Interface | Description |
ComposableInputFormat<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable> |
Refinement of InputFormat requiring implementors to provide
ComposableRecordReader instead of RecordReader.
ComposableRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable> |
Additional operations required of a RecordReader to participate in a join.
ResetableIterator<T extends Writable> |
This defines an interface to a stateful Iterator that can replay elements
added to it directly.
Class | Description |
ArrayListBackedIterator<X extends Writable> |
This class provides an implementation of ResetableIterator.
CompositeInputFormat<K extends WritableComparable> |
An InputFormat capable of performing joins over a set of data sources sorted
and partitioned the same way.
CompositeInputSplit |
This InputSplit contains a set of child InputSplits.
CompositeRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable,X extends Writable> |
A RecordReader that can effect joins of RecordReaders sharing a common key
type and partitioning.
InnerJoinRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable> |
Full inner join.
JoinRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable> |
Base class for Composite joins returning Tuples of arbitrary Writables.
MultiFilterRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable> |
Base class for Composite join returning values derived from multiple
sources, but generally not tuples.
OuterJoinRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable> |
Full outer join.
OverrideRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable> |
Prefer the "rightmost" data source for this key.
Parser |
Very simple shift-reduce parser for join expressions.
Parser.Node | |
Parser.NodeToken | |
Parser.NumToken | |
Parser.StrToken | |
Parser.Token |
Tagged-union type for tokens from the join expression.
StreamBackedIterator<X extends Writable> |
This class provides an implementation of ResetableIterator.
TupleWritable |
Writable type storing multiple
Writable s. |
WrappedRecordReader<K extends WritableComparable,U extends Writable> |
Proxy class for a RecordReader participating in the join framework.
Enum | Description |
Parser.TType |
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