Interface PartitioningFeature<T>

    • Method Detail

      • getPartitionBoundariesFromNumParts

        GenericPartitionBoundaries<T> getPartitionBoundariesFromNumParts​(int numEquallySizedParts,
                                                                         QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        This method returns an instance of GenericPartitionBoundaries which provides sufficient information for the user to create the given number of equally sized partitions, where "equally sized" refers to an approximately equal number of items per partition.

        The sketch must not be empty.

        numEquallySizedParts - an integer that specifies the number of equally sized partitions between getMinItem() and getMaxItem(). This must be a positive integer less than getMaxPartitions()
        • A 1 will return: minItem, maxItem.
        • A 2 will return: minItem, median quantile, maxItem.
        • Etc.
        searchCrit - If INCLUSIVE, all the returned quantiles are the upper boundaries of the equally sized partitions with the exception of the lowest returned quantile, which is the lowest boundary of the lowest ranked partition. If EXCLUSIVE, all the returned quantiles are the lower boundaries of the equally sized partitions with the exception of the highest returned quantile, which is the upper boundary of the highest ranked partition.
        an instance of GenericPartitionBoundaries.
      • getPartitionBoundariesFromPartSize

        GenericPartitionBoundaries<T> getPartitionBoundariesFromPartSize​(long nominalPartSizeItems,
                                                                         QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        This method returns an instance of GenericPartitionBoundaries which provides sufficient information for the user to create the given number of equally sized partitions, where "equally sized" refers to an approximately equal number of items per partition.

        The sketch must not be empty.

        nominalPartSizeItems - an integer that specifies the nominal size, in items, of each target partition. This must be a positive integer greater than getMinPartitionSizeItems().
        searchCrit - If INCLUSIVE, all the returned quantiles are the upper boundaries of the equally sized partitions with the exception of the lowest returned quantile, which is the lowest boundary of the lowest ranked partition. If EXCLUSIVE, all the returned quantiles are the lower boundaries of the equally sized partitions with the exception of the highest returned quantile, which is the upper boundary of the highest ranked partition.
        an instance of GenericPartitionBoundaries.