Class Utils


public class Utils extends Object
Various utility methods used by Spark.
  • Constructor Details

    • Utils

      public Utils()
  • Method Details

    • random

      public static Random random()

      public static int DEFAULT_DRIVER_MEM_MB()
      Define a default value for driver memory here since this value is referenced across the code base and nearly all files already use Utils.scala

      public static int MAX_DIR_CREATION_ATTEMPTS()

      public static String LOCAL_SCHEME()
      Scheme used for files that are locally available on worker nodes in the cluster.
    • deserializeLongValue

      public static long deserializeLongValue(byte[] bytes)
      Deserialize a Long value (used for PythonPartitioner)
    • serializeViaNestedStream

      public static void serializeViaNestedStream(OutputStream os, SerializerInstance ser, scala.Function1<SerializationStream,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> f)
      Serialize via nested stream using specific serializer
    • deserializeViaNestedStream

      public static void deserializeViaNestedStream(InputStream is, SerializerInstance ser, scala.Function1<DeserializationStream,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> f)
      Deserialize via nested stream using specific serializer
    • weakIntern

      public static String weakIntern(String s)
      String interning to reduce the memory usage.
    • withContextClassLoader

      public static <T> T withContextClassLoader(ClassLoader ctxClassLoader, scala.Function0<T> fn)
      Run a segment of code using a different context class loader in the current thread
      ctxClassLoader - (undocumented)
      fn - (undocumented)
    • writeByteBuffer

      public static void writeByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, DataOutput out)
      Primitive often used when writing ByteBuffer to DataOutput
      bb - (undocumented)
      out - (undocumented)
    • writeByteBuffer

      public static void writeByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, OutputStream out)
      Primitive often used when writing ByteBuffer to OutputStream
      bb - (undocumented)
      out - (undocumented)
    • chmod700

      public static boolean chmod700(File file)
      JDK equivalent of chmod 700 file.

      file - the file whose permissions will be modified
      true if the permissions were successfully changed, false otherwise.
    • createTempDir

      public static File createTempDir(String root, String namePrefix)
      Create a temporary directory inside the given parent directory. The directory will be automatically deleted when the VM shuts down.
      root - (undocumented)
      namePrefix - (undocumented)
    • copyStreamUpTo

      public static InputStream copyStreamUpTo(InputStream in, long maxSize)
      Copy the first maxSize bytes of data from the InputStream to an in-memory buffer, primarily to check for corruption.

      This returns a new InputStream which contains the same data as the original input stream. It may be entirely on in-memory buffer, or it may be a combination of in-memory data, and then continue to read from the original stream. The only real use of this is if the original input stream will potentially detect corruption while the data is being read (e.g. from compression). This allows for an eager check of corruption in the first maxSize bytes of data.

      in - (undocumented)
      maxSize - (undocumented)
      An InputStream which includes all data from the original stream (combining buffered data and remaining data in the original stream)
    • encodeFileNameToURIRawPath

      public static String encodeFileNameToURIRawPath(String fileName)
      A file name may contain some invalid URI characters, such as " ". This method will convert the file name to a raw path accepted by

      Note: the file name must not contain "/" or "\"

      fileName - (undocumented)
    • encodeRelativeUnixPathToURIRawPath

      public static String encodeRelativeUnixPathToURIRawPath(String path)
      Same as encodeFileNameToURIRawPath(java.lang.String) but returns the relative UNIX path.
      path - (undocumented)
    • decodeFileNameInURI

      public static String decodeFileNameInURI(URI uri)
      Get the file name from uri's raw path and decode it. If the raw path of uri ends with "/", return the name before the last "/".
      uri - (undocumented)
    • fetchFile

      public static File fetchFile(String url, File targetDir, SparkConf conf, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoopConf, long timestamp, boolean useCache, boolean shouldUntar)
      Download a file or directory to target directory. Supports fetching the file in a variety of ways, including HTTP, Hadoop-compatible filesystems, and files on a standard filesystem, based on the URL parameter. Fetching directories is only supported from Hadoop-compatible filesystems.

      If useCache is true, first attempts to fetch the file to a local cache that's shared across executors running the same application. useCache is used mainly for the executors, and not in local mode.

      Throws SparkException if the target file already exists and has different contents than the requested file.

      If shouldUntar is true, it untars the given url if it is a tar.gz or tgz into targetDir. This is a legacy behavior, and users should better use spark.archives configuration or SparkContext.addArchive

      url - (undocumented)
      targetDir - (undocumented)
      conf - (undocumented)
      hadoopConf - (undocumented)
      timestamp - (undocumented)
      useCache - (undocumented)
      shouldUntar - (undocumented)
    • unpack

      public static void unpack(File source, File dest)
      Unpacks an archive file into the specified directory. It expects .jar, .zip, .tar.gz, .tgz and .tar files. This behaves same as Hadoop's archive in distributed cache. This method is basically copied from org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.FSDownload.unpack.
      source - (undocumented)
      dest - (undocumented)
    • timeTakenMs

      public static <T> scala.Tuple2<T,Object> timeTakenMs(scala.Function0<T> body)
      Records the duration of running `body`.
    • doFetchFile

      public static File doFetchFile(String url, File targetDir, String filename, SparkConf conf, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoopConf)
      Download a file or directory to target directory. Supports fetching the file in a variety of ways, including HTTP, Hadoop-compatible filesystems, and files on a standard filesystem, based on the URL parameter. Fetching directories is only supported from Hadoop-compatible filesystems.

