Class OptimizerUtils

  • public class OptimizerUtils
    extends Object
    • Field Detail


        public static double MEM_UTIL_FACTOR
        Utilization factor used in deciding whether an operation to be scheduled on CP or MR. NOTE: it is important that MEM_UTIL_FACTOR+CacheableData.CACHING_BUFFER_SIZE < 1.0

        public static double DEFAULT_MEM_UTIL_FACTOR
        Default buffer pool sizes for static (15%) and unified (85%) memory

        public static double DEFAULT_UMM_UTIL_FACTOR

        public static long BUFFER_POOL_SIZE
        Buffer pool size in bytes

        public static final int DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE
        Default blocksize if unspecified or for testing purposes
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_FRAME_BLOCKSIZE
        Default frame blocksize
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static double DEFAULT_SIZE
        Default memory size, which is used if the actual estimate can not be computed e.g., when input/output dimensions are unknown. The default is set to a large value so that operations are scheduled on MR while avoiding overflows as well.

        public static final long MAX_NNZ_CP_SPARSE

        Enables common subexpression elimination in dags. There is however, a potential tradeoff between computation redundancy and data transfer between MR jobs. Since, we do not reason about transferred data yet, this rewrite rule is enabled by default.

        public static boolean ALLOW_CONSTANT_FOLDING
        Enables constant folding in dags. Constant folding computes simple expressions of binary operations and literals and replaces the hop sub-DAG with a new literal operator.

        public static boolean ALLOW_ALGEBRAIC_SIMPLIFICATION

        public static boolean ALLOW_OPERATOR_FUSION

        public static boolean ALLOW_BRANCH_REMOVAL
        Enables if-else branch removal for constant predicates (original literals or results of constant folding).

        public static boolean ALLOW_FOR_LOOP_REMOVAL
        Enables the removal of (par)for-loops when from, to, and increment are constants (original literals or results of constant folding) and lead to an empty sequence, i.e., (par)for-loops without a single iteration.

        public static boolean ALLOW_AUTO_VECTORIZATION

        public static boolean ALLOW_SIZE_EXPRESSION_EVALUATION
        Enables simple expression evaluation for datagen parameters 'rows', 'cols'. Simple expressions are defined as binary operations on literals and nrow/ncol. This applies only to exact size information.

        Enables simple expression evaluation for datagen parameters 'rows', 'cols'. Simple expressions are defined as binary operations on literals and b(+) or b(*) on nrow/ncol. This applies also to worst-case size information.

        public static boolean ALLOW_RAND_JOB_RECOMPILE

        public static boolean ALLOW_RUNTIME_PIGGYBACKING
        Enables parfor runtime piggybacking of MR jobs into the packed jobs for scan sharing.

        public static boolean ALLOW_INTER_PROCEDURAL_ANALYSIS
        Enables interprocedural analysis between main script and functions as well as functions and other functions. This includes, for example, to propagate statistics into functions if save to do so (e.g., if called once).

        public static int IPA_NUM_REPETITIONS
        Number of inter-procedural analysis (IPA) repetitions. If set to >=2, we apply IPA multiple times in order to allow scalar propagation over complex function call graphs and various interactions between constant propagation, constant folding, and other rewrites such as branch removal and the merge of statement block sequences.

        public static boolean ALLOW_SUM_PRODUCT_REWRITES
        Enables sum product rewrites such as mapmultchains. In the future, this will cover all sum-product related rewrites.

        public static boolean ALLOW_SPLIT_HOP_DAGS
        Enables a specific hop dag rewrite that splits hop dags after csv persistent reads with unknown size in order to allow for recompile.

        public static boolean ALLOW_LOOP_UPDATE_IN_PLACE
        Enables a specific rewrite that enables update in place for loop variables that are only read/updated via cp leftindexing.

        public static boolean ALLOW_UNARY_UPDATE_IN_PLACE
        Enables the update-in-place for all unary operators with a single consumer. In this case we do not allocate the output, but directly write the output values back to the input block.

        public static boolean ALLOW_BINARY_UPDATE_IN_PLACE
        Enables update-in-place for binary operators if the first input has no consumers. In this case we directly write the output values back to the first input block.

