ebpps_sketch< T, A > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ebpps_sketch< T, A >, including all inherited members.

begin() constebpps_sketch< T, A >
deserialize(const void *bytes, size_t size, const SerDe &sd=SerDe(), const A &allocator=A())ebpps_sketch< T, A >static
deserialize(std::istream &is, const SerDe &sd=SerDe(), const A &allocator=A())ebpps_sketch< T, A >static
ebpps_sketch(uint32_t k, const A &allocator=A())ebpps_sketch< T, A >explicit
end() constebpps_sketch< T, A >
get_allocator() constebpps_sketch< T, A >
get_c() constebpps_sketch< T, A >inline
get_cumulative_weight() constebpps_sketch< T, A >inline
get_k() constebpps_sketch< T, A >inline
get_n() constebpps_sketch< T, A >inline
get_result() constebpps_sketch< T, A >
get_serialized_size_bytes(const SerDe &sd=SerDe()) constebpps_sketch< T, A >inline
is_empty() constebpps_sketch< T, A >inline
items_to_string() constebpps_sketch< T, A >
merge(const ebpps_sketch< T, A > &sketch)ebpps_sketch< T, A >
merge(ebpps_sketch< T, A > &&sketch)ebpps_sketch< T, A >
reset()ebpps_sketch< T, A >
serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes=0, const SerDe &sd=SerDe()) constebpps_sketch< T, A >
serialize(std::ostream &os, const SerDe &sd=SerDe()) constebpps_sketch< T, A >
to_string() constebpps_sketch< T, A >
update(const T &item, double weight=1.0)ebpps_sketch< T, A >
update(T &&item, double weight=1.0)ebpps_sketch< T, A >