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update_array_tuple_sketch< Array, Policy, Allocator > Class Template Reference

Update array tuple sketch. More...

#include <array_tuple_sketch.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for update_array_tuple_sketch< Array, Policy, Allocator >:
update_tuple_sketch< Summary, Update, Policy, Allocator > tuple_sketch< Summary, Allocator >


class  builder
 Update array tuple sketch builder. More...

Public Member Functions

uint8_t get_num_values () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from update_tuple_sketch< Summary, Update, Policy, Allocator >
virtual Allocator get_allocator () const
virtual bool is_empty () const
virtual bool is_ordered () const
virtual uint64_t get_theta64 () const
virtual uint32_t get_num_retained () const
virtual uint16_t get_seed_hash () const
uint8_t get_lg_k () const
resize_factor get_rf () const
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (const std::string &key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given string.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (uint64_t key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given unsigned 64-bit integer.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (int64_t key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given signed 64-bit integer.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (uint32_t key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given unsigned 32-bit integer.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (int32_t key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given signed 32-bit integer.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (uint16_t key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given unsigned 16-bit integer.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (int16_t key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given signed 16-bit integer.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (uint8_t key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given unsigned 8-bit integer.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (int8_t key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given signed 8-bit integer.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (double key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given double-precision floating point value.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (float key, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with a given floating point value.
template<typename FwdUpdate >
void update (const void *key, size_t length, FwdUpdate &&value)
 Update this sketch with given data of any type.
void trim ()
 Remove retained entries in excess of the nominal size k (if any)
void reset ()
 Reset the sketch to the initial empty state.
compact_tuple_sketch< Summary, Allocator > compact (bool ordered=true) const
 Converts this sketch to a compact sketch (ordered or unordered).
template<typename Predicate >
compact_tuple_sketch< Summary, Allocator > filter (const Predicate &predicate) const
 Produces a Compact Tuple sketch from this sketch by applying a given predicate to each entry.
virtual iterator begin ()
 Iterator over entries in this sketch.
virtual iterator end ()
 Iterator pointing past the valid range.
virtual const_iterator begin () const
 Const iterator over entries in this sketch.
virtual const_iterator end () const
 Const iterator pointing past the valid range.
- Public Member Functions inherited from tuple_sketch< Summary, Allocator >
double get_estimate () const
double get_lower_bound (uint8_t num_std_devs, uint32_t num_subset_entries) const
 Returns the approximate lower error bound given a number of standard deviations over an arbitrary number of items stored in the sketch.
double get_lower_bound (uint8_t num_std_devs) const
 Returns the approximate lower error bound given a number of standard deviations.
double get_upper_bound (uint8_t num_std_devs, uint32_t num_subset_entries) const
 Returns the approximate upper error bound given a number of standard deviations over an arbitrary number of items stored in the sketch.
double get_upper_bound (uint8_t num_std_devs) const
 Returns the approximate upper error bound given a number of standard deviations.
bool is_estimation_mode () const
double get_theta () const
string< Allocator > to_string (bool print_items=false) const
 Provides a human-readable summary of this sketch as a string.

Detailed Description

template<typename Array, typename Policy = default_array_tuple_update_policy<Array>, typename Allocator = typename Array::allocator_type>
class datasketches::update_array_tuple_sketch< Array, Policy, Allocator >

Update array tuple sketch.

This is a wrapper around tuple sketch to match the functionality and serialization format of ArrayOfDoublesSketch in Java. For this the sketch must be configured with array<double> or std::vector<double>. This is a more generic implementation for any arithmetic type (serialization assumes contiguous array size_of(T) * num_values). A set of type definitions for the ArrayOfDoubles* equivalent is provided in a separate file array_of_doubles_sketch.hpp. There is no constructor. Use builder instead.

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_num_values()

template<typename Array , typename Policy , typename Allocator >
uint8_t get_num_values ( ) const
number of values in array

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