        public static boolean ALLOW_EVAL_FCALL_REPLACEMENT
        Replace eval second-order function calls with normal function call if the function name is a known string (after constant propagation).

        public static boolean ALLOW_CODE_MOTION
        Enables a specific rewrite for code motion, i.e., hoisting loop invariant code out of while, for, and parfor loops.

        public static boolean FEDERATED_COMPILATION
        Compile federated instructions based on input federation state and privacy constraints.

        public static final double PARALLEL_CP_READ_PARALLELISM_MULTIPLIER
        Specifies a multiplier computing the degree of parallelism of parallel text read/write out of the available degree of parallelism. Set it to 1.0 to get a number of threads equal the number of virtual cores.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double PARALLEL_CP_WRITE_PARALLELISM_MULTIPLIER
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean ALLOW_COMBINE_FILE_INPUT_FORMAT
        Enables the use of CombineSequenceFileInputFormat with splitsize = 2x hdfs blocksize, if sort buffer size large enough and parallelism not hurt. This solves to issues: (1) it combines small files (depending on producers), and (2) it reduces task latency of large jobs with many tasks by factor 2.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static boolean ALLOW_SCRIPT_LEVEL_LOCAL_COMMAND
        This variable allows for use of explicit local command, that forces a spark block to be executed and returned as a local block.

        public static boolean ALLOW_SCRIPT_LEVEL_COMPRESS_COMMAND
        This variable allows for insertion of Compress and decompress in the dml script from the user. This is added because we want to have a way to test, and verify the correct placement of compress and decompress commands.

        public static boolean ALLOW_COMPRESSION_REWRITE
        Boolean specifying if compression rewrites is allowed. This is disabled at run time if the IPA for Workload aware compression is activated.

        public static boolean ALLOW_TRANSITIVE_SPARK_EXEC_TYPE
        Enable transitive spark execution type selection. This refines the exec-type selection logic of unary aggregates by pushing * the unary aggregates, whose inputs are created by spark instructions, to spark execution type as well.

        public static boolean ASYNC_PREFETCH
        Enable prefetch and broadcast. Prefetch asynchronously calls acquireReadAndRelease() to trigger remote operations, which would otherwise make the next instruction wait till completion. Broadcast allows asynchronously transferring the data to all the nodes.

        public static boolean ASYNC_BROADCAST_SPARK

        public static boolean ASYNC_CHECKPOINT_SPARK

        public static boolean MAX_PARALLELIZE_ORDER
        Heuristic-based instruction ordering to maximize inter-operator PARALLELISM. Place the Spark operator chains first and trigger them to execute in parallel.

        public static boolean COST_BASED_ORDERING
        Cost-based instruction ordering to minimize total execution time under the constraint of available memory.

        public static boolean RULE_BASED_GPU_EXEC
        Rule-based operator placement policy for GPU.

        public static boolean AUTO_GPU_CACHE_EVICTION
        Automatic placement of GPU lineage cache eviction
    • Constructor Detail

      • OptimizerUtils

        public OptimizerUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • isMemoryBasedOptLevel

        public static boolean isMemoryBasedOptLevel()
      • resetStaticCompilerFlags

        public static void resetStaticCompilerFlags()
      • getDefaultSize

        public static long getDefaultSize()
      • resetDefaultSize

        public static void resetDefaultSize()
      • getDefaultFrameSize

        public static int getDefaultFrameSize()
      • getLocalMemBudget

        public static double getLocalMemBudget()
        Returns memory budget (according to util factor) in bytes
        local memory budget
      • getBufferPoolLimit

        public static long getBufferPoolLimit()
        Returns buffer pool size as set in the config
        buffer pool size in bytes
      • isUMMEnabled

        public static boolean isUMMEnabled()
        Check if unified memory manager is in effect
      • disableUMM

        public static void disableUMM()
        Disable unified memory manager and fallback to static partitioning. Initialize LazyWriteBuffer with the default size (15%).
      • enableUMM

        public static void enableUMM()
        Enable unified memory manager and initialize with the default size (85%).
      • isMaxLocalParallelism