      Throws SparkException if the target file already exists and has different contents than the requested file.

      url - (undocumented)
      targetDir - (undocumented)
      filename - (undocumented)
      conf - (undocumented)
      hadoopConf - (undocumented)
    • validateURL

      public static void validateURL(URI uri) throws MalformedURLException
      Validate that a given URI is actually a valid URL as well.
      uri - The URI to validate
    • getLocalDir

      public static String getLocalDir(SparkConf conf)
      Get the path of a temporary directory. Spark's local directories can be configured through multiple settings, which are used with the following precedence:

      - If called from inside of a YARN container, this will return a directory chosen by YARN. - If the SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS environment variable is set, this will return a directory from it. - Otherwise, if the spark.local.dir is set, this will return a directory from it. - Otherwise, this will return

      Some of these configuration options might be lists of multiple paths, but this method will always return a single directory. The return directory is chosen randomly from the array of directories it gets from getOrCreateLocalRootDirs.

      conf - (undocumented)
    • isInRunningSparkTask

      public static boolean isInRunningSparkTask()
      Returns if the current codes are running in a Spark task, e.g., in executors.
    • getConfiguredLocalDirs

      public static String[] getConfiguredLocalDirs(SparkConf conf)
      Return the configured local directories where Spark can write files. This method does not create any directories on its own, it only encapsulates the logic of locating the local directories according to deployment mode.
      conf - (undocumented)
    • randomize

      public static <T> scala.collection.immutable.Seq<T> randomize(scala.collection.IterableOnce<T> seq, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> evidence$1)
      Shuffle the elements of a collection into a random order, returning the result in a new collection. Unlike scala.util.Random.shuffle, this method uses a local random number generator, avoiding inter-thread contention.
      seq - (undocumented)
      evidence$1 - (undocumented)
    • randomizeInPlace

      public static <T> Object randomizeInPlace(Object arr, Random rand)
      Shuffle the elements of an array into a random order, modifying the original array. Returns the original array.
      arr - (undocumented)
      rand - (undocumented)
    • setCustomHostname

      public static void setCustomHostname(String hostname)
      Allow setting a custom host name
      hostname - (undocumented)
    • localCanonicalHostName

      public static String localCanonicalHostName()
      Get the local machine's FQDN.
    • localHostName

      public static String localHostName()
      Get the local machine's hostname. In case of IPv6, getHostAddress may return '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1'.
    • localHostNameForURI

      public static String localHostNameForURI()
      Get the local machine's URI.
    • checkHost

      public static void checkHost(String host)
      Checks if the host contains only valid hostname/ip without port NOTE: Incase of IPV6 ip it should be enclosed inside []
      host - (undocumented)
    • checkHostPort

      public static void checkHostPort(String hostPort)
    • parseHostPort

      public static scala.Tuple2<String,Object> parseHostPort(String hostPort)
    • getUsedTimeNs

      public static String getUsedTimeNs(long startTimeNs)
      Return the string to tell how long has passed in milliseconds.
      startTimeNs - - a timestamp in nanoseconds returned by System.nanoTime.
    • deleteRecursively

      public static void deleteRecursively(File file)
      Delete a file or directory and its contents recursively. Don't follow directories if they are symlinks. Throws an exception if deletion is unsuccessful.
      file - (undocumented)
    • doesDirectoryContainAnyNewFiles

      public static boolean doesDirectoryContainAnyNewFiles(File dir, long cutoff)
      Determines if a directory contains any files newer than cutoff seconds.

      dir - must be the path to a directory, or IllegalArgumentException is thrown
      cutoff - measured in seconds. Returns true if there are any files or directories in the given directory whose last modified time is later than this many seconds ago
    • timeStringAsMs

      public static long timeStringAsMs(String str)
      Convert a time parameter such as (50s, 100ms, or 250us) to milliseconds for internal use. If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in ms.
      str - (undocumented)
    • timeStringAsSeconds

      public static long timeStringAsSeconds(String str)
      Convert a time parameter such as (50s, 100ms, or 250us) to seconds for internal use. If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in seconds.
      str - (undocumented)
    • byteStringAsBytes

      public static long byteStringAsBytes(String str)
      Convert a passed byte string (e.g. 50b, 100k, or 250m) to bytes for internal use.

      If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in bytes.

      str - (undocumented)
    • byteStringAsKb

      public static long byteStringAsKb(String str)
      Convert a passed byte string (e.g. 50b, 100k, or 250m) to kibibytes for internal use.

