Class UtilFunctions

  • public class UtilFunctions
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • intHashCode

        public static int intHashCode​(int key1,
                                      int key2)
      • intHashCodeRobust

        public static int intHashCodeRobust​(int key1,
                                            int key2)
      • longHashCode

        public static int longHashCode​(long key1)
      • longHashCode

        public static int longHashCode​(long key1,
                                       long key2)
        Returns the hash code for a long-long pair. This is the default hash function for the keys of a distributed matrix in MR/Spark.
        key1 - first long key
        key2 - second long key
        hash code
      • longHashCode

        public static int longHashCode​(long key1,
                                       long key2,
                                       long key3)
        Returns the hash code for a long-long-long triple. This is the default hash function for the keys of a distributed matrix in MR/Spark.
        key1 - first long key
        key2 - second long key
        key3 - third long key
        hash code
      • nextIntPow2

        public static int nextIntPow2​(int in)
      • pow

        public static long pow​(int base,
                               int exp)
      • computeBlockIndex

        public static long computeBlockIndex​(long cellIndex,
                                             int blockSize)
        Computes the 1-based block index based on the global cell index and block size meta data. See computeCellIndex for the inverse operation.
        cellIndex - global cell index
        blockSize - block size
        1-based block index
      • computeCellInBlock

        public static int computeCellInBlock​(long cellIndex,
                                             int blockSize)
        Computes the 0-based cell-in-block index based on the global cell index and block size meta data. See computeCellIndex for the inverse operation.
        cellIndex - global cell index
        blockSize - block size
        0-based cell-in-block index
      • computeCellIndex

        public static long computeCellIndex​(long blockIndex,
                                            int blockSize,
                                            int cellInBlock)
        Computes the global 1-based cell index based on the block index, block size meta data, and specific 0-based in-block cell index. NOTE: this is equivalent to cellIndexCalculation.
        blockIndex - block index
        blockSize - block size
        cellInBlock - 0-based cell-in-block index
        global 1-based cell index
      • computeBlockSize

        public static int computeBlockSize​(long len,
                                           long blockIndex,
                                           long blockSize)
        Computes the actual block size based on matrix dimension, block index, and block size meta data. For boundary blocks, the actual block size is less or equal than the block size meta data; otherwise they are identical.
        len - matrix dimension
        blockIndex - block index
        blockSize - block size metadata
        actual block size
      • computeNextTensorIndexes

        public static long[] computeNextTensorIndexes​(TensorCharacteristics tc,
                                                      long[] ix)
        Computes the next tensor indexes array.
        tc - the tensor characteristics
        ix - the tensor indexes array (will be changed)
        the tensor indexes array (changed)
      • computeTensorIndexes

        public static long[] computeTensorIndexes​(TensorCharacteristics tc,
                                                  long blockIndex)
        Computes the tensor indexes array given a blockIndex we ant to compute. Note that if a sequence of tensor indexes array will be computed, it is faster to use UtilFunctions.computeNextTensorIndexes(TensorCharacteristics,long[]).
        tc - the tensor characteristics
        blockIndex - the number of the block ([0-tc.getNumBlocks()[ valid)
        the tensor index array
      • computeSliceInfo

        public static void computeSliceInfo​(TensorCharacteristics tc,
                                            long[] blockIx,
                                            int[] outDims,
                                            int[] offset)
        Computes the slice dimensions and offsets for the block slice of another tensor with the size given by TensorCharacteristics.
        tc - tensor characteristics of the block to slice
        blockIx - the tensor block index
        outDims - the slice dimension size
        offset - the offset where the slice should start
      • computeBlockNumber

        public static long computeBlockNumber​(int[] ix,
                                              long[] dims,
                                              int blen)
        Calculates the number of the block this index refers to (basically a linearisation).
        ix - the dimensional indexes
        dims - length of dimensions
        blen - length of blocks
        the number of the block
      • getTaskRangesDefault

        public static List<Pair<Integer,​Integer>> getTaskRangesDefault​(int len,
                                                                             int k)
      • getBalancedBlockSizesDefault

        public static ArrayList<Integer> getBalancedBlockSizesDefault​(int len,
                                                                      int k,
                                                                      boolean constK)
      • getAlignedBlockSizes

