Class Partitioner.PartitionBoundsRow<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the item class type
Enclosing class:
Partitioner<T,S extends QuantilesGenericAPI<T> & PartitioningFeature<T>>

public static class Partitioner.PartitionBoundsRow<T> extends Object
Defines a row for List of PartitionBounds.
  • Field Details

    • part

      public int part
      The partition index
    • levelPartId

      public String levelPartId
      A brief string description of the partition and its hierarchy
    • approxNumDeltaItems

      public long approxNumDeltaItems
      The approximate number of items represented by this partition description row.
    • rule

      public BoundsRule rule
      The BoundsRule for this partition description row.
    • lowerBound

      public T lowerBound
      The lower bound value
    • upperBound

      public T upperBound
      The upper bound value
  • Constructor Details

    • PartitionBoundsRow

      public PartitionBoundsRow(Partitioner.StackElement<T> se)
      The constructor for the StackElement class.
      se - the given stack element.