The Apache Kudu team is happy to announce the release of Kudu 1.9.0!
The new release adds several new features and improvements, including the following:
- Added support for location awareness for placement of tablet replicas.
- Introduced docker scripts to facilitate building and running Kudu on various operating systems.
- Introduced an experimental feature to allow users to run tests against a Kudu mini cluster without having to first locally build or install Kudu.
- Updated the compaction policy to favor reducing the number of rowsets, which can lead to significantly faster scans and bootup times in certain workloads.
- Multiple tooling enhancements have been made to improve visibility into Kudu tables.
The above is just a list of the highlights, for a more complete list of new features, improvements and fixes please refer to the release notes.
The Apache Kudu project only publishes source code releases. To build Kudu 1.9.0, follow these steps:
- Download the Kudu 1.9.0 source release
- Follow the instructions in the documentation to build Kudu 1.9.0 from source
For your convenience, binary JAR files for the Kudu Java client library, Spark DataSource, Flume sink, and other Java integrations are published to the ASF Maven repository and are now available.
The Python client source is also available on PyPI.