Source code for pyspark.sql.streaming.stateful_processor

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, Optional, Union, Tuple

from pyspark.sql.streaming.stateful_processor_api_client import (
from pyspark.sql.streaming.list_state_client import ListStateClient, ListStateIterator
from pyspark.sql.streaming.map_state_client import (
from pyspark.sql.streaming.value_state_client import ValueStateClient
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType

    from pyspark.sql.pandas._typing import DataFrameLike as PandasDataFrameLike

__all__ = ["StatefulProcessor", "StatefulProcessorHandle"]

class ValueState:
    Class used for arbitrary stateful operations with transformWithState to capture single value

    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0

    def __init__(self, valueStateClient: ValueStateClient, stateName: str) -> None:
        self._valueStateClient = valueStateClient
        self._stateName = stateName

    def exists(self) -> bool:
        Whether state exists or not.
        return self._valueStateClient.exists(self._stateName)

    def get(self) -> Optional[Tuple]:
        Get the state value if it exists. Returns None if the state variable does not have a value.
        return self._valueStateClient.get(self._stateName)

    def update(self, newValue: Tuple) -> None:
        Update the value of the state.
        self._valueStateClient.update(self._stateName, newValue)

    def clear(self) -> None:
        Remove this state.

class TimerValues:
    Class used for arbitrary stateful operations with transformWithState to access processing
    time or event time for current batch.
    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0

    def __init__(self, currentProcessingTimeInMs: int = -1, currentWatermarkInMs: int = -1) -> None:
        self._currentProcessingTimeInMs = currentProcessingTimeInMs
        self._currentWatermarkInMs = currentWatermarkInMs

    def getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs(self) -> int:
        Get processing time for current batch, return timestamp in millisecond.
        return self._currentProcessingTimeInMs

    def getCurrentWatermarkInMs(self) -> int:
        Get watermark for current batch, return timestamp in millisecond.
        return self._currentWatermarkInMs

class ExpiredTimerInfo:
    Class used to provide access to expired timer's expiry time.
    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0

    def __init__(self, expiryTimeInMs: int = -1) -> None:
        self._expiryTimeInMs = expiryTimeInMs

    def getExpiryTimeInMs(self) -> int:
        Get the timestamp for expired timer, return timestamp in millisecond.
        return self._expiryTimeInMs

class ListState:
    Class used for arbitrary stateful operations with transformWithState to capture list value

    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0

    def __init__(self, listStateClient: ListStateClient, stateName: str) -> None:
        self._listStateClient = listStateClient
        self._stateName = stateName

    def exists(self) -> bool:
        Whether list state exists or not.
        return self._listStateClient.exists(self._stateName)

    def get(self) -> Iterator[Tuple]:
        Get list state with an iterator.
        return ListStateIterator(self._listStateClient, self._stateName)

    def put(self, newState: List[Tuple]) -> None:
        Update the values of the list state.
        self._listStateClient.put(self._stateName, newState)

    def appendValue(self, newState: Tuple) -> None:
        Append a new value to the list state.
        self._listStateClient.append_value(self._stateName, newState)

    def appendList(self, newState: List[Tuple]) -> None:
        Append a list of new values to the list state.
        self._listStateClient.append_list(self._stateName, newState)

    def clear(self) -> None:
        Remove this state.

class MapState:
    Class used for arbitrary stateful operations with transformWithState to capture single map

    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0

    def __init__(
        mapStateClient: MapStateClient,
        stateName: str,
    ) -> None:
        self._mapStateClient = mapStateClient
        self._stateName = stateName

    def exists(self) -> bool:
        Whether state exists or not.
        return self._mapStateClient.exists(self._stateName)

    def getValue(self, key: Tuple) -> Optional[Tuple]:
        Get the state value for given user key if it exists.
        return self._mapStateClient.get_value(self._stateName, key)

    def containsKey(self, key: Tuple) -> bool:
        Check if the user key is contained in the map.
        return self._mapStateClient.contains_key(self._stateName, key)

    def updateValue(self, key: Tuple, value: Tuple) -> None:
        Update value for given user key.
        return self._mapStateClient.update_value(self._stateName, key, value)

    def iterator(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple, Tuple]]:
        Get the map associated with grouping key.
        return MapStateKeyValuePairIterator(self._mapStateClient, self._stateName)

    def keys(self) -> Iterator[Tuple]:
        Get the list of keys present in map associated with grouping key.
        return MapStateIterator(self._mapStateClient, self._stateName, True)

    def values(self) -> Iterator[Tuple]:
        Get the list of values present in map associated with grouping key.
        return MapStateIterator(self._mapStateClient, self._stateName, False)

    def removeKey(self, key: Tuple) -> None:
        Remove user key from map state.
        return self._mapStateClient.remove_key(self._stateName, key)

    def clear(self) -> None:
        Remove this state.

class StatefulProcessorHandle:
    Represents the operation handle provided to the stateful processor used in transformWithState

