Class DoublesSketch

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    QuantilesAPI, QuantilesDoublesAPI
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    CompactDoublesSketch, UpdateDoublesSketch

    public abstract class DoublesSketch
    extends Object
    implements QuantilesDoublesAPI
    This is an implementation of the Low Discrepancy Mergeable Quantiles Sketch, using doubles, described in section 3.2 of the journal version of the paper "Mergeable Summaries" by Agarwal, Cormode, Huang, Phillips, Wei, and Yi:


    A k of 128 produces a normalized, rank error of about 1.7%. For example, the median returned from getQuantile(0.5) will be between the actual quantiles from the hypothetically sorted array of input quantiles at normalized ranks of 0.483 and 0.517, with a confidence of about 99%.

    Table Guide for DoublesSketch Size in Bytes and Approximate Error:
              K => |      16      32      64     128     256     512   1,024
        ~ Error => | 12.145%  6.359%  3.317%  1.725%  0.894%  0.463%  0.239%
                 N | Size in Bytes ->
                 0 |       8       8       8       8       8       8       8
                 1 |      72      72      72      72      72      72      72
                 3 |      72      72      72      72      72      72      72
                 7 |     104     104     104     104     104     104     104
                15 |     168     168     168     168     168     168     168
                31 |     296     296     296     296     296     296     296
                63 |     424     552     552     552     552     552     552
               127 |     552     808   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064
               255 |     680   1,064   1,576   2,088   2,088   2,088   2,088
               511 |     808   1,320   2,088   3,112   4,136   4,136   4,136
             1,023 |     936   1,576   2,600   4,136   6,184   8,232   8,232
             2,047 |   1,064   1,832   3,112   5,160   8,232  12,328  16,424
             4,095 |   1,192   2,088   3,624   6,184  10,280  16,424  24,616
             8,191 |   1,320   2,344   4,136   7,208  12,328  20,520  32,808
            16,383 |   1,448   2,600   4,648   8,232  14,376  24,616  41,000
            32,767 |   1,576   2,856   5,160   9,256  16,424  28,712  49,192
            65,535 |   1,704   3,112   5,672  10,280  18,472  32,808  57,384
           131,071 |   1,832   3,368   6,184  11,304  20,520  36,904  65,576
           262,143 |   1,960   3,624   6,696  12,328  22,568  41,000  73,768
           524,287 |   2,088   3,880   7,208  13,352  24,616  45,096  81,960
         1,048,575 |   2,216   4,136   7,720  14,376  26,664  49,192  90,152
         2,097,151 |   2,344   4,392   8,232  15,400  28,712  53,288  98,344
         4,194,303 |   2,472   4,648   8,744  16,424  30,760  57,384 106,536
         8,388,607 |   2,600   4,904   9,256  17,448  32,808  61,480 114,728
        16,777,215 |   2,728   5,160   9,768  18,472  34,856  65,576 122,920
        33,554,431 |   2,856   5,416  10,280  19,496  36,904  69,672 131,112
        67,108,863 |   2,984   5,672  10,792  20,520  38,952  73,768 139,304
       134,217,727 |   3,112   5,928  11,304  21,544  41,000  77,864 147,496
       268,435,455 |   3,240   6,184  11,816  22,568  43,048  81,960 155,688
       536,870,911 |   3,368   6,440  12,328  23,592  45,096  86,056 163,880
     1,073,741,823 |   3,496   6,696  12,840  24,616  47,144  90,152 172,072
     2,147,483,647 |   3,624   6,952  13,352  25,640  49,192  94,248 180,264
     4,294,967,295 |   3,752   7,208  13,864  26,664  51,240  98,344 188,456
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static DoublesSketchBuilder builder()
      Returns a new builder
      DoublesSketch downSample​(DoublesSketch srcSketch, int smallerK, org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dstMem)
      From an source sketch, create a new sketch that must have a smaller K.
      double[] getCDF​(double[] splitPoints, QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
      Returns an approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the input stream as a monotonically increasing array of double ranks (or cumulative probabilities) on the interval [0.0, 1.0], given a set of splitPoints.
      static int getCompactSerialiedSizeBytes​(int k, long n)
      Returns the number of bytes a DoublesSketch would require to store in compact form given k and n.
      int getCurrentCompactSerializedSizeBytes()
      Returns the current number of bytes this sketch would require to store in the compact Memory Format.
      int getCurrentUpdatableSerializedSizeBytes()
      Returns the current number of bytes this sketch would require to store in the updatable Memory Format.
      int getK()
      Gets the user configured parameter k, which controls the accuracy of the sketch and its memory space usage.
      static int getKFromEpsilon​(double epsilon, boolean pmf)
      Gets the approximate k to use given epsilon, the normalized rank error.
      abstract double getMaxItem()
      Returns the maximum item of the stream.
