Package org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon
package org.apache.datasketches.quantilescommon
This package contains common tools and methods for the quantiles, kll and
req packages.
ClassDescriptionContains common equality binary search algorithms.The SortedView of the Quantiles Classic DoublesSketch and the KllDoublesSketch.The Sorted View for quantile sketches of primitive type double.Iterator over quantile sketches of primitive type double.The SortedView for the KllFloatsSketch and the ReqSketch.The Sorted View for quantiles of primitive type float.Iterator over quantile sketches of primitive type float.This provides efficient, unique and unambiguous binary searching for inequality comparison criteria for ordered arrays of values that may include duplicate values.The enumerator of inequalitiesThis defines the returned results of the getParitionBoundaries() function and includes the basic methods needed to construct actual partitions.The Sorted View for quantiles of generic type.Iterator over quantile sketches of generic type.This class reinserts the min and max values into the sorted view arrays as required.A simple structure to hold a pair of arraysA simple structure to hold a pair of arraysA simple structure to hold a pair of arraysA simple structure to hold a pair of arraysThis provides efficient, unique and unambiguous binary searching for inequality comparison criteria for ordered arrays of values that may include duplicate values.The SortedView for the KllItemsSketch and the classic ItemsSketch.Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test See Kolmogorov–Smirnov TestThe SortedView of the KllLongsSketch.The Sorted View for quantile sketches of primitive type long.Iterator over quantile sketches of primitive type long.This enables the special functions for performing efficient partitioning of massive data.This is a stochastic streaming sketch that enables near-real time analysis of the approximate distribution of items from a very large stream in a single pass, requiring only that the items are comparable.The Quantiles API for item type double.The quantiles sketch iterator for primitive type double.These search criteria are used by the KLL, REQ and Classic Quantiles sketches in the DataSketches library.The Quantiles API for item type float.The quantiles sketch iterator for primitive type float.The Quantiles API for item type generic.The quantiles sketch iterator for generic types.The Quantiles API for item type long.The quantiles sketch iterator for primitive type long.This is the base interface for the SketchIterator hierarchy used for viewing the non-ordered quantiles retained by a sketch.Utilities for the quantiles sketches.This defines the methods required to compute the partition limits.This is the base interface for the Sorted View interface hierarchy and defines the methods that are type independent.This is the base interface for the SortedViewIterator hierarchy used with a SortedView obtained from a quantile-type sketch.