    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0

    def __init__(self, statefulProcessorApiClient: StatefulProcessorApiClient) -> None:
        self._statefulProcessorApiClient = statefulProcessorApiClient

    def getValueState(
        self, stateName: str, schema: Union[StructType, str], ttlDurationMs: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> ValueState:
        Function to create new or return existing single value state variable of given type.
        The user must ensure to call this function only within the `init()` method of the

        stateName : str
            name of the state variable
        schema : :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` or str
            The schema of the state variable. The value can be either a
            :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` object or a DDL-formatted type string.
        ttlDurationMs: int
            Time to live duration of the state in milliseconds. State values will not be returned
            past ttlDuration and will be eventually removed from the state store. Any state update
            resets the expiration time to current processing time plus ttlDuration.
            If ttl is not specified the state will never expire.
        self._statefulProcessorApiClient.get_value_state(stateName, schema, ttlDurationMs)
        return ValueState(ValueStateClient(self._statefulProcessorApiClient, schema), stateName)

    def getListState(
        self, stateName: str, schema: Union[StructType, str], ttlDurationMs: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> ListState:
        Function to create new or return existing single value state variable of given type.
        The user must ensure to call this function only within the `init()` method of the

        stateName : str
            name of the state variable
        schema : :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` or str
            The schema of the state variable. The value can be either a
            :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` object or a DDL-formatted type string.
        ttlDurationMs: int
            Time to live duration of the state in milliseconds. State values will not be returned
            past ttlDuration and will be eventually removed from the state store. Any state update
            resets the expiration time to current processing time plus ttlDuration.
            If ttl is not specified the state will never expire.
        self._statefulProcessorApiClient.get_list_state(stateName, schema, ttlDurationMs)
        return ListState(ListStateClient(self._statefulProcessorApiClient, schema), stateName)

    def getMapState(
        stateName: str,
        userKeySchema: Union[StructType, str],
        valueSchema: Union[StructType, str],
        ttlDurationMs: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> MapState:
        Function to create new or return existing single map state variable of given type.
        The user must ensure to call this function only within the `init()` method of the

        stateName : str
            name of the state variable
        userKeySchema : :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` or str
            The schema of the key of map state. The value can be either a
            :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` object or a DDL-formatted type string.
        valueSchema : :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` or str
            The schema of the value of map state The value can be either a
            :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` object or a DDL-formatted type string.
        ttlDurationMs: int
            Time to live duration of the state in milliseconds. State values will not be returned
            past ttlDuration and will be eventually removed from the state store. Any state update
            resets the expiration time to current processing time plus ttlDuration.
            If ttl is not specified the state will never expire.
            stateName, userKeySchema, valueSchema, ttlDurationMs
        return MapState(
            MapStateClient(self._statefulProcessorApiClient, userKeySchema, valueSchema),

    def registerTimer(self, expiryTimestampMs: int) -> None:
        Register a timer for a given expiry timestamp in milliseconds for the grouping key.

    def deleteTimer(self, expiryTimestampMs: int) -> None:
        Delete a timer for a given expiry timestamp in milliseconds for the grouping key.

    def listTimers(self) -> Iterator[int]:
        List all timers of their expiry timestamps in milliseconds for the grouping key.
        return ListTimerIterator(self._statefulProcessorApiClient)

    def deleteIfExists(self, stateName: str) -> None:
        Function to delete and purge state variable if defined previously

class StatefulProcessor(ABC):
    Class that represents the arbitrary stateful logic that needs to be provided by the user to
    perform stateful manipulations on keyed streams.

    .. versionadded:: 4.0.0

[docs] @abstractmethod def init(self, handle: StatefulProcessorHandle) -> None: """ Function that will be invoked as the first method that allows for users to initialize all their state variables and perform other init actions before handling data. Parameters ---------- handle : :class:`pyspark.sql.streaming.stateful_processor.StatefulProcessorHandle` Handle to the stateful processor that provides access to the state store and other stateful processing related APIs. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def handleInputRows( self, key: Any, rows: Iterator["PandasDataFrameLike"], timerValues: TimerValues, ) -> Iterator["PandasDataFrameLike"]: """ Function that will allow users to interact with input data rows along with the grouping key. It should take parameters (key, Iterator[`pandas.DataFrame`]) and return another Iterator[`pandas.DataFrame`]. For each group, all columns are passed together as `pandas.DataFrame` to the function, and the returned `pandas.DataFrame` across all invocations are combined as a :class:`DataFrame`. Note that the function should not make a guess of the number of elements in the iterator. To process all data, the `handleInputRows` function needs to iterate all elements and process them. On the other hand, the `handleInputRows` function is not strictly required to iterate through all elements in the iterator if it intends to read a part of data. Parameters ---------- key : Any grouping key. rows : iterable of :class:`pandas.DataFrame` iterator of input rows associated with grouping key timerValues: TimerValues Timer value for the current batch that process the input rows. Users can get the processing or event time timestamp from TimerValues. """ ...
def handleExpiredTimer( self, key: Any, timerValues: TimerValues, expiredTimerInfo: ExpiredTimerInfo ) -> Iterator["PandasDataFrameLike"]: """ Optional to implement. Will act return an empty iterator if not defined. Function that will be invoked when a timer is fired for a given key. Users can choose to evict state, register new timers and optionally provide output rows. Parameters ---------- key : Any grouping key. timerValues: TimerValues Timer value for the current batch that process the input rows. Users can get the processing or event time timestamp from TimerValues. expiredTimerInfo: ExpiredTimerInfo Instance of ExpiredTimerInfo that provides access to expired timer. """ return iter([])
[docs] @abstractmethod def close(self) -> None: """ Function called as the last method that allows for users to perform any cleanup or teardown operations. """ ...
[docs] def handleInitialState( self, key: Any, initialState: "PandasDataFrameLike", timerValues: TimerValues ) -> None: """ Optional to implement. Will act as no-op if not defined or no initial state input. Function that will be invoked only in the first batch for users to process initial states. Parameters ---------- key : Any grouping key. initialState: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` One dataframe in the initial state associated with the key. timerValues: TimerValues Timer value for the current batch that process the input rows. Users can get the processing or event time timestamp from TimerValues. """ pass