      abstract double getMinItem()
      Returns the minimum item of the stream.
      abstract long getN()
      Gets the length of the input stream offered to the sketch..
      double getNormalizedRankError​(boolean pmf)
      Gets the approximate rank error of this sketch normalized as a fraction between zero and one.
      static double getNormalizedRankError​(int k, boolean pmf)
      Gets the normalized rank error given k and pmf.
      int getNumRetained()
      Gets the number of quantiles retained by the sketch.
      double[] getPMF​(double[] splitPoints, QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
      Returns an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream as an array of probability masses as doubles on the interval [0.0, 1.0], given a set of splitPoints.
      double getQuantile​(double rank, QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
      Gets the approximate quantile of the given normalized rank and the given search criterion.
      double getQuantileLowerBound​(double rank)
      Gets the lower bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the quantile of the given rank exists.
      double[] getQuantiles​(double[] ranks, QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
      Gets an array of quantiles from the given array of normalized ranks.
      double getQuantileUpperBound​(double rank)
      Gets the upper bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the true quantile of the given rank exists.
      double getRank​(double quantile, QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
      Gets the normalized rank corresponding to the given a quantile.
      double getRankLowerBound​(double rank)
      Gets the lower bound of the rank confidence interval in which the true rank of the given rank exists.
      double[] getRanks​(double[] quantiles, QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
      Gets an array of normalized ranks corresponding to the given array of quantiles and the given search criterion.
      double getRankUpperBound​(double rank)
      Gets the upper bound of the rank confidence interval in which the true rank of the given rank exists.
      int getSerializedSizeBytes()
      Returns the current number of bytes this Sketch would require if serialized.
      DoublesSketchSortedView getSortedView()
      Gets the sorted view of this sketch
      static int getUpdatableStorageBytes​(int k, long n)
      Returns the number of bytes a sketch would require to store in updatable form.
      abstract boolean hasMemory()
      Returns true if this sketch's data structure is backed by Memory or WritableMemory.
      static DoublesSketch heapify​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory srcMem)
      Heapify takes the sketch image in Memory and instantiates an on-heap Sketch.
      abstract boolean isDirect()
      Returns true if this sketch's data structure is off-heap (a.k.a., Direct or Native memory).
      boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if this sketch is empty.
      boolean isEstimationMode()
      Returns true if this sketch is in estimation mode.
      abstract boolean isReadOnly()
      Returns true if this sketch is read only.
      boolean isSameResource​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory that)
      Returns true if the backing resource of this is identical with the backing resource of that.
      QuantilesDoublesSketchIterator iterator()
      Gets the iterator for this sketch, which is not sorted.
      void putMemory​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dstMem)
      Puts the current sketch into the given Memory in compact form if there is sufficient space, otherwise, it throws an error.
      void putMemory​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dstMem, boolean compact)
      Puts the current sketch into the given Memory if there is sufficient space, otherwise, throws an error.
      abstract void reset()
      Resets this sketch to the empty state.
      byte[] toByteArray()
      Returns a byte array representation of this sketch.
      byte[] toByteArray​(boolean compact)
      Serialize this sketch in a byte array form.
      String toString()
      Returns human readable summary information about this sketch.
      String toString​(boolean withLevels, boolean withLevelsAndItems)
      Returns human readable summary information about this sketch.
      static String toString​(byte[] byteArr)
      Returns a human readable string of the preamble of a byte array image of a DoublesSketch.
      static String toString​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory mem)
      Returns a human readable string of the preamble of a Memory image of a DoublesSketch.
      static DoublesSketch wrap​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory srcMem)
      Wrap this sketch around the given Memory image of a DoublesSketch, compact or updatable.
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static final DoublesSketchBuilder builder()
        Returns a new builder
        a new builder
      • heapify

