Class LibMatrixFourier

  • public class LibMatrixFourier
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • LibMatrixFourier

        public LibMatrixFourier()
    • Method Detail

      • fft

        public static MatrixBlock[] fft​(MatrixBlock re,
                                        MatrixBlock im,
                                        int threads)
        Function to perform FFT for two given matrices. The first one represents the real values and the second one the imaginary values. The output also contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        im - matrix object representing the imaginary values
        threads - number of threads
        array of two matrix blocks
      • ifft

        public static MatrixBlock[] ifft​(MatrixBlock re,
                                         MatrixBlock im,
                                         int threads)
        Function to perform IFFT for two given matrices. The first one represents the real values and the second one the imaginary values. The output also contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        im - matrix object representing the imaginary values
        threads - number of threads
        array of two matrix blocks
      • fft_linearized

        public static MatrixBlock[] fft_linearized​(MatrixBlock re,
                                                   MatrixBlock im,
                                                   int threads)
        Function to perform FFT for each row of two given matrices. The first one represents the real values and the second one the imaginary values. The output also contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        im - matrix object representing the imaginary values
        threads - number of threads
        array of two matrix blocks
      • ifft_linearized

        public static MatrixBlock[] ifft_linearized​(MatrixBlock re,
                                                    MatrixBlock im,
                                                    int threads)
        Function to perform IFFT for each row of two given matrices. The first one represents the real values and the second one the imaginary values. The output also contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        im - matrix object representing the imaginary values
        threads - number of threads
        array of two matrix blocks
      • fft

        public static void fft​(double[] re,
                               double[] im,
                               int rows,
                               int cols,
                               int threads,
                               boolean inclColCalc)
        Function to perform FFT for two given double arrays. The first one represents the real values and the second one the imaginary values. Both arrays get updated and contain the result.
        re - array representing the real values
        im - array representing the imaginary values
        rows - number of rows
        cols - number of rows
        threads - number of threads
        inclColCalc - if true, fft is also calculated for each column, otherwise only for each row
      • ifft

        public static void ifft​(double[] re,
                                double[] im,
                                int rows,
                                int cols,
                                int threads,
                                boolean inclColCalc)
        Function to perform IFFT for two given double arrays. The first one represents the real values and the second one the imaginary values. Both arrays get updated and contain the result.
        re - array representing the real values
        im - array representing the imaginary values
        rows - number of rows
        cols - number of rows
        threads - number of threads
        inclColCalc - if true, fft is also calculated for each column, otherwise only for each row
      • fft_one_dim

        public static void fft_one_dim​(double[] re,
                                       double[] im,
                                       double[] re_inter,
                                       double[] im_inter,
                                       int start,
                                       int stop,
                                       int num,
                                       int minStep)
        Function to perform one-dimensional FFT for two given double arrays. The first one represents the real values and the second one the imaginary values. Both arrays get updated and contain the result.
        re - array representing the real values
        im - array representing the imaginary values
        re_inter - array for the real values of intermediate results
        im_inter - array for the imaginary values of intermediate results
        start - start index (incl.)
        stop - stop index (excl.)
        num - number of values used for fft
        minStep - step size between values used for fft
      • isPowerOfTwo

        public static boolean isPowerOfTwo​(int n)
        Function for checking whether the given integer is a power of two.
        n - integer to check
        true if n is a power of two, false otherwise
      • fft

        public static MatrixBlock[] fft​(MatrixBlock re,
                                        int threads)
        Function to perform FFT for a given matrix. The given matrix only represents real values. The output contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        threads - number of threads
        array of two matrix blocks
      • ifft

        public static MatrixBlock[] ifft​(MatrixBlock re,
                                         int threads)
        Function to perform IFFT for a given matrix. The given matrix only represents real values. The output contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        threads - number of threads
        array of two matrix blocks
      • fft_linearized

        public static MatrixBlock[] fft_linearized​(MatrixBlock re,
                                                   int threads)
        Function to perform FFT for each row of a given matrix. The given matrix only represents real values. The output contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        threads - number of threads
        array of two matrix blocks
      • ifft_linearized

        public static MatrixBlock[] ifft_linearized​(MatrixBlock re,
                                                    int threads)
        Function to perform IFFT for each row of a given matrix. The given matrix only represents real values. The output contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        threads - number of threads
        array of two matrix blocks