Download Royale

know how you can grab your bits

You can download Apache Royale via Node Package Manager (npm), or from mirrors of Apache releases. NPM is typically simpler, especially if you have Node.js installed already.


To install Royale globally with NPM, run the following command in a terminal.

npm install -g @apache-royale/royale-js

If you want SWF output, as well as JavaScript output, install the following package instead.

npm install -g @apache-royale/royale-js-swf --foreground-scripts

If the install completes successfully, you are ready to compile your application with Royale by using the mxmlc tool, or compile your library using the compc tool, from the command-line. The NPM install should have added mxmlc, compc, and several other tools to your path.

If you cannot install Apache Royale with the -g flag due to an EACCES permissions error, please take a look at npm Docs: Resolving EACCES permissions errors when installing packages globally.

Apache Mirrors

To download Apache Royale source or binary distributions from Apache mirrors, please visit the following URL:

Once downloaded, uncompress the file into a folder somewhere. This folder will be referred to as the SDK folder throughout the documentation. If you chose the package with SWF support, you will need to follow the instructions in the README file to install third-party libraries from Adobe Systems, Inc., or you can use the Apache Ant script InstallAdobeSDKs.xml by running from the SDK folder:

ant -f InstallAdobeSDKs.xml

At this point, you should be able to run the js/bin/mxmlc compiler from your Royale SDK folder to compile a Royale application. See the Hello World section for more details.