      If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in kibibytes.

      str - (undocumented)
    • byteStringAsMb

      public static long byteStringAsMb(String str)
      Convert a passed byte string (e.g. 50b, 100k, or 250m) to mebibytes for internal use.

      If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in mebibytes.

      str - (undocumented)
    • byteStringAsGb

      public static long byteStringAsGb(String str)
      Convert a passed byte string (e.g. 50b, 100k, or 250m, 500g) to gibibytes for internal use.

      If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in gibibytes.

      str - (undocumented)
    • memoryStringToMb

      public static int memoryStringToMb(String str)
      Convert a Java memory parameter passed to -Xmx (such as 300m or 1g) to a number of mebibytes.
      str - (undocumented)
    • bytesToString

      public static String bytesToString(long size)
      Convert a quantity in bytes to a human-readable string such as "4.0 MiB".
      size - (undocumented)
    • bytesToString

      public static String bytesToString(scala.math.BigInt size)
    • msDurationToString

      public static String msDurationToString(long ms)
      Returns a human-readable string representing a duration such as "35ms"
      ms - (undocumented)
    • megabytesToString

      public static String megabytesToString(long megabytes)
      Convert a quantity in megabytes to a human-readable string such as "4.0 MiB".
      megabytes - (undocumented)
    • executeCommand

      public static Process executeCommand(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> command, File workingDir, scala.collection.Map<String,String> extraEnvironment, boolean redirectStderr)
      Execute a command and return the process running the command.
      command - (undocumented)
      workingDir - (undocumented)
      extraEnvironment - (undocumented)
      redirectStderr - (undocumented)
    • executeAndGetOutput

      public static String executeAndGetOutput(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> command, File workingDir, scala.collection.Map<String,String> extraEnvironment, boolean redirectStderr)
      Execute a command and get its output, throwing an exception if it yields a code other than 0.
      command - (undocumented)
      workingDir - (undocumented)
      extraEnvironment - (undocumented)
      redirectStderr - (undocumented)
    • processStreamByLine

      public static Thread processStreamByLine(String threadName, InputStream inputStream, scala.Function1<String,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> processLine)
      Return and start a daemon thread that processes the content of the input stream line by line.
      threadName - (undocumented)
      inputStream - (undocumented)
      processLine - (undocumented)
    • tryOrExit

      public static void tryOrExit(scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> block)
      Execute a block of code that evaluates to Unit, forwarding any uncaught exceptions to the default UncaughtExceptionHandler

      NOTE: This method is to be called by the spark-started JVM process.

      block - (undocumented)
    • tryOrStopSparkContext

      public static void tryOrStopSparkContext(SparkContext sc, scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> block)
      Execute a block of code that evaluates to Unit, stop SparkContext if there is any uncaught exception

      NOTE: This method is to be called by the driver-side components to avoid stopping the user-started JVM process completely; in contrast, tryOrExit is to be called in the spark-started JVM process .

      sc - (undocumented)
      block - (undocumented)
    • tryLogNonFatalError

      public static void tryLogNonFatalError(scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> block)
      Executes the given block. Log non-fatal errors if any, and only throw fatal errors
    • tryWithSafeFinallyAndFailureCallbacks

      public static <T> T tryWithSafeFinallyAndFailureCallbacks(scala.Function0<T> block, scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> catchBlock, scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> finallyBlock)
      Execute a block of code and call the failure callbacks in the catch block. If exceptions occur in either the catch or the finally block, they are appended to the list of suppressed exceptions in original exception which is then rethrown.

      This is primarily an issue with catch { abort() } or finally { out.close() } blocks, where the abort/close needs to be called to clean up out, but if an exception happened in out.write, it's likely out may be corrupted and abort or out.close will fail as well. This would then suppress the original/likely more meaningful exception from the original out.write call.

      block - (undocumented)
      catchBlock - (undocumented)
      finallyBlock - (undocumented)

    • doTryWithCallerStacktrace

      public static <T> scala.util.Try<T> doTryWithCallerStacktrace(scala.Function0<T> f)
      Use Try with stacktrace substitution for the caller retrieving the error.

      Normally in case of failure, the exception would have the stacktrace of the caller that originally called doTryWithCallerStacktrace. However, we want to replace the part above this function with the stacktrace of the caller who calls getTryWithCallerStacktrace. So here we save the part of the stacktrace below doTryWithCallerStacktrace, and getTryWithCallerStacktrace will stitch it with the new stack trace of the caller. The full original stack trace is kept in ex.getSuppressed.

      f - Code block to be wrapped in Try
      Try with Success or Failure of the code block. Use with getTryWithCallerStacktrace.
    • getTryWithCallerStacktrace

      public static <T> T getTryWithCallerStacktrace(scala.util.Try<T> t)
      Retrieve the result of Try that was created by doTryWithCallerStacktrace.