        public static boolean isMaxLocalParallelism​(int k)
      • isTopLevelParFor

        public static boolean isTopLevelParFor()
      • checkSparkBroadcastMemoryBudget

        public static boolean checkSparkBroadcastMemoryBudget​(double size)
      • checkSparkBroadcastMemoryBudget

        public static boolean checkSparkBroadcastMemoryBudget​(long rlen,
                                                              long clen,
                                                              long blen,
                                                              long nnz)
      • checkSparkCollectMemoryBudget

        public static boolean checkSparkCollectMemoryBudget​(DataCharacteristics dc,
                                                            long memPinned)
      • checkSparkCollectMemoryBudget

        public static boolean checkSparkCollectMemoryBudget​(DataCharacteristics dc,
                                                            long memPinned,
                                                            boolean checkBP)
      • checkSparseBlockCSRConversion

        public static boolean checkSparseBlockCSRConversion​(DataCharacteristics dcIn)
      • getNumTasks

        public static int getNumTasks()
        Returns the number of tasks that potentially run in parallel. This is either just the configured value (SystemDS config) or the minimum of configured value and available task slots.
        number of tasks
      • getDefaultExecutionMode

        public static Types.ExecMode getDefaultExecutionMode()
      • isSparkExecutionMode

        public static boolean isSparkExecutionMode()
      • isHybridExecutionMode

        public static boolean isHybridExecutionMode()
      • getParallelTextReadParallelism

        public static int getParallelTextReadParallelism()
        Returns the degree of parallelism used for parallel text read. This is computed as the number of virtual cores scales by the PARALLEL_READ_PARALLELISM_MULTIPLIER. If PARALLEL_READ_TEXTFORMATS is disabled, this method returns 1.
        degree of parallelism
      • getParallelBinaryReadParallelism

        public static int getParallelBinaryReadParallelism()
      • getParallelTextWriteParallelism

        public static int getParallelTextWriteParallelism()
        Returns the degree of parallelism used for parallel text write. This is computed as the number of virtual cores scales by the PARALLEL_WRITE_PARALLELISM_MULTIPLIER. If PARALLEL_WRITE_TEXTFORMATS is disabled, this method returns 1.
        degree of parallelism
      • getParallelBinaryWriteParallelism

        public static int getParallelBinaryWriteParallelism()
      • estimateSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimateSizeExactSparsity​(DataCharacteristics dc)
      • estimateSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimateSizeExactSparsity​(long nrows,
                                                     long ncols,
                                                     long nnz)
        Estimates the footprint (in bytes) for an in-memory representation of a matrix with dimensions=(nrows,ncols) and and number of non-zeros nnz.
        nrows - number of rows
        ncols - number of cols
        nnz - number of non-zeros
        memory footprint
      • estimateSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimateSizeExactSparsity​(long nrows,
                                                     long ncols,
                                                     double sp)
        Estimates the footprint (in bytes) for an in-memory representation of a matrix with dimensions=(nrows,ncols) and sparsity=sp. This function can be used directly in Hops, when the actual sparsity is known i.e., sp is guaranteed to give worst-case estimate (e.g., Rand with a fixed sparsity). In all other cases, estimateSize() must be used so that worst-case estimates are computed, whenever applicable.
        nrows - number of rows
        ncols - number of cols
        sp - sparsity
        memory footprint
      • estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity​(DataCharacteristics dc)
        Estimates the footprint (in bytes) for a partitioned in-memory representation of a matrix with the given matrix characteristics
        dc - matrix characteristics
        memory estimate
      • estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity​(DataCharacteristics dc,
                                                                boolean outputEmptyBlocks)
      • estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity​(long rlen,
                                                                long clen,
                                                                long blen,
                                                                long nnz)
        Estimates the footprint (in bytes) for a partitioned in-memory representation of a matrix with dimensions=(nrows,ncols) and number of non-zeros nnz.
        rlen - number of rows
        clen - number of cols
        blen - rows/cols per block
        nnz - number of non-zeros
        memory estimate
      • estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity​(long rlen,
                                                                long clen,
                                                                long blen,
                                                                long nnz,
                                                                boolean outputEmptyBlocks)
      • estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity​(Hop hop)
        Estimates the footprint (in bytes) for a partitioned in-memory representation of a matrix with the hops dimensions and number of non-zeros nnz.
        hop - The hop to extract dimensions and nnz from
        the memory estimate
      • estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity​(long rlen,
                                                                long clen,
                                                                long blen,
                                                                double sp)
        Estimates the footprint (in bytes) for a partitioned in-memory representation of a matrix with dimensions=(nrows,ncols) and sparsity=sp.
        rlen - number of rows
        clen - number of cols
        blen - rows/cols per block
        sp - sparsity
        memory estimate
      • estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity

        public static long estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity​(long rlen,
                                                                long clen,
                                                                long blen,
                                                                double sp,
                                                                boolean outputEmptyBlocks)
      • estimateSize

        public static long estimateSize​(long nrows,
                                        long ncols)
        Similar to estimate() except that it provides worst-case estimates when the optimization type is ROBUST.
        nrows - number of rows
        ncols - number of cols
        memory estimate
      • estimateSizeEmptyBlock

        public static long estimateSizeEmptyBlock​(long nrows,
                                                  long ncols)
      • estimateSizeTextOutput

        public static long estimateSizeTextOutput​(long rows,
                                                  long cols,
                                                  long nnz,
                                                  Types.FileFormat fmt)
      • estimateSizeTextOutput

        public static long estimateSizeTextOutput​(int[] dims,
                                                  long nnz,
                                                  Types.FileFormat fmt)
      • getTotalMemEstimate

        public static double getTotalMemEstimate​(Hop[] in,
                                                 Hop out)
      • getTotalMemEstimate

        public static double getTotalMemEstimate​(Hop[] in,
                                                 Hop out,
                                                 boolean denseOut)
      • isIndexingRangeBlockAligned

        public static boolean isIndexingRangeBlockAligned​(IndexRange ixrange,
                                                          DataCharacteristics mc)
        Indicates if the given indexing range is block aligned, i.e., it does not require global aggregation of blocks.
        ixrange - indexing range
        mc - matrix characteristics
        true if indexing range is block aligned
      • isIndexingRangeBlockAligned

        public static boolean isIndexingRangeBlockAligned​(long rl,
                                                          long ru,
                                                          long cl,
                                                          long cu,
                                                          long blen)
        Indicates if the given indexing range is block aligned, i.e., it does not require global aggregation of blocks.
        rl - rows lower
        ru - rows upper
        cl - cols lower
        cu - cols upper
        blen - rows/cols per block
        true if indexing range is block aligned
      • isValidCPDimensions

        public static boolean isValidCPDimensions​(long rows,
                                                  long cols)
        Returns false if dimensions known to be invalid; other true
        rows - number of rows
        cols - number of cols
        true if dimensions valid
      • isValidCPDimensions

        public static boolean isValidCPDimensions​(Types.ValueType[] schema,
                                                  String[] names)
        Returns false if schema and names are not properly specified; other true Length to be > 0, and length of both to be equal.
        schema - the schema
        names - the names
        false if schema and names are not properly specified
      • isValidCPMatrixSize

        public static boolean isValidCPMatrixSize​(long rows,
                                                  long cols,
                                                  double sparsity)
        Determines if valid matrix size to be represented in CP data structures. Note that sparsity needs to be specified as rows*cols if unknown.
        rows - number of rows
        cols - number of cols
        sparsity - the sparsity
        true if valid matrix size
      • exceedsCachingThreshold

        public static boolean exceedsCachingThreshold​(long dim2,
                                                      double outMem)
        Indicates if the given matrix characteristics exceed the threshold for caching, i.e., the matrix should be cached.
        dim2 - dimension 2
        outMem - ?
        true if the given matrix characteristics exceed threshold
      • getUniqueTempFileName

        public static String getUniqueTempFileName()
        Wrapper over internal filename construction for external usage.
        unique temp file name
      • allowsToFilterEmptyBlockOutputs

        public static boolean allowsToFilterEmptyBlockOutputs​(Hop hop)
      • getConstrainedNumThreads

