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Package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.diskbalancer.connectors

Connectors package is a set of logical connectors that connect to various data sources to read the hadoop cluster information.

See: Description

Package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.diskbalancer.connectors Description

Connectors package is a set of logical connectors that connect to various data sources to read the hadoop cluster information. We currently have 3 connectors in this package. They are DBNameNodeConnector - This uses the connector from the original balancer package to connect to a real hadoop cluster. JsonNodeConnector - This connects to a file and reads the data about a cluster. We can generate a cluster json from a real cluster using the diskBalancer tool or hand-craft it. There are some sample Json files checked in under test/resources/diskBalancer directory. NullConnector - This is an in-memory connector that is useful in testing. we can crate dataNodes on the fly and attach to this connector and ask the diskBalancer Cluster to read data from this source.
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