      In case of failure, the resulting exception has a stack trace that combines the stack trace below the original doTryWithCallerStacktrace which triggered it, with the caller stack trace of the current caller of getTryWithCallerStacktrace.

      Full stack trace of the original doTryWithCallerStacktrace caller can be retrieved with ex.getSuppressed.find { e => e.isInstanceOf[Utils.OriginalTryStackTraceException] }

      t - Try from doTryWithCallerStacktrace
      Result of the Try or rethrows the failure exception with modified stacktrace.
    • getCallSite

      public static org.apache.spark.util.CallSite getCallSite(scala.Function1<String,Object> skipClass)
      When called inside a class in the spark package, returns the name of the user code class (outside the spark package) that called into Spark, as well as which Spark method they called. This is used, for example, to tell users where in their code each RDD got created.

      skipClass - Function that is used to exclude non-user-code classes.
    • getFileLength

      public static long getFileLength(File file, SparkConf workConf)
      Return the file length, if the file is compressed it returns the uncompressed file length. It also caches the uncompressed file size to avoid repeated decompression. The cache size is read from workerConf.
      file - (undocumented)
      workConf - (undocumented)
    • offsetBytes

      public static String offsetBytes(String path, long length, long start, long end)
      Return a string containing part of a file from byte 'start' to 'end'.
    • offsetBytes

      public static String offsetBytes(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<File> files, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Object> fileLengths, long start, long end)
      Return a string containing data across a set of files. The startIndex and endIndex is based on the cumulative size of all the files take in the given order. See figure below for more details.
      files - (undocumented)
      fileLengths - (undocumented)
      start - (undocumented)
      end - (undocumented)
    • clone

      public static <T> T clone(T value, SerializerInstance serializer, scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> evidence$2)
      Clone an object using a Spark serializer.
      value - (undocumented)
      serializer - (undocumented)
      evidence$2 - (undocumented)
    • splitCommandString

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> splitCommandString(String s)
      Split a string of potentially quoted arguments from the command line the way that a shell would do it to determine arguments to a command. For example, if the string is 'a "b c" d', then it would be parsed as three arguments: 'a', 'b c' and 'd'.
      s - (undocumented)
    • nonNegativeMod

      public static int nonNegativeMod(int x, int mod)
    • nonNegativeHash

      public static int nonNegativeHash(Object obj)
    • getSystemProperties

      public static scala.collection.Map<String,String> getSystemProperties()
      Returns the system properties map that is thread-safe to iterator over. It gets the properties which have been set explicitly, as well as those for which only a default value has been defined.
    • times

      public static void times(int numIters, scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> f)
      Method executed for repeating a task for side effects. Unlike a for comprehension, it permits JVM JIT optimization
      numIters - (undocumented)
      f - (undocumented)
    • timeIt

      public static long timeIt(int numIters, scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> f, scala.Option<scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit>> prepare)
      Timing method based on iterations that permit JVM JIT optimization.

      numIters - number of iterations
      f - function to be executed. If prepare is not None, the running time of each call to f must be an order of magnitude longer than one nanosecond for accurate timing.
      prepare - function to be executed before each call to f. Its running time doesn't count.
      the total time across all iterations (not counting preparation time) in nanoseconds.
    • getIteratorSize

      public static long getIteratorSize(scala.collection.Iterator<Object> iterator)
      Counts the number of elements of an iterator.
      iterator - (undocumented)
    • getIteratorZipWithIndex

      public static <T> scala.collection.Iterator<scala.Tuple2<T,Object>> getIteratorZipWithIndex(scala.collection.Iterator<T> iter, long startIndex)
      Generate a zipWithIndex iterator, avoid index value overflowing problem in scala's zipWithIndex
      iter - (undocumented)
      startIndex - (undocumented)
    • symlink

      public static void symlink(File src, File dst)
      Creates a symlink.

      src - absolute path to the source
      dst - relative path for the destination
    • getHadoopFileSystem

      public static org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem getHadoopFileSystem(URI path, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
      Return a Hadoop FileSystem with the scheme encoded in the given path.
      path - (undocumented)
      conf - (undocumented)
    • getHadoopFileSystem

      public static org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem getHadoopFileSystem(String path, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
      Return a Hadoop FileSystem with the scheme encoded in the given path.
      path - (undocumented)
      conf - (undocumented)
    • isWindows

      public static boolean isWindows()
      Whether the underlying operating system is Windows.
    • isMac

      public static boolean isMac()
      Whether the underlying operating system is Mac OS X.
    • isJavaVersionAtLeast21

      public static boolean isJavaVersionAtLeast21()
      Whether the underlying Java version is at least 21.
    • isMacOnAppleSilicon

      public static boolean isMacOnAppleSilicon()
      Whether the underlying operating system is Mac OS X and processor is Apple Silicon.
    • preferIPv6

      public static boolean preferIPv6()
      Whether the underlying JVM prefer IPv6 addresses.
    • windowsDrive

      public static scala.util.matching.Regex windowsDrive()
      Pattern for matching a Windows drive, which contains only a single alphabet character.
    • terminateProcess

      public static scala.Option<Object> terminateProcess(Process process, long timeoutMs)
      Terminates a process waiting for at most the specified duration.