        public static DoublesSketch heapify​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory srcMem)
        Heapify takes the sketch image in Memory and instantiates an on-heap Sketch. The resulting sketch will not retain any link to the source Memory.
        srcMem - a Memory image of a Sketch. See Memory
        a heap-based Sketch based on the given Memory
      • wrap

        public static DoublesSketch wrap​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory srcMem)
        Wrap this sketch around the given Memory image of a DoublesSketch, compact or updatable. A DirectUpdateDoublesSketch can only wrap an updatable array, and a DirectCompactDoublesSketch can only wrap a compact array.
        srcMem - the given Memory image of a DoublesSketch that may have data,
        a sketch that wraps the given srcMem
      • getCDF

        public double[] getCDF​(double[] splitPoints,
                               QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Returns an approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the input stream as a monotonically increasing array of double ranks (or cumulative probabilities) on the interval [0.0, 1.0], given a set of splitPoints.

        The resulting approximations have a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the getNormalizedRankError(false) function.

        Specified by:
        getCDF in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        splitPoints - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing items (of the same type as the input items) that divide the item input domain into m+1 overlapping intervals.

        The start of each interval is below the lowest item retained by the sketch corresponding to a zero rank or zero probability, and the end of the interval is the rank or cumulative probability corresponding to the split point.

        The (m+1)th interval represents 100% of the distribution represented by the sketch and consistent with the definition of a cumulative probability distribution, thus the (m+1)th rank or probability in the returned array is always 1.0.

        If a split point exactly equals a retained item of the sketch and the search criterion is:

        • INCLUSIVE, the resulting cumulative probability will include that item.
        • EXCLUSIVE, the resulting cumulative probability will not include the weight of that split point.

        It is not recommended to include either the minimum or maximum items of the input stream.

        searchCrit - the desired search criteria.
        a discrete CDF array of m+1 double ranks (or cumulative probabilities) on the interval [0.0, 1.0].
      • getMaxItem

        public abstract double getMaxItem()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Returns the maximum item of the stream. This is provided for convenience and may be different from the item returned by getQuantile(1.0).
        Specified by:
        getMaxItem in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        the maximum item of the stream
      • getMinItem

        public abstract double getMinItem()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Returns the minimum item of the stream. This is provided for convenience and may be different from the item returned by getQuantile(0.0).
        Specified by:
        getMinItem in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        the minimum item of the stream
      • getPMF

        public double[] getPMF​(double[] splitPoints,
                               QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Returns an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream as an array of probability masses as doubles on the interval [0.0, 1.0], given a set of splitPoints.

        The resulting approximations have a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the getNormalizedRankError(true) function.

        Specified by:
        getPMF in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        splitPoints - an array of m unique, monotonically increasing items (of the same type as the input items) that divide the item input domain into m+1 consecutive, non-overlapping intervals.

        Each interval except for the end intervals starts with a split point and ends with the next split point in sequence.

        The first interval starts below the lowest item retained by the sketch corresponding to a zero rank or zero probability, and ends with the first split point

        The last (m+1)th interval starts with the last split point and ends after the last item retained by the sketch corresponding to a rank or probability of 1.0.

        The sum of the probability masses of all (m+1) intervals is 1.0.

        If the search criterion is:

        • INCLUSIVE, and the upper split point of an interval equals an item retained by the sketch, the interval will include that item. If the lower split point equals an item retained by the sketch, the interval will exclude that item.
        • EXCLUSIVE, and the upper split point of an interval equals an item retained by the sketch, the interval will exclude that item. If the lower split point equals an item retained by the sketch, the interval will include that item.

