Class ItemsSketchSortedView<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ItemsSketchSortedView

        public ItemsSketchSortedView​(T[] quantiles,
                                     long[] cumWeights,
                                     QuantilesGenericAPI<T> sk)
        quantiles - the given array of quantiles, which must be ordered.
        cumWeights - the given array of cumulative weights, which must be ordered, start with the value one, and the last value must be equal to N, the total number of items updated to the sketch.
        sk - the underlying quantile sketch.
    • Method Detail

      • getCumulativeWeights

        public long[] getCumulativeWeights()
        Description copied from interface: SortedView
        Returns the array of cumulative weights from the sketch. Also known as the natural ranks, which are the Natural Numbers on the interval [1, N].
        Specified by:
        getCumulativeWeights in interface SortedView
        the array of cumulative weights (or natural ranks).
      • getMaxItem

        public T getMaxItem()
        Description copied from interface: GenericSortedView
        Returns the maximum item of the stream. This may be distinct from the largest item retained by the sketch algorithm.
        Specified by:
        getMaxItem in interface GenericSortedView<T>
        the maximum item of the stream
      • getMinItem

        public T getMinItem()
        Description copied from interface: GenericSortedView
        Returns the minimum item of the stream. This may be distinct from the smallest item retained by the sketch algorithm.
        Specified by:
        getMinItem in interface GenericSortedView<T>
        the minimum item of the stream
      • getN

        public long getN()
        Description copied from interface: SketchPartitionLimits
        Gets the length of the input stream offered to the sketch..
        Specified by:
        getN in interface SketchPartitionLimits
        Specified by:
        getN in interface SortedView
        the length of the input stream offered to the sketch.
      • getNumRetained

        public int getNumRetained()
        Description copied from interface: SortedView
        Gets the number of quantiles retained by this sorted view. This may be slightly different from the function with the same name when called from the originating sketch.
        Specified by:
        getNumRetained in interface SortedView
        the number of quantiles retained by this sorted view
      • getMaxPartitions

        public int getMaxPartitions()
        Description copied from interface: SketchPartitionLimits
        Gets the maximum number of partitions this sketch will support based on the configured size K and the number of retained values of this sketch.
        Specified by:
        getMaxPartitions in interface SketchPartitionLimits
        the maximum number of partitions this sketch will support.
      • getPartitionBoundariesFromPartSize

        public GenericPartitionBoundaries<T> getPartitionBoundariesFromPartSize​(long nominalPartitionSize,
                                                                                QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: PartitioningFeature
        This method returns an instance of GenericPartitionBoundaries which provides sufficient information for the user to create the given number of equally sized partitions, where "equally sized" refers to an approximately equal number of items per partition.

        The sketch must not be empty.

        Specified by:
        getPartitionBoundariesFromPartSize in interface PartitioningFeature<T>
        nominalPartitionSize - an integer that specifies the nominal size, in items, of each target partition. This must be a positive integer greater than getMinPartitionSizeItems().
        searchCrit - If INCLUSIVE, all the returned quantiles are the upper boundaries of the equally sized partitions with the exception of the lowest returned quantile, which is the lowest boundary of the lowest ranked partition. If EXCLUSIVE, all the returned quantiles are the lower boundaries of the equally sized partitions with the exception of the highest returned quantile, which is the upper boundary of the highest ranked partition.
        an instance of GenericPartitionBoundaries.
      • getPartitionBoundariesFromNumParts

        public GenericPartitionBoundaries<T> getPartitionBoundariesFromNumParts​(int numEquallySizedParts,
                                                                                QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: PartitioningFeature
        This method returns an instance of GenericPartitionBoundaries which provides sufficient information for the user to create the given number of equally sized partitions, where "equally sized" refers to an approximately equal number of items per partition.

        The sketch must not be empty.

        Specified by:
        getPartitionBoundariesFromNumParts in interface PartitioningFeature<T>
        numEquallySizedParts - an integer that specifies the number of equally sized partitions between getMinItem() and getMaxItem(). This must be a positive integer less than getMaxPartitions()
        • A 1 will return: minItem, maxItem.
        • A 2 will return: minItem, median quantile, maxItem.
        • Etc.
        searchCrit - If INCLUSIVE, all the returned quantiles are the upper boundaries of the equally sized partitions with the exception of the lowest returned quantile, which is the lowest boundary of the lowest ranked partition. If EXCLUSIVE, all the returned quantiles are the lower boundaries of the equally sized partitions with the exception of the highest returned quantile, which is the upper boundary of the highest ranked partition.
        an instance of GenericPartitionBoundaries.
      • getQuantile

        public T getQuantile​(double rank,
                             QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: GenericSortedView
        Gets the approximate quantile of the given normalized rank and the given search criterion.
        Specified by:
        getQuantile in interface GenericSortedView<T>
        rank - the given normalized rank, a double in the range [0.0, 1.0].
        searchCrit - If INCLUSIVE, the given rank includes all quantiles ≤ the quantile directly corresponding to the given rank. If EXCLUSIVE, he given rank includes all quantiles < the quantile directly corresponding to the given rank.
        the approximate quantile given the normalized rank.
        See Also:
      • getQuantiles

        public T[] getQuantiles​(double[] ranks,
                                QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Gets an array of quantiles corresponding to the given array of ranks.
        ranks - the given array of normalized ranks
        searchCrit - The search criterion: either INCLUSIVE or EXCLUSIVE.
        an array of quantiles corresponding to the given array of ranks.
      • getRank

        public double getRank​(T quantile,
                              QuantileSearchCriteria searchCrit)
        Description copied from interface: GenericSortedView
        Gets the normalized rank corresponding to the given a quantile.
        Specified by:
        getRank in interface GenericSortedView<T>
        quantile - the given quantile
        searchCrit - if INCLUSIVE the given quantile is included into the rank.
        the normalized rank corresponding to the given quantile.
        See Also:
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Description copied from interface: SortedView
        Returns true if this sorted view is empty.
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface SortedView
        true if this sorted view is empty.