      process - (undocumented)
      timeoutMs - (undocumented)
      the process exit value if it was successfully terminated, else None
    • getStderr

      public static scala.Option<String> getStderr(Process process, long timeoutMs)
      Return the stderr of a process after waiting for the process to terminate. If the process does not terminate within the specified timeout, return None.
      process - (undocumented)
      timeoutMs - (undocumented)
    • logUncaughtExceptions

      public static <T> T logUncaughtExceptions(scala.Function0<T> f)
      Execute the given block, logging and re-throwing any uncaught exception. This is particularly useful for wrapping code that runs in a thread, to ensure that exceptions are printed, and to avoid having to catch Throwable.
      f - (undocumented)
    • tryLog

      public static <T> scala.util.Try<T> tryLog(scala.Function0<T> f)
      Executes the given block in a Try, logging any uncaught exceptions.
    • isFatalError

      public static boolean isFatalError(Throwable e)
      Returns true if the given exception was fatal. See docs for scala.util.control.NonFatal.
    • resolveURIs

      public static String resolveURIs(String paths)
      Resolve a comma-separated list of paths.
    • nonLocalPaths

      public static String[] nonLocalPaths(String paths, boolean testWindows)
      Return all non-local paths from a comma-separated list of paths.
    • loadDefaultSparkProperties

      public static String loadDefaultSparkProperties(SparkConf conf, String filePath)
      Load default Spark properties from the given file. If no file is provided, use the common defaults file. This mutates state in the given SparkConf and in this JVM's system properties if the config specified in the file is not already set. Return the path of the properties file used.
      conf - (undocumented)
      filePath - (undocumented)
    • getPropertiesFromFile

      public static scala.collection.Map<String,String> getPropertiesFromFile(String filename)
      Load properties present in the given file.
    • getDefaultPropertiesFile

      public static String getDefaultPropertiesFile(scala.collection.Map<String,String> env)
      Return the path of the default Spark properties file.
    • exceptionString

      public static String exceptionString(Throwable e)
      Return a nice string representation of the exception. It will call "printStackTrace" to recursively generate the stack trace including the exception and its causes.
      e - (undocumented)
    • getThreadDump

      public static ThreadStackTrace[] getThreadDump()
      Return a thread dump of all threads' stacktraces. Used to capture dumps for the web UI
    • getHeapHistogram

      public static String[] getHeapHistogram()
      Return a heap dump. Used to capture dumps for the web UI
    • getThreadDumpForThread

      public static scala.Option<ThreadStackTrace> getThreadDumpForThread(long threadId)
    • sparkJavaOpts

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> sparkJavaOpts(SparkConf conf, scala.Function1<String,Object> filterKey)
      Convert all spark properties set in the given SparkConf to a sequence of java options.
      conf - (undocumented)
      filterKey - (undocumented)
    • portMaxRetries

      public static int portMaxRetries(SparkConf conf)
      Maximum number of retries when binding to a port before giving up.
      conf - (undocumented)
    • userPort

      public static int userPort(int base, int offset)
      Returns the user port to try when trying to bind a service. Handles wrapping and skipping privileged ports.
      base - (undocumented)
      offset - (undocumented)
    • startServiceOnPort

      public static <T> scala.Tuple2<T,Object> startServiceOnPort(int startPort, scala.Function1<Object,scala.Tuple2<T,Object>> startService, SparkConf conf, String serviceName)
      Attempt to start a service on the given port, or fail after a number of attempts. Use a shared configuration for the maximum number of port retries.
      startPort - (undocumented)
      startService - (undocumented)
      conf - (undocumented)
      serviceName - (undocumented)
    • startServiceOnPort

      public static <T> scala.Tuple2<T,Object> startServiceOnPort(int startPort, scala.Function1<Object,scala.Tuple2<T,Object>> startService, int maxRetries, String serviceName)
      Attempt to start a service on the given port, or fail after a number of attempts. Each subsequent attempt uses 1 + the port used in the previous attempt (unless the port is 0).

      startPort - The initial port to start the service on.
      startService - Function to start service on a given port. This is expected to throw on port collision.
      maxRetries - The maximum number of retries when binding to a port.
      serviceName - Name of the service.
      (service: T, port: Int)
    • isBindCollision

      public static boolean isBindCollision(Throwable exception)
      Return whether the exception is caused by an address-port collision when binding.
      exception - (undocumented)
    • setLogLevel

      public static void setLogLevel(org.apache.logging.log4j.Level l)
      configure a new log4j level
      l - (undocumented)
    • setLogLevelIfNeeded

      public static void setLogLevelIfNeeded(String newLogLevel)
    • getLogLevel

      public static String getLogLevel()
      Get current log level
    • libraryPathEnvName

