Uses of Class
Uses of Types.ExecType in org.apache.sysds.common
Methods in org.apache.sysds.common that return Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description static Types.ExecType
Types.ExecType. valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.static Types.ExecType[]
Types.ExecType. values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. -
Uses of Types.ExecType in org.apache.sysds.hops
Methods in org.apache.sysds.hops that return Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description Types.ExecType
Hop. getExecType()
Hop. getForcedExecType()
Methods in org.apache.sysds.hops with parameters of type Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description Lop
DnnOp. constructDnnLops(Types.ExecType et, List<Hop> inputs)
TernaryOp. isCTableReshapeRewriteApplicable(Types.ExecType et, Ctable.OperationTypes opType)
static void
Hop. resetRecompilationFlag(ArrayList<Hop> hops, Types.ExecType et, Recompiler.ResetType reset)
static void
Hop. resetRecompilationFlag(Hop hops, Types.ExecType et, Recompiler.ResetType reset)
Hop. setExecType(Types.ExecType execType)
Hop. setForcedExecType(Types.ExecType etype)
Hop. updateLopFedOut(Lop lop, Types.ExecType execType, FEDInstruction.FederatedOutput fedOut)
Uses of Types.ExecType in org.apache.sysds.hops.recompile
Methods in org.apache.sysds.hops.recompile with parameters of type Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description static ArrayList<Instruction>
Recompiler. recompileHopsDag2Forced(Hop hop, long tid, Types.ExecType et)
static ArrayList<Instruction>
Recompiler. recompileHopsDag2Forced(StatementBlock sb, ArrayList<Hop> hops, long tid, Types.ExecType et)
static void
Recompiler. recompileProgramBlockHierarchy2Forced(ArrayList<ProgramBlock> pbs, long tid, Set<String> fnStack, Types.ExecType et)
Method to recompile program block hierarchy to forced execution time.static void
Recompiler. rRecompileProgramBlock2Forced(ProgramBlock pb, long tid, Set<String> fnStack, Types.ExecType et)
static void
Recompiler. rSetExecType(Hop hop, Types.ExecType etype)
Uses of Types.ExecType in org.apache.sysds.lops
Methods in org.apache.sysds.lops that return Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description Types.ExecType
Lop. getExecType()
Method to get the execution type (CP, CP_FILE, MR, SPARK, GPU, FED, INVALID) of LOPTypes.ExecType
LopProperties. getExecType()
Methods in org.apache.sysds.lops with parameters of type Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description static SortKeys
SortKeys. constructSortByValueLop(Lop input1, Lop input2, SortKeys.OperationTypes op, Types.DataType dt, Types.ValueType vt, Types.ExecType et, int numThreads)
static SortKeys
SortKeys. constructSortByValueLop(Lop input1, SortKeys.OperationTypes op, Types.DataType dt, Types.ValueType vt, Types.ExecType et, int numThreads)
AppendG. init(Lop input1, Lop input2, Lop input3, Lop input4, Types.DataType dt, Types.ValueType vt, Types.ExecType et)
AppendM. init(Lop input1, Lop input2, Lop input3, Types.DataType dt, Types.ValueType vt, Types.ExecType et)
AppendR. init(Lop input1, Lop input2, Types.DataType dt, Types.ValueType vt, Types.ExecType et)
DataGen. init(DataIdentifier id, String baseDir, Types.ExecType et)
Lop. prepScalarInputOperand(Types.ExecType et)
Lop. prepScalarOperand(Types.ExecType et, String label)
Function to be used in creating instructions for creating scalar operands.void
Lop. setExecType(Types.ExecType newExecType)
Set the execution type of LOP.void
LopProperties. setExecType(Types.ExecType newExecType)
LopProperties. setProperties(ArrayList<Lop> inputs, Types.ExecType et)
Uses of Types.ExecType in org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated
Methods in org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated with parameters of type Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description static FederatedRequest[]
FederationUtils. callInstruction(String[] inst, CPOperand varOldOut, long outputId, CPOperand[] varOldIn, long[] varNewIn, Types.ExecType type)
static FederatedRequest
FederationUtils. callInstruction(String inst, CPOperand varOldOut, long outputId, CPOperand[] varOldIn, long[] varNewIn, Types.ExecType type, boolean rmFedOutputFlag)
Uses of Types.ExecType in org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.opt
Methods in org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.opt with parameters of type Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description double
CostEstimator. getEstimate(CostEstimator.TestMeasure measure, OptNode node, Types.ExecType et)
Main estimation method.abstract double
CostEstimator. getLeafNodeEstimate(CostEstimator.TestMeasure measure, OptNode node, Types.ExecType et)
Main leaf node estimation method - to be overwritten by specific cost estimatorsdouble
CostEstimatorHops. getLeafNodeEstimate(CostEstimator.TestMeasure measure, OptNode node, Types.ExecType et)
CostEstimatorRuntime. getLeafNodeEstimate(CostEstimator.TestMeasure measure, OptNode node, Types.ExecType et)
Uses of Types.ExecType in org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions
Methods in org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions that return Types.ExecType Modifier and Type Method Description static Types.ExecType
InstructionUtils. getExecType(String str)