Class LibMatrixSTFT

  • public class LibMatrixSTFT
    extends Object
    Liberary file containing methods to perform short time fourier transformations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LibMatrixSTFT

        public LibMatrixSTFT()
    • Method Detail

      • stft

        public static MatrixBlock[] stft​(MatrixBlock re,
                                         MatrixBlock im,
                                         int windowSize,
                                         int overlap,
                                         int threads)
        Function to perform STFT on two given matrices with windowSize and overlap. The first one represents the real values and the second one the imaginary values. The output also contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values. The results of the fourier transformations are appended to each other in the output.
        re - Matrix object representing the real values
        im - Matrix object representing the imaginary values
        windowSize - Size of window
        overlap - Size of overlap
        threads - The number of threads to use
        array of two matrix blocks
      • stft

        public static MatrixBlock[] stft​(MatrixBlock re,
                                         int windowSize,
                                         int overlap,
                                         int threads)
        Function to perform STFT on a given matrices with windowSize and overlap. The matrix represents the real values. The output contains one matrix for the real and one for the imaginary values. The results of the fourier transformations are appended to each other in the output.
        re - matrix object representing the real values
        windowSize - size of window
        overlap - size of overlap
        threads - The number of threads to use
        array of two matrix blocks