      public static String libraryPathEnvName()
      Return the current system LD_LIBRARY_PATH name
    • libraryPathEnvPrefix

      public static String libraryPathEnvPrefix(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> libraryPaths)
      Return the prefix of a command that appends the given library paths to the system-specific library path environment variable. On Unix, for instance, this returns the string LD_LIBRARY_PATH="path1:path2:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH".
      libraryPaths - (undocumented)
    • getSparkOrYarnConfig

      public static String getSparkOrYarnConfig(SparkConf conf, String key, String default_)
      Return the value of a config either through the SparkConf or the Hadoop configuration. We Check whether the key is set in the SparkConf before look at any Hadoop configuration. If the key is set in SparkConf, no matter whether it is running on YARN or not, gets the value from SparkConf. Only when the key is not set in SparkConf and running on YARN, gets the value from Hadoop configuration.
      conf - (undocumented)
      key - (undocumented)
      default_ - (undocumented)
    • extractHostPortFromSparkUrl

      public static scala.Tuple2<String,Object> extractHostPortFromSparkUrl(String sparkUrl) throws SparkException
      Return a pair of host and port extracted from the sparkUrl.

      A spark url (spark://host:port) is a special URI that its scheme is spark and only contains host and port.

      sparkUrl - (undocumented)
      SparkException - if sparkUrl is invalid.
    • getCurrentUserName

      public static String getCurrentUserName()
      Returns the current user name. This is the currently logged in user, unless that's been overridden by the SPARK_USER environment variable.

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Set<String> EMPTY_USER_GROUPS()
    • getCurrentUserGroups

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Set<String> getCurrentUserGroups(SparkConf sparkConf, String username)
    • parseStandaloneMasterUrls

      public static String[] parseStandaloneMasterUrls(String masterUrls)
      Split the comma delimited string of master URLs into a list. For instance, "spark://abc,def" becomes [spark://abc, spark://def].
      masterUrls - (undocumented)

      public static String BACKUP_STANDALONE_MASTER_PREFIX()
      An identifier that backup masters use in their responses.
    • responseFromBackup

      public static boolean responseFromBackup(String msg)
      Return true if the response message is sent from a backup Master on standby.
    • withDummyCallSite

      public static <T> T withDummyCallSite(SparkContext sc, scala.Function0<T> body)
      To avoid calling Utils.getCallSite for every single RDD we create in the body, set a dummy call site that RDDs use instead. This is for performance optimization.
      sc - (undocumented)
      body - (undocumented)
    • isInDirectory

      public static boolean isInDirectory(File parent, File child)
      Return whether the specified file is a parent directory of the child file.
      parent - (undocumented)
      child - (undocumented)
    • isLocalMaster

      public static boolean isLocalMaster(ReadOnlySparkConf conf)
      conf - (undocumented)
      whether it is local mode
    • isPushBasedShuffleEnabled

      public static boolean isPushBasedShuffleEnabled(SparkConf conf, boolean isDriver, boolean checkSerializer)
      Push based shuffle can only be enabled when below conditions are met: - the application is submitted to run in YARN mode - external shuffle service enabled - IO encryption disabled - serializer(such as KryoSerializer) supports relocation of serialized objects
      conf - (undocumented)
      isDriver - (undocumented)
      checkSerializer - (undocumented)
    • instantiateSerializerOrShuffleManager

      public static <T> T instantiateSerializerOrShuffleManager(String className, SparkConf conf, boolean isDriver)
    • instantiateSerializerFromConf

      public static <T> T instantiateSerializerFromConf(org.apache.spark.internal.config.ConfigEntry<String> propertyName, SparkConf conf, boolean isDriver)
    • isDynamicAllocationEnabled

      public static boolean isDynamicAllocationEnabled(ReadOnlySparkConf conf)
      Return whether dynamic allocation is enabled in the given conf.
      conf - (undocumented)
    • isStreamingDynamicAllocationEnabled

      public static boolean isStreamingDynamicAllocationEnabled(SparkConf conf)
    • getDynamicAllocationInitialExecutors

      public static int getDynamicAllocationInitialExecutors(SparkConf conf)
      Return the initial number of executors for dynamic allocation.
      conf - (undocumented)
    • tempFileWith

      public static File tempFileWith(File path)
      Returns a path of temporary file which is in the same directory with path.
      path - (undocumented)
    • getProcessName

      public static String getProcessName()
      Returns the name of this JVM process. This is OS dependent but typically (OSX, Linux, Windows), this is formatted as PID@hostname.
    • initDaemon

      public static void initDaemon(org.slf4j.Logger log)
      Utility function that should be called early in main() for daemons to set up some common diagnostic state.
      log - (undocumented)
    • resetStructuredLogging

      public static void resetStructuredLogging()
      Utility function to enable or disable structured logging based on system properties. This is designed for a code path which we cannot use SparkConf yet, and should be used before the first invocation of Logging.log(). For example, this should be used before initDaemon.
    • resetStructuredLogging

      public static void resetStructuredLogging(SparkConf sparkConf)
      Utility function to enable or disable structured logging based on SparkConf. This is designed for a code path which logging system may be initilized before loading SparkConf.
      sparkConf - (undocumented)
    • getUserJars