        public static int getConstrainedNumThreads​(int maxNumThreads)
      • getTransformNumThreads

        public static int getTransformNumThreads()
      • getTokenizeNumThreads

        public static int getTokenizeNumThreads()
      • getDefaultLogLevel

        public static org.apache.log4j.Level getDefaultLogLevel()
      • getMatMultNnz

        public static long getMatMultNnz​(double sp1,
                                         double sp2,
                                         long m,
                                         long k,
                                         long n,
                                         boolean worstcase)
      • getMatMultSparsity

        public static double getMatMultSparsity​(double sp1,
                                                double sp2,
                                                long m,
                                                long k,
                                                long n,
                                                boolean worstcase)
        Estimates the result sparsity for Matrix Multiplication A %*% B.
        sp1 - sparsity of A
        sp2 - sparsity of B
        m - nrow(A)
        k - ncol(A), nrow(B)
        n - ncol(B)
        worstcase - true if worst case
        the sparsity
      • getLeftIndexingSparsity

        public static double getLeftIndexingSparsity​(long rlen1,
                                                     long clen1,
                                                     long nnz1,
                                                     long rlen2,
                                                     long clen2,
                                                     long nnz2)
      • isBinaryOpConditionalSparseSafe

        public static boolean isBinaryOpConditionalSparseSafe​(Types.OpOp2 op)
        Determines if a given binary op is potentially conditional sparse safe.
        op - the HOP OpOp2
        true if potentially conditional sparse safe
      • isBinaryOpConditionalSparseSafeExact

        public static boolean isBinaryOpConditionalSparseSafeExact​(Types.OpOp2 op,
                                                                   LiteralOp lit)
        Determines if a given binary op with scalar literal guarantee an output sparsity which is exactly the same as its matrix input sparsity.
        op - the HOP OpOp2
        lit - literal operator
        true if output sparsity same as matrix input sparsity
      • isBinaryOpSparsityConditionalSparseSafe

        public static boolean isBinaryOpSparsityConditionalSparseSafe​(Types.OpOp2 op,
                                                                      LiteralOp lit)
      • getBinaryOpSparsityConditionalSparseSafe

        public static double getBinaryOpSparsityConditionalSparseSafe​(double sp1,
                                                                      Types.OpOp2 op,
                                                                      LiteralOp lit)
      • getBinaryOpSparsity

        public static double getBinaryOpSparsity​(double sp1,
                                                 double sp2,
                                                 Types.OpOp2 op,
                                                 boolean worstcase)
        Estimates the result sparsity for matrix-matrix binary operations (A op B)
        sp1 - sparsity of A
        sp2 - sparsity of B
        op - binary operation
        worstcase - true if worst case
        result sparsity for matrix-matrix binary operations
      • getOuterNonZeros

        public static long getOuterNonZeros​(long n1,
                                            long n2,
                                            long nnz1,
                                            long nnz2,
                                            Types.OpOp2 op)
      • getNnz

        public static long getNnz​(long dim1,
                                  long dim2,
                                  double sp)
      • getSparsity

        public static double getSparsity​(long dim1,
                                         long dim2,
                                         long nnz)
      • getSparsity

        public static double getSparsity​(Hop hop)
      • getSparsity

        public static double getSparsity​(long[] dims,
                                         long nnz)
      • toMB

        public static String toMB​(double inB)
      • getNumIterations

        public static long getNumIterations​(ForProgramBlock fpb,
                                            long defaultValue)
      • getNumIterations

        public static long getNumIterations​(ForStatementBlock fsb,
                                            long defaultValue)
      • rEvalSimpleLongExpression

        public static long rEvalSimpleLongExpression​(Hop root,
                                                     Map<Long,​Long> valMemo)
        Function to evaluate simple size expressions over literals and now/ncol. It returns the exact results of this expressions if known, otherwise Long.MAX_VALUE if unknown.
        root - the root high-level operator
        valMemo - ?
        size expression
      • rEvalSimpleDoubleExpression

        public static double rEvalSimpleDoubleExpression​(Hop root,
                                                         Map<Long,​Double> valMemo)