        It is not recommended to include either the minimum or maximum items of the input stream.

        searchCrit - the desired search criteria.
        a PMF array of m+1 probability masses as doubles on the interval [0.0, 1.0].
      • getQuantile

        public double getQuantile​(double rank,
                                  QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Gets the approximate quantile of the given normalized rank and the given search criterion.
        Specified by:
        getQuantile in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        rank - the given normalized rank, a double in the range [0.0, 1.0].
        searchCrit - If INCLUSIVE, the given rank includes all quantiles ≤ the quantile directly corresponding to the given rank. If EXCLUSIVE, he given rank includes all quantiles < the quantile directly corresponding to the given rank.
        the approximate quantile given the normalized rank.
        See Also:
      • getQuantiles

        public double[] getQuantiles​(double[] ranks,
                                     QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Gets an array of quantiles from the given array of normalized ranks.
        Specified by:
        getQuantiles in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        ranks - the given array of normalized ranks, each of which must be in the interval [0.0,1.0].
        searchCrit - if INCLUSIVE, the given ranks include all quantiles ≤ the quantile directly corresponding to each rank.
        an array of quantiles corresponding to the given array of normalized ranks.
        See Also:
      • getQuantileLowerBound

        public double getQuantileLowerBound​(double rank)
        Gets the lower bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the quantile of the given rank exists.

        Although it is possible to estimate the probability that the true quantile exists within the quantile confidence interval specified by the upper and lower quantile bounds, it is not possible to guarantee the width of the quantile confidence interval as an additive or multiplicative percent of the true quantile.

        The approximate probability that the true quantile is within the confidence interval specified by the upper and lower quantile bounds for this sketch is 0.99.
        Specified by:
        getQuantileLowerBound in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        rank - the given normalized rank
        the lower bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the quantile of the given rank exists.
      • getQuantileUpperBound

        public double getQuantileUpperBound​(double rank)
        Gets the upper bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the true quantile of the given rank exists.

        Although it is possible to estimate the probability that the true quantile exists within the quantile confidence interval specified by the upper and lower quantile bounds, it is not possible to guarantee the width of the quantile interval as an additive or multiplicative percent of the true quantile.

        The approximate probability that the true quantile is within the confidence interval specified by the upper and lower quantile bounds for this sketch is 0.99.
        Specified by:
        getQuantileUpperBound in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        rank - the given normalized rank
        the upper bound of the quantile confidence interval in which the true quantile of the given rank exists.
      • getRank

        public double getRank​(double quantile,
                              QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Gets the normalized rank corresponding to the given a quantile.
        Specified by:
        getRank in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        quantile - the given quantile
        searchCrit - if INCLUSIVE the given quantile is included into the rank.
        the normalized rank corresponding to the given quantile
        See Also:
      • getRankLowerBound

        public double getRankLowerBound​(double rank)
        Gets the lower bound of the rank confidence interval in which the true rank of the given rank exists. The approximate probability that the true rank is within the confidence interval specified by the upper and lower rank bounds for this sketch is 0.99.
        Specified by:
        getRankLowerBound in interface QuantilesAPI
        rank - the given normalized rank.
        the lower bound of the rank confidence interval in which the true rank of the given rank exists.
      • getRankUpperBound

        public double getRankUpperBound​(double rank)
        Gets the upper bound of the rank confidence interval in which the true rank of the given rank exists. The approximate probability that the true rank is within the confidence interval specified by the upper and lower rank bounds for this sketch is 0.99.
        Specified by:
        getRankUpperBound in interface QuantilesAPI
        rank - the given normalized rank.
        the upper bound of the rank confidence interval in which the true rank of the given rank exists.
      • getRanks

        public double[] getRanks​(double[] quantiles,
                                 QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Gets an array of normalized ranks corresponding to the given array of quantiles and the given search criterion.
        Specified by:
        getRanks in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        quantiles - the given array of quantiles
        searchCrit - if INCLUSIVE, the given quantiles include the rank directly corresponding to each quantile.
        an array of normalized ranks corresponding to the given array of quantiles.
        See Also:
      • getK