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> getUserJars(SparkConf conf)
      Return the jar files pointed by the "spark.jars" property. Spark internally will distribute these jars through file server. In the YARN mode, it will return an empty list, since YARN has its own mechanism to distribute jars.
      conf - (undocumented)
    • getLocalUserJarsForShell

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> getLocalUserJarsForShell(SparkConf conf)
      Return the local jar files which will be added to REPL's classpath. These jar files are specified by --jars (spark.jars) or --packages, remote jars will be downloaded to local by SparkSubmit at first.
      conf - (undocumented)
    • redact

      public static scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple2<String,String>> redact(SparkConf conf, scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple2<String,String>> kvs)
      Redact the sensitive values in the given map. If a map key matches the redaction pattern then its value is replaced with a dummy text.
      conf - (undocumented)
      kvs - (undocumented)
    • redact

      public static <K, V> scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple2<K,V>> redact(scala.Option<scala.util.matching.Regex> regex, scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple2<K,V>> kvs)
      Redact the sensitive values in the given map. If a map key matches the redaction pattern then its value is replaced with a dummy text.
      regex - (undocumented)
      kvs - (undocumented)
    • redact

      public static String redact(scala.Option<scala.util.matching.Regex> regex, String text)
      Redact the sensitive information in the given string.
      regex - (undocumented)
      text - (undocumented)
    • redact

      public static scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple2<String,String>> redact(scala.collection.Map<String,String> kvs)
      Looks up the redaction regex from within the key value pairs and uses it to redact the rest of the key value pairs. No care is taken to make sure the redaction property itself is not redacted. So theoretically, the property itself could be configured to redact its own value when printing.
      kvs - (undocumented)
    • redactCommandLineArgs

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> redactCommandLineArgs(SparkConf conf, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> commands)
    • loadExtensions

      public static <T> scala.collection.immutable.Seq<T> loadExtensions(Class<T> extClass, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> classes, SparkConf conf)
      Create instances of extension classes.

      The classes in the given list must: - Be sub-classes of the given base class. - Provide either a no-arg constructor, or a 1-arg constructor that takes a SparkConf.

      The constructors are allowed to throw "UnsupportedOperationException" if the extension does not want to be registered; this allows the implementations to check the Spark configuration (or other state) and decide they do not need to be added. A log message is printed in that case. Other exceptions are bubbled up.

      extClass - (undocumented)
      classes - (undocumented)
      conf - (undocumented)
    • checkAndGetK8sMasterUrl

      public static String checkAndGetK8sMasterUrl(String rawMasterURL)
      Check the validity of the given Kubernetes master URL and return the resolved URL. Prefix "k8s://" is appended to the resolved URL as the prefix is used by KubernetesClusterManager in canCreate to determine if the KubernetesClusterManager should be used.
      rawMasterURL - (undocumented)
    • substituteAppNExecIds

      public static String substituteAppNExecIds(String opt, String appId, String execId)
      Replaces all the {{EXECUTOR_ID}} occurrences with the Executor Id and {{APP_ID}} occurrences with the App Id.
      opt - (undocumented)
      appId - (undocumented)
      execId - (undocumented)
    • substituteAppId

      public static String substituteAppId(String opt, String appId)
      Replaces all the {{APP_ID}} occurrences with the App Id.
      opt - (undocumented)
      appId - (undocumented)
    • createSecret

      public static String createSecret(SparkConf conf)
    • stringHalfWidth

      public static int stringHalfWidth(String str)
      Return the number of half widths in a given string. Note that a full width character occupies two half widths.

      For a string consisting of 1 million characters, the execution of this method requires about 50ms.

      str - (undocumented)
    • sanitizeDirName

      public static String sanitizeDirName(String str)
    • nameForAppAndAttempt

      public static String nameForAppAndAttempt(String appId, scala.Option<String> appAttemptId)
    • isClientMode

      public static boolean isClientMode(SparkConf conf)
    • isLocalUri

      public static boolean isLocalUri(String uri)
      Returns whether the URI is a "local:" URI.
    • getUriBuilder

      public static getUriBuilder(URI uri)
      Create a UriBuilder from URI object.
    • getUriBuilder

      public static getUriBuilder(String uri)
      Create a UriBuilder from URI string.
    • isFileSplittable

      public static boolean isFileSplittable(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path, codecFactory)
      Check whether the file of the path is splittable.
    • cloneProperties

      public static Properties cloneProperties(Properties props)
      Create a new properties object with the same values as `props`
    • buildLocationMetadata

      public static String buildLocationMetadata(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path> paths, int stopAppendingThreshold)
      Convert a sequence of Paths to a metadata string. When the length of metadata string exceeds stopAppendingThreshold, stop appending paths for saving memory.
      paths - (undocumented)
      stopAppendingThreshold - (undocumented)
    • executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb

