Class OptTree

  • public class OptTree
    extends Object
    Represents a complete plan of a top-level parfor. This includes the internal representation of the actual current plan as well as additional meta information that are only kept once per program instead of for each and every plan alternative.
    • Method Detail

      • getMappedHop

        public Hop getMappedHop​(long id)
      • getMappedProg

        public Object[] getMappedProg​(long id)
      • getMappedProgramBlock

        public ProgramBlock getMappedProgramBlock​(long id)
      • getCK

        public int getCK()
      • getCM

        public double getCM()
      • getRoot

        public OptNode getRoot()
      • setRoot

        public void setRoot​(OptNode n)
      • explain

        public String explain​(boolean withDetails)
        Explain tool: prints the hierarchical plan (including all available detail information, if necessary) to stdout.
        withDetails - if true, include explain details
        string explanation