        public static ArrayList<Integer> getAlignedBlockSizes​(int len,
                                                              int k,
                                                              int align)
      • isInBlockRange

        public static boolean isInBlockRange​(MatrixIndexes ix,
                                             int blen,
                                             long rl,
                                             long ru,
                                             long cl,
                                             long cu)
      • isInFrameBlockRange

        public static boolean isInFrameBlockRange​(Long ix,
                                                  int blen,
                                                  long rl,
                                                  long ru)
      • isInFrameBlockRange

        public static boolean isInFrameBlockRange​(Long ix,
                                                  int blen,
                                                  IndexRange ixrange)
      • getSelectedRangeForZeroOut

        public static IndexRange getSelectedRangeForZeroOut​(Pair<Long,​FrameBlock> in,
                                                            int blen,
                                                            IndexRange indexRange,
                                                            long lSrcRowIndex,
                                                            long lDestRowIndex)
      • parseToDouble

        public static double parseToDouble​(String str,
                                           Set<String> isNan)
        Safe double parsing including handling of NAs. Previously, we also used this wrapper for handling thread contention in multi-threaded environments because Double.parseDouble relied on a synchronized cache (which was replaced with thread-local caches in JDK8).
        str - string to parse to double
        isNan - collection of Nan string which if encountered should be parsed to nan value
        double value
      • parseToInt

        public static int parseToInt​(String str)
      • parseToLong

        public static long parseToLong​(String str)
      • toInt

        public static int toInt​(double val)
      • toLong

        public static long toLong​(double val)
      • toInt

        public static int toInt​(Object obj)
      • getSeqLength

        public static long getSeqLength​(double from,
                                        double to,
                                        double incr)
      • getSeqLength

        public static long getSeqLength​(double from,
                                        double to,
                                        double incr,
                                        boolean check)
      • getSeqList

        public static List<Integer> getSeqList​(int low,
                                               int up,
                                               int incr)
        Obtain sequence list
        low - lower bound (inclusive)
        up - upper bound (inclusive)
        incr - increment
        list of integers
      • getSeqArray

        public static int[] getSeqArray​(int low,
                                        int up,
                                        int incr)
        Obtain sequence array
        low - lower bound (inclusive)
        up - upper bound (inclusive)
        incr - increment
        array of integers
      • roundToNext

        public static int roundToNext​(int val,
                                      int factor)
      • doubleToObject

        public static Object doubleToObject​(Types.ValueType vt,
                                            double in,
                                            boolean sparse)
      • objectToString

        public static String objectToString​(Object in)
      • objectToString

        public static String objectToString​(Object in,
                                            boolean ignoreNull)
        Convert object to string
        in - object
        ignoreNull - If this flag has set, it will ignore null. This flag is mainly used in merge functionality to override data with "null" data.
        string representation of object
      • compareVersion

        public static int compareVersion​(String version1,
                                         String version2)
        Compares two version strings of format x.y.z, where x is major, y is minor, and z is maintenance release.
        version1 - first version string
        version2 - second version string
        1 if version1 greater, -1 if version2 greater, 0 if equal
      • isBoolean

        public static boolean isBoolean​(String str)
      • isIntegerNumber

        public static boolean isIntegerNumber​(String str)
      • isSpecial

        public static boolean isSpecial​(double value)
      • getSortedSampleIndexes

        public static int[] getSortedSampleIndexes​(int range,
                                                   int sampleSize)
      • getSortedSampleIndexes

        public static int[] getSortedSampleIndexes​(int range,
                                                   int sampleSize,
                                                   long seed)
      • max

        public static byte max​(byte[] array)
      • getAsciiAtIdx

        public static int getAsciiAtIdx​(String s,
                                        int idx)
      • parseMemorySize

        public static long parseMemorySize​(String arg)
        Parses a memory size with optional g/m/k quantifiers into its number representation.
        arg - memory size as readable string
        byte count of memory size
      • formatMemorySize

        public static String formatMemorySize​(long arg)
        Format a memory size with g/m/k quantifiers into its number representation.
        arg - byte count of memory size
        memory size as readable string
      • getDouble

