Source code for pyspark.taskcontext

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from typing import ClassVar, Type, Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast, TYPE_CHECKING

from pyspark.util import local_connect_and_auth
from pyspark.serializers import read_int, write_int, write_with_length, UTF8Deserializer
from pyspark.errors import PySparkRuntimeError

    from pyspark.resource import ResourceInformation

[docs]class TaskContext: """ Contextual information about a task which can be read or mutated during execution. To access the TaskContext for a running task, use: :meth:`TaskContext.get`. .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 Examples -------- >>> from pyspark import TaskContext Get a task context instance from :class:`RDD`. >>> spark.sparkContext.setLocalProperty("key1", "value") >>> taskcontext = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([1]).map(lambda _: TaskContext.get()).first() >>> isinstance(taskcontext.attemptNumber(), int) True >>> isinstance(taskcontext.partitionId(), int) True >>> isinstance(taskcontext.stageId(), int) True >>> isinstance(taskcontext.taskAttemptId(), int) True >>> taskcontext.getLocalProperty("key1") 'value' >>> isinstance(taskcontext.cpus(), int) True Get a task context instance from a dataframe via Python UDF. >>> from pyspark.sql import Row >>> from pyspark.sql.functions import udf >>> @udf("STRUCT<anum: INT, partid: INT, stageid: INT, taskaid: INT, prop: STRING, cpus: INT>") ... def taskcontext_as_row(): ... taskcontext = TaskContext.get() ... return Row( ... anum=taskcontext.attemptNumber(), ... partid=taskcontext.partitionId(), ... stageid=taskcontext.stageId(), ... taskaid=taskcontext.taskAttemptId(), ... prop=taskcontext.getLocalProperty("key2"), ... cpus=taskcontext.cpus()) ... >>> spark.sparkContext.setLocalProperty("key2", "value") >>> [(anum, partid, stageid, taskaid, prop, cpus)] = ( ... spark.range(1).select(taskcontext_as_row()).first() ... ) >>> isinstance(anum, int) True >>> isinstance(partid, int) True >>> isinstance(stageid, int) True >>> isinstance(taskaid, int) True >>> prop 'value' >>> isinstance(cpus, int) True Get a task context instance from a dataframe via Pandas UDF. >>> import pandas as pd # doctest: +SKIP >>> from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf >>> @pandas_udf("STRUCT<" ... "anum: INT, partid: INT, stageid: INT, taskaid: INT, prop: STRING, cpus: INT>") ... def taskcontext_as_row(_): ... taskcontext = TaskContext.get() ... return pd.DataFrame({ ... "anum": [taskcontext.attemptNumber()], ... "partid": [taskcontext.partitionId()], ... "stageid": [taskcontext.stageId()], ... "taskaid": [taskcontext.taskAttemptId()], ... "prop": [taskcontext.getLocalProperty("key3")], ... "cpus": [taskcontext.cpus()] ... }) # doctest: +SKIP ... >>> spark.sparkContext.setLocalProperty("key3", "value") # doctest: +SKIP >>> [(anum, partid, stageid, taskaid, prop, cpus)] = ( ... spark.range(1).select(taskcontext_as_row("id")).first() ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> isinstance(anum, int) True >>> isinstance(partid, int) True >>> isinstance(stageid, int) True >>> isinstance(taskaid, int) True >>> prop 'value' >>> isinstance(cpus, int) True """ _taskContext: ClassVar[Optional["TaskContext"]] = None _attemptNumber: Optional[int] = None _partitionId: Optional[int] = None _stageId: Optional[int] = None _taskAttemptId: Optional[int] = None _localProperties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None _cpus: Optional[int] = None _resources: Optional[Dict[str, "ResourceInformation"]] = None def __new__(cls: Type["TaskContext"]) -> "TaskContext": """ Even if users construct :class:`TaskContext` instead of using get, give them the singleton. """ taskContext = cls._taskContext if taskContext is not None: return taskContext cls._taskContext = taskContext = object.__new__(cls) return taskContext @classmethod def _getOrCreate(cls: Type["TaskContext"]) -> "TaskContext": """Internal function to get or create global :class:`TaskContext`.""" if cls._taskContext is None: cls._taskContext = TaskContext() return cls._taskContext @classmethod def _setTaskContext(cls: Type["TaskContext"], taskContext: "TaskContext") -> None: cls._taskContext = taskContext
