▼Ndatasketches | DataSketches namespace |
Cbounds_binomial_proportions | Confidence intervals for binomial proportions |
Ckolmogorov_smirnov | Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for KLL or Quantiles sketches |
Cquantiles_sorted_view | Sorted view for quantiles sketches (REQ, KLL and Quantiles) |
Cserde | Interface for serializing and deserializing items |
Cserde< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type > | Serde for all fixed-size arithmetic types (int and float of different sizes) |
Cserde< std::string > | Serde for std::string items |
Ccpc_sketch_alloc | High performance C++ implementation of Compressed Probabilistic Counting (CPC) Sketch |
Ccpc_union_alloc | High performance C++ implementation of Compressed Probabilistic Counting (CPC) Union |
Chll_union_alloc | This performs union operations for HLL sketches |
CHllSketchImpl | This is a high performance implementation of Phillipe Flajolet's HLL sketch but with significantly improved error behavior |
Ckll_sketch | Implementation of a very compact quantiles sketch with lazy compaction scheme and nearly optimal accuracy per retained item |
Cbounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets | Bounds on ratios in sampled sets |
Cbounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets | Bounds on ratios in Theta sketched sets |
Ctheta_a_not_b_alloc | Theta A-not-B (set difference) |
Ctheta_intersection_alloc | Theta intersection |
Cjaccard_similarity_base | Base class for Jaccard similarity |
Ctheta_sketch_alloc | Base class for the Theta Sketch, a generalization of the Kth Minimum Value (KMV) sketch |
▼Cupdate_theta_sketch_alloc | Update Theta sketch |
Cbuilder | Update Theta sketch builder |
Ccompact_theta_sketch_alloc | Compact Theta sketch |
Cwrapped_compact_theta_sketch_alloc | Wrapped Compact Theta sketch |
Cbase_theta_sketch_alloc | Abstract base class for Theta sketch |
▼Ctheta_union_alloc | Theta Union |
Cbuilder | Theta union builder |
Ctheta_base_builder | Theta base builder |
Carray_tuple_a_not_b | Array tuple A-not-B |
Carray_tuple_intersection | Array tuple intersection |
Cdefault_array_tuple_update_policy | Default array tuple update policy |
Ccompact_array_tuple_sketch | Compact array tuple sketch |
▼Cupdate_array_tuple_sketch | Update array tuple sketch |
Cbuilder | Update array tuple sketch builder |
Cdefault_array_tuple_union_policy | Default array tuple union policy |
Carray_tuple_union | Array tuple union |
Ctuple_a_not_b | Tuple A-not-B |
Ctuple_intersection | Tuple intersection |
Ctuple_sketch | Base class for Tuple sketch |
▼Cupdate_tuple_sketch | Update Tuple sketch |
Cbuilder | Update Tuple sketch builder |
Ccompact_tuple_sketch | Compact Tuple sketch |
Ctuple_base_builder | Tuple base builder |
▼Ctuple_union | Tuple Union |
Cbuilder | Tuple union builder |
Cquantiles_sketch | This is a stochastic streaming sketch that enables near-real time analysis of the approximate distribution from a very large stream in a single pass |
Cebpps_sketch | An implementation of an Exact and Bounded Sampling Proportional to Size sketch |
Cvar_opt_union | Provides a unioning operation over var_opt_sketch objects |
Cvar_opt_sketch | This sketch samples data from a stream of items |
Cdensity_sketch | Density sketch |
▼Cfrequent_items_sketch | Frequent Items sketch |
Crow | Row in the output from get_frequent_items |
Ccount_min_sketch | C++ implementation of the CountMin sketch data structure of Cormode and Muthukrishnan |
Creq_sketch | Relative Error Quantiles Sketch |
CXXHash64 | XXHash (64 bit), based on Yann Collet's descriptions, see |