        public int getK()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Gets the user configured parameter k, which controls the accuracy of the sketch and its memory space usage.
        Specified by:
        getK in interface QuantilesAPI
        the user configured parameter k, which controls the accuracy of the sketch and its memory space usage.
      • getN

        public abstract long getN()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Gets the length of the input stream offered to the sketch..
        Specified by:
        getN in interface QuantilesAPI
        the length of the input stream offered to the sketch.
      • getNormalizedRankError

        public double getNormalizedRankError​(boolean pmf)
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Gets the approximate rank error of this sketch normalized as a fraction between zero and one. The epsilon returned is a best fit to 99 percent confidence empirically measured max error in thousands of trials.
        Specified by:
        getNormalizedRankError in interface QuantilesAPI
        pmf - if true, returns the "double-sided" normalized rank error for the getPMF() function. Otherwise, it is the "single-sided" normalized rank error for all the other queries.
        if pmf is true, returns the "double-sided" normalized rank error for the getPMF() function. Otherwise, it is the "single-sided" normalized rank error for all the other queries.
      • getNormalizedRankError

        public static double getNormalizedRankError​(int k,
                                                    boolean pmf)
        Gets the normalized rank error given k and pmf. Static method version of the getNormalizedRankError(boolean). The epsilon returned is a best fit to 99 percent confidence empirically measured max error in thousands of trials.
        k - the configuration parameter
        pmf - if true, returns the "double-sided" normalized rank error for the getPMF() function. Otherwise, it is the "single-sided" normalized rank error for all the other queries.
        if pmf is true, the normalized rank error for the getPMF() function. Otherwise, it is the "single-sided" normalized rank error for all the other queries.
      • getKFromEpsilon

        public static int getKFromEpsilon​(double epsilon,
                                          boolean pmf)
        Gets the approximate k to use given epsilon, the normalized rank error.
        epsilon - the normalized rank error between zero and one.
        pmf - if true, this function returns k assuming the input epsilon is the desired "double-sided" epsilon for the getPMF() function. Otherwise, this function returns k assuming the input epsilon is the desired "single-sided" epsilon for all the other queries.
        k given epsilon.
      • hasMemory

        public abstract boolean hasMemory()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Returns true if this sketch's data structure is backed by Memory or WritableMemory.
        Specified by:
        hasMemory in interface QuantilesAPI
        true if this sketch's data structure is backed by Memory or WritableMemory.
      • isDirect

        public abstract boolean isDirect()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Returns true if this sketch's data structure is off-heap (a.k.a., Direct or Native memory).
        Specified by:
        isDirect in interface QuantilesAPI
        true if this sketch's data structure is off-heap (a.k.a., Direct or Native memory).
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Returns true if this sketch is empty.
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface QuantilesAPI
        true if this sketch is empty.
      • isEstimationMode

        public boolean isEstimationMode()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Returns true if this sketch is in estimation mode.
        Specified by:
        isEstimationMode in interface QuantilesAPI
        true if this sketch is in estimation mode.
      • isReadOnly

        public abstract boolean isReadOnly()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Returns true if this sketch is read only.
        Specified by:
        isReadOnly in interface QuantilesAPI
        true if this sketch is read only.
      • isSameResource

        public boolean isSameResource​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory that)
        Returns true if the backing resource of this is identical with the backing resource of that. The capacities must be the same. If this is a region, the region offset must also be the same.
        that - A different non-null object
        true if the backing resource of this is the same as the backing resource of that.
      • toByteArray

        public byte[] toByteArray()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Returns a byte array representation of this sketch.
        Specified by:
        toByteArray in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        a byte array representation of this sketch.
      • toByteArray

        public byte[] toByteArray​(boolean compact)
        Serialize this sketch in a byte array form.
        compact - if true the sketch will be serialized in compact form. DirectCompactDoublesSketch can wrap() only a compact byte array; DirectUpdateDoublesSketch can wrap() only a updatable byte array.
        this sketch in a byte array form.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns human readable summary information about this sketch. Used for debugging.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface QuantilesAPI
        toString in class Object
        a summary of the key parameters of the sketch.
      • toString