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls: Type["TaskContext"]) -> Optional["TaskContext"]: """ Return the currently active :class:`TaskContext`. This can be called inside of user functions to access contextual information about running tasks. Returns ------- :class:`TaskContext`, optional Notes ----- Must be called on the worker, not the driver. Returns ``None`` if not initialized. """ return cls._taskContext
[docs] def stageId(self) -> int: """ The ID of the stage that this task belong to. Returns ------- int current stage id. """ return cast(int, self._stageId)
[docs] def partitionId(self) -> int: """ The ID of the RDD partition that is computed by this task. Returns ------- int current partition id. """ return cast(int, self._partitionId)
[docs] def attemptNumber(self) -> int: """ How many times this task has been attempted. The first task attempt will be assigned attemptNumber = 0, and subsequent attempts will have increasing attempt numbers. Returns ------- int current attempt number. """ return cast(int, self._attemptNumber)
[docs] def taskAttemptId(self) -> int: """ An ID that is unique to this task attempt (within the same :class:`SparkContext`, no two task attempts will share the same attempt ID). This is roughly equivalent to Hadoop's `TaskAttemptID`. Returns ------- int current task attempt id. """ return cast(int, self._taskAttemptId)
[docs] def getLocalProperty(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Get a local property set upstream in the driver, or None if it is missing. Parameters ---------- key : str the key of the local property to get. Returns ------- int the value of the local property. """ return cast(Dict[str, str], self._localProperties).get(key, None)
[docs] def cpus(self) -> int: """ CPUs allocated to the task. Returns ------- int the number of CPUs. """ return cast(int, self._cpus)
[docs] def resources(self) -> Dict[str, "ResourceInformation"]: """ Resources allocated to the task. The key is the resource name and the value is information about the resource. Returns ------- dict a dictionary of a string resource name, and :class:`ResourceInformation`. """ from pyspark.resource import ResourceInformation return cast(Dict[str, "ResourceInformation"], self._resources)
BARRIER_FUNCTION = 1 ALL_GATHER_FUNCTION = 2 def _load_from_socket( port: Optional[Union[str, int]], auth_secret: str, function: int, all_gather_message: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[str]: """ Load data from a given socket, this is a blocking method thus only return when the socket connection has been closed. """ (sockfile, sock) = local_connect_and_auth(port, auth_secret) # The call may block forever, so no timeout sock.settimeout(None) if function == BARRIER_FUNCTION: # Make a barrier() function call. write_int(function, sockfile) elif function == ALL_GATHER_FUNCTION: # Make a all_gather() function call. write_int(function, sockfile) write_with_length(cast(str, all_gather_message).encode("utf-8"), sockfile) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized function type") sockfile.flush() # Collect result. len = read_int(sockfile) res = [] for i in range(len): res.append(UTF8Deserializer().loads(sockfile)) # Release resources. sockfile.close() sock.close() return res
[docs]class BarrierTaskContext(TaskContext): """ A :class:`TaskContext` with extra contextual info and tooling for tasks in a barrier stage. Use :func:`BarrierTaskContext.get` to obtain the barrier context for a running barrier task. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 Notes ----- This API is experimental Examples -------- Set a barrier, and execute it with RDD. >>> from pyspark import BarrierTaskContext >>> def block_and_do_something(itr): ... taskcontext = BarrierTaskContext.get() ... # Do something. ... ... # Wait until all tasks finished. ... taskcontext.barrier() ... ... return itr ... >>> rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([1]) >>> rdd.barrier().mapPartitions(block_and_do_something).collect() [1] """ _port: ClassVar[Optional[Union[str, int]]] = None _secret: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None @classmethod def _getOrCreate(cls: Type["BarrierTaskContext"]) -> "BarrierTaskContext": """ Internal function to get or create global :class:`BarrierTaskContext`. We need to make sure :class:`BarrierTaskContext` is returned from here because it is needed in python worker reuse scenario, see SPARK-25921 for more details. """ if not isinstance(cls._taskContext, BarrierTaskContext): cls._taskContext = object.__new__(cls) return cls._taskContext
