The easiest way to run the Solr Operator is via the provided Helm Chart.
The helm chart provides abstractions over the Input Arguments described below, and should work with any official images in docker hub.
The official documentation for installing the Solr Operator Helm chart can be found on Artifact Hub.
The first step is to add the Solr Operator helm repository.
$ helm repo add apache-solr
$ helm repo update
Next, install the Solr Operator chart. Note this is using Helm v3, use the official Helm chart documentation linked to above. This will install the Zookeeper Operator by default.
$ kubectl create -f
$ helm install solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --version 0.9.1
Note that the Helm chart version does not contain a v
prefix, which the downloads version does. The Helm chart version is the only part of the Solr Operator release that does not use the v
After installing, you can check to see what lives in the cluster to make sure that the Solr and ZooKeeper operators have started correctly.
$ kubectl get all
pod/solr-operator-8449d4d96f-cmf8p 1/1 Running 0 47h
pod/solr-operator-zookeeper-operator-674676769c-gd4jr 1/1 Running 0 49d
deployment.apps/solr-operator 1/1 1 1 49d
deployment.apps/solr-operator-zookeeper-operator 1/1 1 1 49d
replicaset.apps/solr-operator-8449d4d96f 1 1 1 2d1h
replicaset.apps/solr-operator-zookeeper-operator-674676769c 1 1 1 49d
After inspecting the status of you Kube cluster, you should see a deployment for the Solr Operator as well as the Zookeeper Operator.
Helm 3 automatically installs the Solr CRDs in the /crds directory, so no further action is needed when first installing the Operator.
If you have solr operator installations in multiple namespaces that are managed separately, you will likely want to skip installing CRDs when installing the chart.
This can be done with the --skip-crds
helm option.
helm install solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --skip-crds --namespace solr
Helm will not upgrade CRDs once they have been installed. Therefore, if you are upgrading from a previous Solr Operator version, be sure to install the most recent CRDs first.
You can update the released Solr CRDs with the following URL:
kubectl replace -f "<version>/<name>.yaml"
releaseIf you use the provided Zookeeper Cluster in the SolrCloud Spec, it is important to make sure you have the correct ZookeeperCluster
CRD installed as well.
The Zookeeper Operator Helm chart includes its CRDs when installing, however the way the CRDs are managed can be considered risky.
If we let the Zookeeper Operator Helm chart manage the Zookeeper CRDs, then users could see outages when uninstalling the chart.
Therefore, by default, we tell the Zookeeper Operator to not install the Zookeeper CRDs.
You can override this, assuming the risks, by setting zookeeper-operator.crd.create: true
For manual installation of the ZookeeperCluster CRD, you can find the file in the zookeeper-operator repo, for the correct release, or use the convenience download locations provided below. The Solr CRD releases have bundled the ZookeeperCluster CRD required in each version.
# Install all Solr CRDs as well as the dependency CRDS (ZookeeperCluster) for the given version of the Solr Operator
kubectl create -f "<solr operator version>/all-with-dependencies.yaml"
# Install just the ZookeeperCluster CRD used in the given version of the Solr Operator
kubectl create -f "<solr operator version>/zookeeperclusters.yaml"
, in the v0.3.0
Solr Operator release
Solr Operator releaseThe Solr Operator Docker image is published to Dockerhub at apache/solr-operator. The Dockerfile builds from scratch source, and copies all necessary information to a very limited image. The final image will only contain the solr-operator binary and necessary License information.
–zookeeper-operator Whether or not to use the Zookeeper Operator to create dependency Zookeeepers.
Required to use the spec.zookeeperRef.provided
If true, then a Zookeeper Operator must be running for the cluster.
(true | false , defaults to false)
–watch-namespaces Watch certain namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster. If flag is omitted, or given an empty string, then the whole cluster will be watched. If the operator should watch multiple namespaces, provide them all separated by commas. (string , defaults to empty)
–leader-elect Whether or not to use leader election for the Solr Operator.
If set to true, then only one operator pod will be functional for the namespaces given through --watch-namespaces
If multiple namespaces are provided, leader election will use the first namespace sorted alphabetically.
(true | false , defaults to true)
–metrics-bind-address The address to bind the metrics servlet on.
If only a port is provided (e.g. :8080
), then the metrics server will respond to requests with any Host header.
(defaults to :8080)
–health-probe-bind-address= The address to bind the health probe servlet on.
If only a port is provided (e.g. :8081
), then the metrics server will respond to requests with any Host header.
(defaults to :8081)
For SolrCloud instances that run with mTLS enabled (see spec.solrTLS.clientAuth
), the operator needs to supply a trusted certificate when making API calls to the Solr pods it is managing.
This means that the client certificate used by the operator must be added to the truststore on all Solr pods. Alternatively, the certificate for the Certificate Authority (CA) that signed the client certificate can be trusted by adding the CA’s certificate to the Solr truststore. In the latter case, any client certificates issued by the trusted CA will be accepted by Solr, so make sure this is appropriate for your environment.
The client certificate used by the operator should be stored in a TLS secret; you must create this secret before deploying the Solr operator.
When deploying the operator, supply the client certificate using the mTLS.clientCertSecret
Helm chart variable, such as:
--set mTLS.clientCertSecret=my-client-cert \
The specified secret must exist in the same namespace where the operator is deployed.
In addition, if the CA used to sign the server certificate used by Solr is not built into the operator’s Docker image, then you’ll need to add the CA’s certificate to the operator so its HTTP client will trust the server certificates during the TLS handshake.
The CA certificate needs to be stored in Kubernetes secret in PEM format and provided via the following Helm chart variables:
--set mTLS.caCertSecret=my-client-ca-cert \
--set mTLS.caCertSecretKey=ca-cert-pem
In most cases, you’ll also want to configure the operator with mTLS.insecureSkipVerify=true
(the default) as you’ll want the operator to skip hostname verification for Solr pods.
Setting mTLS.insecureSkipVerify
to false
means the operator will enforce hostname verification for the certificate provided by Solr pods.
By default, the operator watches for updates to the mTLS client certificate (mounted from the mTLS.clientCertSecret
secret) and then refreshes the HTTP client to use the updated certificate.
To disable this behavior, configure the operator using: --set mTLS.watchForUpdates=false