Class CostEstimatorRuntime

  • public class CostEstimatorRuntime
    extends CostEstimator
    Cost estimator for runtime programs. Previously this estimator used an offline created performance profile. Since SystemDS 1.0, this estimator uses a time-based cost model that relies on floating operations and I/O, which does not require explicit profiling.
    • Method Detail

      • getLeafNodeEstimate

        public double getLeafNodeEstimate​(CostEstimator.TestMeasure measure,
                                          OptNode node)
        Description copied from class: CostEstimator
        Main leaf node estimation method - to be overwritten by specific cost estimators
        Specified by:
        getLeafNodeEstimate in class CostEstimator
        measure - ?
        node - internal representation of a plan alternative for program blocks and instructions
      • getLeafNodeEstimate

        public double getLeafNodeEstimate​(CostEstimator.TestMeasure measure,
                                          OptNode node,
                                          Types.ExecType et)
        Description copied from class: CostEstimator
        Main leaf node estimation method - to be overwritten by specific cost estimators
        Specified by:
        getLeafNodeEstimate in class CostEstimator
        measure - ?
        node - internal representation of a plan alternative for program blocks and instructions
        et - forced execution type for leaf node