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls: Type["BarrierTaskContext"]) -> "BarrierTaskContext": """ Return the currently active :class:`BarrierTaskContext`. This can be called inside of user functions to access contextual information about running tasks. Notes ----- Must be called on the worker, not the driver. Returns ``None`` if not initialized. An Exception will raise if it is not in a barrier stage. This API is experimental """ if not isinstance(cls._taskContext, BarrierTaskContext): raise PySparkRuntimeError( errorClass="NOT_IN_BARRIER_STAGE", messageParameters={}, ) return cls._taskContext
@classmethod def _initialize( cls: Type["BarrierTaskContext"], port: Optional[Union[str, int]], secret: str ) -> None: """ Initialize :class:`BarrierTaskContext`, other methods within :class:`BarrierTaskContext` can only be called after BarrierTaskContext is initialized. """ cls._port = port cls._secret = secret
[docs] def barrier(self) -> None: """ Sets a global barrier and waits until all tasks in this stage hit this barrier. Similar to `MPI_Barrier` function in MPI, this function blocks until all tasks in the same stage have reached this routine. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 Notes ----- This API is experimental In a barrier stage, each task much have the same number of `barrier()` calls, in all possible code branches. Otherwise, you may get the job hanging or a `SparkException` after timeout. """ if self._port is None or self._secret is None: raise PySparkRuntimeError( errorClass="CALL_BEFORE_INITIALIZE", messageParameters={ "func_name": "barrier", "object": "BarrierTaskContext", }, ) else: _load_from_socket(self._port, self._secret, BARRIER_FUNCTION)
[docs] def allGather(self, message: str = "") -> List[str]: """ This function blocks until all tasks in the same stage have reached this routine. Each task passes in a message and returns with a list of all the messages passed in by each of those tasks. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 Notes ----- This API is experimental In a barrier stage, each task much have the same number of `barrier()` calls, in all possible code branches. Otherwise, you may get the job hanging or a `SparkException` after timeout. """ if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError("Argument `message` must be of type `str`") elif self._port is None or self._secret is None: raise PySparkRuntimeError( errorClass="CALL_BEFORE_INITIALIZE", messageParameters={ "func_name": "allGather", "object": "BarrierTaskContext", }, ) else: return _load_from_socket(self._port, self._secret, ALL_GATHER_FUNCTION, message)
[docs] def getTaskInfos(self) -> List["BarrierTaskInfo"]: """ Returns :class:`BarrierTaskInfo` for all tasks in this barrier stage, ordered by partition ID. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 Notes ----- This API is experimental Examples -------- >>> from pyspark import BarrierTaskContext >>> rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([1]) >>> barrier_info = rdd.barrier().mapPartitions( ... lambda _: [BarrierTaskContext.get().getTaskInfos()]).collect()[0][0] >>> barrier_info.address '...:...' """ if self._port is None or self._secret is None: raise PySparkRuntimeError( errorClass="CALL_BEFORE_INITIALIZE", messageParameters={ "func_name": "getTaskInfos", "object": "BarrierTaskContext", }, ) else: addresses = cast(Dict[str, str], self._localProperties).get("addresses", "") return [BarrierTaskInfo(h.strip()) for h in addresses.split(",")]
[docs]class BarrierTaskInfo: """ Carries all task infos of a barrier task. .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 Attributes ---------- address : str The IPv4 address (host:port) of the executor that the barrier task is running on Notes ----- This API is experimental """ def __init__(self, address: str) -> None: self.address = address
def _test() -> None: import doctest import sys from pyspark.sql import SparkSession globs = globals().copy() globs["spark"] = ( SparkSession.builder.master("local[2]").appName("taskcontext tests").getOrCreate() ) (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(globs=globs, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS) globs["spark"].stop() if failure_count: sys.exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": _test()