Class UpdateSketch

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class UpdateSketch
    extends Sketch
    The parent class for the Update Sketch families, such as QuickSelect and Alpha. The primary task of an Update Sketch is to consider datums presented via the update() methods for inclusion in its internal cache. This is the sketch building process.
    Lee Rhodes
    • Method Detail

      • wrap

        public static UpdateSketch wrap​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory srcMem)
        Wrap takes the sketch image in Memory and refers to it directly. There is no data copying onto the java heap. Only "Direct" Serialization Version 3 (i.e, OpenSource) sketches that have been explicitly stored as direct objects can be wrapped. This method assumes the ThetaUtil.DEFAULT_UPDATE_SEED. Default Update Seed.
        srcMem - an image of a Sketch where the image seed hash matches the default seed hash. It must have a size of at least 24 bytes. See Memory
        a Sketch backed by the given Memory
      • wrap

        public static UpdateSketch wrap​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory srcMem,
                                        long expectedSeed)
        Wrap takes the sketch image in Memory and refers to it directly. There is no data copying onto the java heap. Only "Direct" Serialization Version 3 (i.e, OpenSource) sketches that have been explicitly stored as direct objects can be wrapped. An attempt to "wrap" earlier version sketches will result in a "heapified", normal Java Heap version of the sketch where all data will be copied to the heap.
        srcMem - an image of a Sketch where the image seed hash matches the given seed hash. It must have a size of at least 24 bytes. See Memory
        expectedSeed - the seed used to validate the given Memory image. See Update Hash Seed. Compact sketches store a 16-bit hash of the seed, but not the seed itself.
        a UpdateSketch backed by the given Memory
      • heapify

        public static UpdateSketch heapify​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory srcMem)
        Instantiates an on-heap UpdateSketch from Memory. This method assumes the ThetaUtil.DEFAULT_UPDATE_SEED.
        srcMem - See Memory It must have a size of at least 24 bytes.
        an UpdateSketch
      • heapify

        public static UpdateSketch heapify​(org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory srcMem,
                                           long expectedSeed)
        Instantiates an on-heap UpdateSketch from Memory.
        srcMem - See Memory It must have a size of at least 24 bytes.
        expectedSeed - the seed used to validate the given Memory image. See Update Hash Seed.
        an UpdateSketch
      • compact

        public CompactSketch compact​(boolean dstOrdered,
                                     org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory dstMem)
        Description copied from class: Sketch
        Convert this sketch to a CompactSketch.

        If this sketch is a type of UpdateSketch, the compacting process converts the hash table of the UpdateSketch to a simple list of the valid hash values. Any hash values of zero or equal-to or greater than theta will be discarded. The number of valid values remaining in the CompactSketch depends on a number of factors, but may be larger or smaller than Nominal Entries (or k). It will never exceed 2k. If it is critical to always limit the size to no more than k, then rebuild() should be called on the UpdateSketch prior to calling this method.

        A CompactSketch is always immutable.

        A new CompactSketch object is created:

        • if dstMem != null
        • if dstMem == null and this.hasMemory() == true
        • if dstMem == null and this has more than 1 item and this.isOrdered() == false and dstOrdered == true.

        Otherwise, this operation returns this.

        Specified by:
        compact in class Sketch
        dstOrdered - assumed true if this sketch is empty or has only one value See Destination Ordered
        dstMem - See Destination Memory.
        this sketch as a CompactSketch.
      • getCompactBytes

        public int getCompactBytes()
        Description copied from class: Sketch
        Returns the number of storage bytes required for this Sketch if its current state were compacted. It this sketch is already in the compact form this is equivalent to calling Sketch.getCurrentBytes().
        Specified by:
        getCompactBytes in class Sketch
        number of compact bytes
      • isCompact

        public boolean isCompact()
        Description copied from class: Sketch
        Returns true if this sketch is in compact form.
        Specified by:
        isCompact in class Sketch
        true if this sketch is in compact form.
      • isOrdered

        public boolean isOrdered()
        Description copied from class: Sketch
        Returns true if internal cache is ordered
        Specified by:
        isOrdered in class Sketch
        true if internal cache is ordered
      • builder

        public static final UpdateSketchBuilder builder()
        Returns a new builder
        a new builder
      • getResizeFactor

        public abstract ResizeFactor getResizeFactor()
        Returns the configured ResizeFactor
        the configured ResizeFactor
      • reset

        public abstract void reset()
        Resets this sketch back to a virgin empty state.
      • rebuild

        public abstract UpdateSketch rebuild()
        Rebuilds the hash table to remove dirty values or to reduce the size to nominal entries.
        this sketch
      • update

        public UpdateReturnState update​(double datum)
        Present this sketch with the given double (or float) datum. The double will be converted to a long using Double.doubleToLongBits(datum), which normalizes all NaN values to a single NaN representation. Plus and minus zero will be normalized to plus zero. The special floating-point values NaN and +/- Infinity are treated as distinct.
        datum - The given double datum.
        See Update Return State
      • update

        public UpdateReturnState update​(String datum)
        Present this sketch with the given String. The string is converted to a byte array using UTF8 encoding. If the string is null or empty no update attempt is made and the method returns.

        Note: this will not produce the same output hash values as the update(char[]) method and will generally be a little slower depending on the complexity of the UTF8 encoding.

        datum - The given String.
        See Update Return State
      • update

        public UpdateReturnState update​(byte[] data)
        Present this sketch with the given byte array. If the byte array is null or empty no update attempt is made and the method returns.
        data - The given byte array.
        See Update Return State
      • update

        public UpdateReturnState update​(ByteBuffer buffer)
        Present this sketch with the given ByteBuffer If the ByteBuffer is null or empty, no update attempt is made and the method returns.
        buffer - the input ByteBuffer
        See Update Return State
      • update

        public UpdateReturnState update​(char[] data)
        Present this sketch with the given char array. If the char array is null or empty no update attempt is made and the method returns.

        Note: this will not produce the same output hash values as the update(String) method but will be a little faster as it avoids the complexity of the UTF8 encoding.

        data - The given char array.
        See Update Return State
      • update

        public UpdateReturnState update​(int[] data)
        Present this sketch with the given integer array. If the integer array is null or empty no update attempt is made and the method returns.
        data - The given int array.
        See Update Return State
      • update

        public UpdateReturnState update​(long[] data)
        Present this sketch with the given long array. If the long array is null or empty no update attempt is made and the method returns.
        data - The given long array.
        See Update Return State
      • getLgNomLongs

        public abstract int getLgNomLongs()
        Gets the Log base 2 of the configured nominal entries
        the Log base 2 of the configured nominal entries