
Meet the UI building blocks.

Apache Royale provides a wide range of components to help you design a user interface that presents your material clearly and offers a pleasing user experience. As with Flex, these include:

  • Layout aids (groups, cards, grids, forms)
  • Ways to display data (lists, text boxes, tables, charts, repeating components)
  • Navigation aids (tab bars, drop-down menus, wizards, view states)
  • User-input controls (text entry fields, buttons, checkboxes, sliders)
  • Usability features (alerts, snackbar pop-ups, localization features, dynamic displays depending on the user’s metadata)
  • Rich content (images, videos, audio, transitions)

Developers who have worked in Flex will quickly feel at home with Royale components, although they will need to pay attention to the “Pay as you go” concept that is a Royale hallmark. Components do well the basic functions associated with their names, but to add features (for instance, you want to force the text the user enters to lower case), you need to add the appropriate bead to the strand of the component:

<j:TextInput text="Your entry will appear in LOWER case">

You can read more about Strands and Beads here.

Component sets

Royale has a series of component sets, groups of ready-to-use components which are designed for different purposes.

Basic component set

The Basic set complies strictly with the PAYG guidelines and generates the smallest amount of code so it compiles quickly.

Express component set

The Express set is Basic components with lots of Beads packed into them by default. It is designed for rapid prototyping and proofs-of-concepts and is not optimized for size and performance. Applications built with the Express components can still be deployed in production environments if the size and performance are acceptable, which is often the case.

Jewel component set

Jewel is a little less compliant with PAYG so it can provide a great off-the-shelf look and feel.

Tour de Jewel provides working examples of Royale components styled in Jewel, with source code you can copy and paste into your own project.

MDL component set

The MateriaDesignLite set wraps the display concepts related to Google’s Material Design language. This library wraps the components of Material Design Lite library.

MXRoyale/MXSpark component sets

This component set seeks to emulate the functions and experience Flex developers are familiar with.

Other component sets

There are several other component sets that are proofs-of-concept that wrap existing JavaScript frameworks. They include:

  • CreateJS
  • Flat
  • JQuery

## Component sets for your application

When you download the Royale SDK to your local computer, you can browse the component sets in this location:


For sets that do not have an extensive demonstration suite like Tour de Jewel for the Jewel set, you can see quickly what components seem to be available.

Let’s say I then decide I want to use the Jewel component set in my application. I need to call it (and the Basic component set, as Jewel builds on some of its elements) in the opening lines of the main file in my project:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <c:MyProjectUsingJewel xmlns:fx="" 

Let’s say I want to insert a multi-line label in my app’s UI. I use the Label component in the “j” namespace I established for Jewel:

 <j:Label text="This is a multiline label with more text that wraps if container has set a width" multiline="true"/>