      public static int executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb(SparkConf sparkConf)
      Convert MEMORY_OFFHEAP_SIZE to MB Unit, return 0 if MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED is false.
      sparkConf - (undocumented)
    • checkOffHeapEnabled

      public static long checkOffHeapEnabled(SparkConf sparkConf, long offHeapSize)
      return 0 if MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED is false.
      sparkConf - (undocumented)
      offHeapSize - (undocumented)
    • createFailedToGetTokenMessage

      public static org.apache.spark.internal.MessageWithContext createFailedToGetTokenMessage(String serviceName, Throwable e)
      Returns a string message about delegation token generation failure
    • unzipFilesFromFile

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Seq<File> unzipFilesFromFile(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path dfsZipFile, File localDir)
      Decompress a zip file into a local dir. File names are read from the zip file. Note, we skip addressing the directory here. Also, we rely on the caller side to address any exceptions.
      fs - (undocumented)
      dfsZipFile - (undocumented)
      localDir - (undocumented)
    • createResourceUninterruptiblyIfInTaskThread

      public static <R extends Closeable> R createResourceUninterruptiblyIfInTaskThread(scala.Function0<R> createResource)
      Create a resource uninterruptibly if we are in a task thread (i.e., TaskContext.get() != null). Otherwise, create the resource normally. This is mainly used in the situation where we want to create a multi-layer resource in a task thread. The uninterruptible behavior ensures we don't leak the underlying resources when there is a task cancellation request,
      createResource - (undocumented)
    • median

      public static long median(long[] sizes, boolean alreadySorted)
      Return the median number of a long array

      sizes -
      alreadySorted -
    • checkCommandAvailable

      public static boolean checkCommandAvailable(String command)
      Check if a command is available.
      command - (undocumented)
    • isG1GC

      public static boolean isG1GC()
    • org$apache$spark$internal$Logging$$log_

      public static org.slf4j.Logger org$apache$spark$internal$Logging$$log_()
    • org$apache$spark$internal$Logging$$log__$eq

      public static void org$apache$spark$internal$Logging$$log__$eq(org.slf4j.Logger x$1)
    • LogStringContext

      public static org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.LogStringContext LogStringContext(scala.StringContext sc)
    • getSparkClassLoader

      public static ClassLoader getSparkClassLoader()
    • getContextOrSparkClassLoader

      public static ClassLoader getContextOrSparkClassLoader()
    • classForName

      public static <C> Class<C> classForName(String className, boolean initialize, boolean noSparkClassLoader)
    • classForName$default$2

      public static <C> boolean classForName$default$2()
    • classForName$default$3

      public static <C> boolean classForName$default$3()
    • classIsLoadable

      public static boolean classIsLoadable(String clazz)
    • classIsLoadableAndAssignableFrom

      public static boolean classIsLoadableAndAssignableFrom(String clazz, Class<?> targetClass)
    • getFormattedClassName

      public static String getFormattedClassName(Object obj)
    • getSimpleName

      public static String getSimpleName(Class<?> cls)
    • stripDollars

      public static final String stripDollars(String s)
    • isTesting

      public static boolean isTesting()
    • tryOrIOException

      public static <T> T tryOrIOException(scala.Function0<T> block)
    • tryWithResource

      public static <R extends Closeable, T> T tryWithResource(scala.Function0<R> createResource, scala.Function1<R,T> f)
    • tryInitializeResource

      public static <R extends Closeable, T> T tryInitializeResource(scala.Function0<R> createResource, scala.Function1<R,T> initialize)
    • tryWithSafeFinally

      public static <T> T tryWithSafeFinally(scala.Function0<T> block, scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> finallyBlock)
    • stackTraceToString

      public static String stackTraceToString(Throwable t)
    • resolveURI

      public static URI resolveURI(String path)
    • recursiveList

      public static File[] recursiveList(File f)
    • createDirectory

      public static boolean createDirectory(File dir)
    • createDirectory

      public static File createDirectory(String root, String namePrefix)
    • createDirectory$default$2

      public static String createDirectory$default$2()
    • createTempDir$default$1

      public static String createTempDir$default$1()
    • createTempDir$default$2

      public static String createTempDir$default$2()
    • serialize

      public static <T> byte[] serialize(T o)
    • deserialize

      public static <T> T deserialize(byte[] bytes)
    • deserialize

      public static <T> T deserialize(byte[] bytes, ClassLoader loader)
    • copyStream

      public static long copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out, boolean closeStreams, boolean transferToEnabled)
    • copyStream$default$3

      public static boolean copyStream$default$3()
    • copyStream$default$4

      public static boolean copyStream$default$4()
    • copyFileStreamNIO

      public static void copyFileStreamNIO(FileChannel input, WritableByteChannel output, long startPosition, long bytesToCopy)
    • stringToSeq

      public static scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String> stringToSeq(String str)