26.073+0800 DEBUG remote/call.go:117 [dubbo-go-pixiu] client call resp:<nil>
When generic invoke, err will return nil, because wrote the code as below.
if len(oldParams) != len(argsType) {
logger.Errorf("[Generic Service Filter] method:%s invocation arguments number was wrong", methodName)
return &protocol.RPCResult{}
Dubbo server return error:
2020-11-17T11:19:18.019+0800 ERROR remote/call.go:87 [dubbo-go-pixiu] client call err:data is exist!
Return value
"message": "data is exist"
2020-11-20T15:56:59.011+0800 ERROR remote/call.go:112 [dubbo-go-pixiu] client call err:Failed to invoke the method $invoke. No provider available for the service dubbo://:@:/?interface=com.ic.user.UserProvider&group=test&version=1.0.0 from registry zookeeper://®istry=zookeeper®istry.label=true®istry.preferred=false®istry.role=0®istry.timeout=3s®istry.ttl=®istry.weight=0® on the consumer using the dubbo version 1.3.0 .Please check if the providers have been started and registered.!