Class PlanSelectionFuseCostBased

  • public class PlanSelectionFuseCostBased
    extends PlanSelection
    This cost-based plan selection algorithm chooses fused operators based on the DAG structure and resulting overall costs. This primarily includes decisions on materialization points, but also heuristics for template types, and composed multi output templates.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PlanSelectionFuseCostBased

        public PlanSelectionFuseCostBased()
    • Method Detail

      • selectPlans

        public void selectPlans​(CPlanMemoTable memo,
                                ArrayList<Hop> roots)
        Description copied from class: PlanSelection
        Given a HOP DAG G, and a set of partial fusions plans P, find the set of optimal, non-conflicting fusion plans P' that applied to G minimizes costs C with P' = \argmin_{p \subseteq P} C(G, p) s.t. Z \vDash p, where Z is a set of constraints such as memory budgets and block size restrictions per fused operator.
        Specified by:
        selectPlans in class PlanSelection
        memo - partial fusion plans P
        roots - entry points of HOP DAG G