        public static double getDouble​(Object obj)
      • isNonZero

        public static boolean isNonZero​(Object obj)
      • computeNnz

        public static int computeNnz​(double[] a,
                                     int ai,
                                     int len)
      • computeNnz

        public static int computeNnz​(float[] a,
                                     int ai,
                                     int len)
      • computeNnz

        public static int computeNnz​(long[] a,
                                     int ai,
                                     int len)
      • computeNnz

        public static int computeNnz​(int[] a,
                                     int ai,
                                     int len)
      • computeNnz

        public static int computeNnz​(BitSet a,
                                     int ai,
                                     int len)
      • computeNnz

        public static int computeNnz​(String[] a,
                                     int ai,
                                     int len)
      • computeNnz

        public static long computeNnz​(SparseBlock a,
                                      int[] aix,
                                      int ai,
                                      int alen)
      • countNonZeros

        public static int countNonZeros​(double[] data,
                                        int pos,
                                        int len)
      • containsZero

        public static boolean containsZero​(double[] data,
                                           int pos,
                                           int len)
      • prod

        public static long prod​(long[] arr)
      • prod

        public static long prod​(int[] arr)
      • prod

        public static long prod​(int[] arr,
                                int off)
      • getBlockBounds

        public static void getBlockBounds​(TensorIndexes ix,
                                          long[] dims,
                                          int blen,
                                          int[] lower,
                                          int[] upper)
      • toMillis

        public static long toMillis​(String dateString)
      • toMillis

        public static long toMillis​(String dateString,
                                    String dateFormat)
      • dateFormat

        public static String dateFormat​(String dateString,
                                        String outputFormat)
      • dateFormat

        public static String dateFormat​(long date,
                                        String outputFormat)
      • copyAsStringToArray

        public static String[] copyAsStringToArray​(String[] input,
                                                   Object value)
      • isDateColumn

        public static String isDateColumn​(String values)
      • getDominantDateFormat

        public static String[] getDominantDateFormat​(String[] values)
      • addTimeToDate

        public static String addTimeToDate​(String dateString,
                                           int amountToAdd,
                                           String timeformat)
      • getTimestamp

        public static String[] getTimestamp​(String[] values)
      • getSplittedStringAsArray

        public static String[] getSplittedStringAsArray​(String input)
      • jaccardSim

        public static double jaccardSim​(String x,
                                        String y)
      • columnStringToCSVString

        public static String columnStringToCSVString​(String input,
                                                     String separator)
      • generateRandomFrameBlock

        public static FrameBlock generateRandomFrameBlock​(int rows,
                                                          int cols,
                                                          Types.ValueType[] schema,
                                                          Random random)
        Generates a random FrameBlock with given parameters.
        rows - frame rows
        cols - frame cols
        schema - frame schema
        random - random number generator
      • generateRandomValueFromValueType

        public static Object generateRandomValueFromValueType​(Types.ValueType valueType,
                                                              Random random)
        Generates a random value for a given Value Type
        valueType - the ValueType of which to generate the value
        random - random number generator
      • stringToValueType

        public static Types.ValueType[] stringToValueType​(String[] schemaValues)
        Generates a ValueType array from a String array
        schemaValues - the string schema of which to generate the ValueType
      • getEndIndex

        public static int getEndIndex​(int arrayLength,
                                      int startIndex,
                                      int blockSize)
      • getBlockSizes

        public static int[] getBlockSizes​(int num,
                                          int numBlocks)
      • splitRecodeEntry

        public static String[] splitRecodeEntry​(String s)
      • toStringArray

        public static String[] toStringArray​(Object[] original)
      • getSafe

        public static <T> T getSafe​(Future<T> task)
      • convertStringToDoubleArray

        public static double[] convertStringToDoubleArray​(String[] original)
      • getWordErrorRate

        public static double getWordErrorRate​(String r,
                                              String h)
        Computes the word error rate (Levenshtein distance at word level): wer = (numSubst + numDel + numIns) / length(r) This code has been adapted from Apache Commons Lang 3.12 (getLevenshteinDistance, but for words instead of characters).
        r - reference string
        h - hypothesis string
        word error rate (WER)