        public String toString​(boolean withLevels,
                               boolean withLevelsAndItems)
        Returns human readable summary information about this sketch. Used for debugging.
        withLevels - if true includes sketch levels array summary information
        withLevelsAndItems - if true include detail of levels array and items array together
        human readable summary information about this sketch.
      • toString

        public static String toString​(byte[] byteArr)
        Returns a human readable string of the preamble of a byte array image of a DoublesSketch. Used for debugging.
        byteArr - the given byte array
        a human readable string of the preamble of a byte array image of a DoublesSketch.
      • toString

        public static String toString​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory mem)
        Returns a human readable string of the preamble of a Memory image of a DoublesSketch. Used for debugging.
        mem - the given Memory
        a human readable string of the preamble of a Memory image of a DoublesSketch.
      • downSample

        public DoublesSketch downSample​(DoublesSketch srcSketch,
                                        int smallerK,
                                        org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dstMem)
        From an source sketch, create a new sketch that must have a smaller K. The original sketch is not modified.
        srcSketch - the sourcing sketch
        smallerK - the new sketch's K that must be smaller than this K. It is required that this.getK() = smallerK * 2^(nonnegative integer).
        dstMem - the destination Memory. It must not overlap the Memory of this sketch. If null, a heap sketch will be returned, otherwise it will be off-heap.
        the new sketch.
      • getNumRetained

        public int getNumRetained()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesAPI
        Gets the number of quantiles retained by the sketch.
        Specified by:
        getNumRetained in interface QuantilesAPI
        the number of quantiles retained by the sketch
      • getCurrentCompactSerializedSizeBytes

        public int getCurrentCompactSerializedSizeBytes()
        Returns the current number of bytes this sketch would require to store in the compact Memory Format.
        the current number of bytes this sketch would require to store in the compact Memory Format.
      • getCompactSerialiedSizeBytes

        public static int getCompactSerialiedSizeBytes​(int k,
                                                       long n)
        Returns the number of bytes a DoublesSketch would require to store in compact form given k and n. The compact form is not updatable.
        k - the size configuration parameter for the sketch
        n - the number of quantiles input into the sketch
        the number of bytes required to store this sketch in compact form.
      • getSerializedSizeBytes

        public int getSerializedSizeBytes()
        Description copied from interface: QuantilesDoublesAPI
        Returns the current number of bytes this Sketch would require if serialized.
        Specified by:
        getSerializedSizeBytes in interface QuantilesDoublesAPI
        the number of bytes this sketch would require if serialized.
      • getCurrentUpdatableSerializedSizeBytes

        public int getCurrentUpdatableSerializedSizeBytes()
        Returns the current number of bytes this sketch would require to store in the updatable Memory Format.
        the current number of bytes this sketch would require to store in the updatable Memory Format.
      • getUpdatableStorageBytes

        public static int getUpdatableStorageBytes​(int k,
                                                   long n)
        Returns the number of bytes a sketch would require to store in updatable form. This uses roughly 2X the storage of the compact form given k and n.
        k - the size configuration parameter for the sketch
        n - the number of quantiles input into the sketch
        the number of bytes this sketch would require to store in updatable form.
      • putMemory

        public void putMemory​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dstMem)
        Puts the current sketch into the given Memory in compact form if there is sufficient space, otherwise, it throws an error.
        dstMem - the given memory.
      • putMemory

        public void putMemory​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dstMem,
                              boolean compact)
        Puts the current sketch into the given Memory if there is sufficient space, otherwise, throws an error.
        dstMem - the given memory.
        compact - if true, compacts and sorts the base buffer, which optimizes merge performance at the cost of slightly increased serialization time.
      • reset

        public abstract void reset()
        Resets this sketch to the empty state. If the sketch is read only this does nothing.

        The parameter k will not change.

        The parameter k will not change.

        Specified by:
        reset in interface QuantilesAPI